function matperfClient_StartTrial(length, windows, reqband, UdpTcp, mode, time,address,reqport) % initialize the variables retrying = 0; % server address received when a udp package was received from the server address = strcat(num2str(address(1)),{'.'},num2str(address(2)),{'.'},num2str(address(3)),{'.'},num2str(address(4))); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % when this function is called, it prepares a packet to send to the server % that includes Udp/Tcp length, bandwidth, time interval, port #, and % window size. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if UdpTcp == 1, reqpack = [1 UdpTcp length reqband time reqport]; elseif UdpTcp ==2, reqpack = [1 UdpTcp windows time reqport]; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % below commands set the time the matlab will wait for iperf in order to % % check if iperf has completed successfully or not. time set here is the % % time the trial takes with 2 more seconds since there are chances % % that iperf can run over the set time. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if mode == 3, time = 2 * time + 2; else time = time + 2; end udp = pnet('udpsocket',3333); while 1, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % in this while loop, it sends the prepared packet with 1 in front so that % it tells server that client wants server to awknowledge a trial % request. % Then it waits for the server to send 1, which tells a server is ready % for a trial run. When the client or server does not somehow recognize the % signal, then the client sends a packet again. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% pnet(udp,'write', reqpack); pnet(udp,'writepacket',char(address),3333); % sends a packet carrying signal 1 pnet(udp,'setreadtimeout',3); % wait to receive a response for signal 1 len = pnet(udp,'readpacket'); if len > 0, data = pnet(udp,'read',1000,'double'); if data == 1, disp('server approved trial request'); else disp('fix your code StartTrial line 46'); continue end else disp('sending trial request reapproval...'); pnet('closeall'); udp = pnet('udpsocket',3333); continue end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % when the server approves the trial, the below commands begin to % create a command that line calls iperf with given data. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if data == 1, systemcall = 'iperf -c'; if UdpTcp == 1, systemcall = strcat(systemcall,{' '}, address, {' -u'},{' -b '},num2str(reqband),{' -l '},num2str(length),{' -t '},num2str(time), {' -p '},num2str(reqport)); elseif UdpTcp == 2, systemcall = strcat(systemcall,{' '}, address, {' -w '},num2str(windows),{' -t '},num2str(time),{' -p '},num2str(reqport)); end if mode == 2, systemcall = strcat(systemcall, {' -d'}); elseif mode == 3, systemcall = strcat(systemcall, {' -r'}); end systemcall = strcat(systemcall,' -f B -f b > tempo_result.txt &'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % calls iperf system(char(systemcall)); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % use python language to check the output % weird.txt is a python script that checks if iperf is still running or % not. It is very simple. It loads the file jobs_l and check line by % line to see if the word iperf exists or not. Because ps -a checks all % programs that are in process, if iperf is terminated, it won't be on % the list. And python scripts will output 0. If not, it will output 1. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % it is also the way to check if iperf client is not acting properly. % if it takes more than a few seconds after a given amount of time, % matlab will consider the client is not acting properly. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % delay pnet(udp,'setreadtimeout',time); % wait until the iperf finishes its job pnet(udp,'readpacket'); system('ps -a >jobs_l'); % dump ps -a result to jobs_l system('python weird'); % run the python scripts to check if iperf is still running. jobs_l = load('check_jobs'); % load the result to mamtlab %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % matlab checks whether iperf is running after a given certain time + % alpha. Sometimes in wireless, even we set the time to 10 as default, % iperf runs over 11 or 12. This program checks if iperf is completed % or not. And if not, it checks again if iperf is running after 2sec % and if it is it kills the iperf and restarts the trial. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if jobs_l == 1, % delay pnet(udp,'setreadtimeout',3); pnet(udp,'readpacket'); system('ps -a >jobs_l'); system('python weird'); jobs_ll = load('check_jobs'); else jobs_ll = 0; end if jobs_ll == 1, disp('first jobs wrong'); %delay pnet(udp,'setreadtimeout',3); pnet(udp,'readpacket'); system('ps -a >jobs_l'); system('python weird'); jobs_lll = load('check_jobs'); else jobs_lll = 0; end if jobs_lll ==1. system('killall iperf'); disp('second jobs wrong'); continue; end pnet('closeall'); clear_set; % remove all data-recorded files that are unnecessary %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % this while loop checks the signal received from the server whether % the trial has succeeded or failed. When the server sends 3, % the clinet will restart again. when it sends 2, then it will proceed % to next while loop. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% udp = pnet('udpsocket',3333); while 1, pnet(udp,'write',5); pnet(udp,'setwritetimeout',.5); %give a delay so that server can be ready when sending a packet pnet(udp,'writepacket',char(address),3333); % sends a signal 5 to see if the server succeed its performance. pause(1) % now check if server sends 2 or 3 pnet(udp,'setreadtimeout',10); len1 = pnet(udp,'readpacket'); if len1 > 0, disp('got reply'); data = pnet(udp,'read',1000,'double'); checking = data; % stores info if trial succeeded or not break; else disp('retrying to send 5'); retrying = retrying + 1; if retrying == 10, break; end continue; end end if retrying == 10, retrying = 0; system('killall iperf'); pnet('closeall'); udp = pnet('udpsocket',3333); continue; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % this if statement asks server to restart the iperf server and returns % to the first while loop in order to restart the process. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if checking == 3, % when server says the trial failed... disp('trial failed..restarting the trial'); system('killall iperf'); pnet('closeall'); udp = pnet('udpsocket',3333); continue; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % this while loop sends signal 6 to the server. 6 means the client is % approving server to parse the output into result vectors, pick up % the numbers it needs and structure them as a report structs. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% while 1, !python pint.txt pnet(udp,'write',6); pnet(udp,'writepacket',char(address),3333); % sends six to server pnet(udp,'setreadtimeout', 1); len2 = pnet(udp,'readpacket'); if len2 > 0, data = pnet(udp,'read',1000,'double'); if data == 1, break; end else continue; end end break; end pnet('closeall'); return