import os import glob from setuptools import setup, find_packages #Excellent guide on packaging python: # def read(*paths): """Build a file path from *paths* and return the contents.""" with open(os.path.join(*paths), 'r') as f: return setup( name='mango-wlan-exp', version='1.7.0', description='Experiments framework for Mango 802.11 Reference Design', long_description=(read('README')), url='', license='BSD', author='Mango Communications, Inc.', author_email='', package_dir = {'wlan_exp': '.'}, lives at same level as wlan_exp modules packages=['wlan_exp', 'wlan_exp.transport', 'wlan_exp.log'], include_package_data=True, zip_safe=False, classifiers=[ 'Private :: Do Not Upload', #Use bogus classifier to block accidental PyPI uploads for now ], )