%============================================================================== % Function wl_initNodes() % % Input: % - Single number % - Array of struct (derived from wl_networkSetup()) % - Array of wl_nodes; Either optional array of numbers, or array of struct % % Output: % - Array of wl_nodes % %============================================================================== function nodes = wl_initNodes(varargin) if nargin == 0 error('Not enough arguments are provided'); elseif nargin == 1 switch( class(varargin{1}) ) case 'wl_node' nodes = varargin{1}; numNodes = length(nodes); nodeIDs = 0:(numNodes-1); % Node IDs default: 0 to (number of nodes in the array) case 'struct' numNodes = length(varargin{1}); nodes(numNodes) = wl_node; nodeIDs = varargin{1}; % Node IDs are specified in the input structure case 'double' numNodes = varargin{1}; nodes(numNodes) = wl_node; nodeIDs = 0:(numNodes-1); % Node IDs default: 0 to (number of nodes specified) otherwise error('Unknown argument. Argument is of type "%s", need "wl_node", "struct", or "double"', class(varargin{1})); end elseif nargin == 2 switch( class(varargin{1}) ) case 'wl_node' nodes = varargin{1}; numNodes = length(nodes); case 'double' numNodes = varargin{1}; nodes(numNodes) = wl_node; otherwise error('Unknown argument. Argument is of type "%s", need "wl_node" or "double"', class(varargin{1})); end switch( class(varargin{2}) ) case 'struct' nodeIDs = varargin{2}; % Node IDs are specified in the input structure case 'double' nodeIDs = varargin{2}; % Node IDs default: 0 to (number of nodes specified) otherwise error('Unknown argument. Argument is of type "%s", need "struct", or "double"', class(varargin{2})); end if(length(nodeIDs)~=numNodes) error('Number of nodes does not match ID vector'); end else error('Too many arguments provided'); end gen_error = []; gen_error_index = 0; for n = numNodes:-1:1 currNode = nodes(n); % If we are doing a network setup of the node based on the input structure then create the broadcast packet and send it % Note: % - Node must be configured with dip switches 0xF % - Node will initialize itself to IP address of and wait for a broadcast message to configure itself % - Node will check against the serial number (only last 5 digits; "W3-a-" is not stored in EEPROM) if( strcmp( class( nodeIDs ), 'struct') ) configFile = which('wl_config.ini'); if(isempty(configFile)) error('cannot find wl_config.ini. please run wl_setup.m'); end readKeys = {'network','','transport',''}; transport = inifile(configFile,'read',readKeys); transport = transport{1}; switch(transport) case 'java' transport_bcast = wl_transport_eth_udp_java_bcast; transport_unicast = wl_transport_eth_udp_java; case 'wl_mex_udp' transport_bcast = wl_transport_eth_udp_mex_bcast; transport_unicast = wl_transport_eth_udp_mex; end % Open a broadcast transport to send the configure command to the node transport_bcast.open(); tempNode = wl_node; % Send serial number, node ID, and IP address myCmd = wl_cmd(tempNode.calcCmd(tempNode.GRP, tempNode.CMD_NODE_CONFIG_SETUP)); myCmd.addArgs(uint32(sscanf(nodeIDs(n).serialNumber, 'W3-a-%d'))); myCmd.addArgs(nodeIDs(n).IDUint32); myCmd.addArgs(nodeIDs(n).ipAddressUint32); transport_bcast.send('message',myCmd.serialize()); end % Error check to make sure that no node in the network has the same % ID as this host. configFile = which('wl_config.ini'); if(isempty(configFile)) error('cannot find wl_config.ini. please run wl_setup.m'); end readKeys = {'network','','host_ID',''}; hostID = inifile(configFile,'read',readKeys); hostID = hostID{1}; hostID = sscanf(hostID,'%d'); % Error check to make sure that no node in the network has the same ID as this host. % nodeID = 0; switch(class( nodeIDs(n) )) case 'double' nodeID = nodeIDs(n); if( hostID == nodeID ) error('Host ID is set to %d and must be unique. No node in the network can share this ID',hostID); end case 'struct' nodeID = nodeIDs(n).IDUint32; if( hostID == nodeID ) error('Host ID is set to %d and must be unique. No node in the network can share this ID',hostID); end end % Now that the node has a valid IP address, we can apply the configuration % try currNode.applyConfiguration(nodeIDs(n)); catch ME fprintf('\n'); fprintf('Error in node %d with ID = %d: ', n, nodeID ); ME fprintf('Error message follows:\n%s\n', ME.message); gen_error_index = gen_error_index + 1; gen_error( gen_error_index ) = nodeID; % error('Node with ID = %d is not responding. Please ensure that the node has been configured with the WLAN Exp bitstream.',nodeID) fprintf('\n'); end end % Output an error if there was one if( gen_error_index ~= 0 ) error_nodes = sprintf('['); for n = 1:gen_error_index error_nodes = sprintf('%s %d', error_nodes, gen_error(n)); end error_nodes = sprintf('%s ]', error_nodes); error('The following nodes with IDs = %s are not responding. Please ensure that the nodes have been configured with the WARPLab bitstream.', error_nodes) end %Send a test broadcast trigger command if(strcmp(class(nodes(1).trigger_manager),'wl_trigger_manager_proc')) configFile = which('wl_config.ini'); if(isempty(configFile)) error('cannot find wl_config.ini. please run wl_setup.m'); end readKeys = {'network','','transport',''}; transport = inifile(configFile,'read',readKeys); transport = transport{1}; switch(transport) case 'java' transport_bcast = wl_transport_eth_udp_java_bcast; case 'wl_mex_udp' transport_bcast = wl_transport_eth_udp_mex_bcast; end transport_bcast.open(); tempNode = wl_node; myCmd = wl_cmd(tempNode.calcCmd(wl_trigger_manager_proc.GRP,wl_trigger_manager_proc.CMD_TEST_TRIGGER)); bcastTestFlag = uint32(round(2^32 * rand)); myCmd.addArgs(bcastTestFlag); %Signals to the board that this is writing the received trigger test variable transport_bcast.send('message',myCmd.serialize()); resp = wl_triggerManagerCmd(nodes,'test_trigger'); I = find(resp~=bcastTestFlag); for nodeIndex = I warning('Node %d with Serial # %d failed trigger test',nodes(nodeIndex).ID,nodes(nodeIndex).serialNumber) end if(any(resp~=bcastTestFlag)) error('Broadcast triggers are not working. Please verify your ARP table has an entry for the broadcast address on your WARPLab subnet') end end nodes.wl_nodeCmd('initialize'); end