1 | %============================================================================== |
2 | % Function: wl_nodesConfig |
3 | % |
4 | % Inputs: |
5 | % 'Command' - Command for the script to perform |
6 | % 'Filename' - File to either read, write, or validate |
7 | % NodeArray - Optional argument when trying to write the nodes configuration |
8 | % |
9 | % Commands: |
10 | % 'validate' - Will validate the input file and return 1 if valid or generate an error message |
11 | % 'read' - Will read the input file and return the structure of nodes |
12 | % 'write' - Will take the array of nodes and write to the specified file and return 1 if successful |
13 | % |
14 | % File Format: |
15 | % serialNumber,ID,ipAddress,(opt 1),(opt 2), ...,(opt N) |
16 | % |
17 | % NOTE: The ',' and '\t' are reserved characters and will be interpreted as the next field; |
18 | % All spaces, ' ', are valid and are not removed from the field |
19 | % If you add in a optional field, then you have to put the correct number of delimiters, ie ',', |
20 | % to indicate fields are not used |
21 | % There should be no spaces in the field names in the header row |
22 | % |
23 | % Example: |
24 | % serialNumber, ID, ipAddress, name, opt_1 |
25 | % W3-a-00006, 0,, Node 0, primary |
26 | % W3-a-00007, 0,, |
27 | % W3-a-00008, 1,, Node X |
28 | % |
29 | % This is ok due to the fact that the opt_1 field is used in a row that has the correct number of delimiters |
30 | % |
31 | % In this example, the opt_1 field is not used and the node names are "Node 0" and "primary": |
32 | % |
33 | % serialNumber, ID, ipAddress, name, opt_1 |
34 | % W3-a-00006, 0,, Node 0 |
35 | % W3-a-00007, 0,, primary <-- Issue: Not enough delimiters to use opt_1 field |
36 | % |
37 | % To use the opt_1 field, you would need to add another delimiter: |
38 | % |
39 | % serialNumber, ID, ipAddress, name, opt_1 |
40 | % W3-a-00006, 0,, Node 0 |
41 | % W3-a-00007, 0,,, primary |
42 | % |
43 | % in order to use the opt_1 field and leave a blank name for the node in the second row. |
44 | % |
45 | % |
46 | %============================================================================== |
47 | |
48 | function nodesInfo = wl_nodesConfig(varargin) |
49 | |
50 | % Validate input parameters |
51 | |
52 | if ( (nargin == 0) | (nargin == 1) ) |
53 | error('Not enough arguments are provided to function call'); |
54 | else |
55 | % Check that the command is valid |
56 | if ( ~strcmp(varargin{1}, 'validate') & ~strcmp(varargin{1}, 'read') & ~strcmp(varargin{1}, 'write') ) |
57 | error('Command "%s" is not valid. Please use "validate", "read", or "write"', varargin{1}) |
58 | end |
59 | |
60 | % Check that the filename is a character string |
61 | if ( ~ischar( varargin{2} ) ) |
62 | error('Filename is not valid') |
63 | end |
64 | |
65 | % Check the filename exists if the command is "read" or "validate" |
66 | if ( strcmp(varargin{1}, 'validate') | strcmp(varargin{1}, 'read') ) |
67 | if ( ~exist( varargin{2} ) ) |
68 | error('Filename "%s" does not exist', varargin{2}) |
69 | end |
70 | end |
71 | |
72 | % Check that "write" command only has three arguments |
73 | if ( (nargin == 2) & strcmp(varargin{1}, 'write') ) |
74 | error('Not enough arguments are provided to "write" function call (need 3, provided 2)'); |
75 | end |
76 | |
77 | % Check for optional array of nodes |
78 | if ( (nargin == 3) ) |
79 | if ( ~strcmp(varargin{1}, 'write') ) |
80 | error('Too many arguments are provided to "read" or "validate" function call'); |
81 | end |
82 | |
83 | if ( ~strcmp(class(varargin{3}),'wl_node') ) |
84 | error('Argument must be an array of "wl_node". Provided "%s"', class(varargin{3})); |
85 | end |
86 | end |
87 | |
88 | % Default for other arguments |
89 | if ( (nargin > 3) ) |
90 | error('Too many arguments are provided to function call'); |
91 | end |
92 | end |
93 | |
94 | % Process the command |
95 | |
96 | fileID = fopen(varargin{2}); |
97 | |
98 | switch( varargin{1} ) |
99 | case 'validate' |
100 | wl_nodesReadAndValidate( fileID ); |
101 | nodesInfo = 1; |
102 | case 'read' |
103 | nodesInfo = wl_nodesReadAndValidate( fileID ); |
104 | case 'write' |
105 | error('TODO: The "write" command for wl_nodesConfig() has not been implemented yet.'); |
106 | otherwise |
107 | error('unknown command ''%s''',cmdStr); |
108 | end |
109 | |
110 | end |
111 | |
112 | |
113 | function nodeInfo = wl_nodesReadAndValidate( fid ) |
114 | |
115 | % Parse the input file |
116 | inputParsing = textscan(fid,'%s', 'CollectOutput', 1, 'Delimiter', '\n\r', 'MultipleDelimsAsOne', 1); |
117 | inputArrayTemp = inputParsing{:}; |
118 | |
119 | % Remove any commented lines |
120 | input_index = 0; |
121 | inputArray = cell(1, 1); |
122 | for n = 1:size(inputArrayTemp) |
123 | if ( isempty( regexp(inputArrayTemp{n}, '#', 'start' ) ) ) |
124 | input_index = input_index + 1; |
125 | inputArray{input_index, 1} = inputArrayTemp{n}; |
126 | end |
127 | end |
128 | |
129 | % Convert cells to character arrays and break apart on ',' or '\t' |
130 | removeTabs = regexprep( inputArray, '[\t]', '' ); |
131 | fieldsArray = regexp( removeTabs, '[,]', 'split' ); |
132 | |
133 | % Remove spaces from the header row |
134 | headerRow = regexprep( fieldsArray{1}, '[ ]', '' ); |
135 | |
136 | % Determine size of the matrices |
137 | headerSize = size(headerRow); % Number of Columns |
138 | fieldSize = size(fieldsArray); % Number of Rows (Nodes) |
139 | |
140 | % Pad columns in cell array |
141 | % Create structure from cell array |
142 | for n = 1:(fieldSize(1) - 1) |
143 | rowSize = size( fieldsArray{n+1} ); |
144 | if ( rowSize(2) > headerSize(2) ) |
145 | error('Node %d has too many columns. Header specifies %d, provided %d', n, headerSize(2), rowSize(2)) |
146 | end |
147 | if ( rowSize(2) < headerSize(2) ) |
148 | for m = (rowSize(2) + 1):headerSize(2) |
149 | fieldsArray{n+1}{m} = ''; |
150 | end |
151 | end |
152 | nodesStruct(n) = cell2struct( fieldsArray{n + 1}, headerRow, 2); |
153 | end |
154 | |
155 | % Determine if array has correct required fields |
156 | if ( ~isfield(nodesStruct, 'serialNumber') | ~isfield(nodesStruct, 'ID') | ~isfield(nodesStruct, 'ipAddress') ) |
157 | error('Does not have required fields: "serialNumber", "ID", and "ipAddress" ') |
158 | end |
159 | |
160 | % Convert to unit32 for serialNumber, ID, and ipAddress |
161 | nodeSize = size(nodesStruct); |
162 | |
163 | for n = 1:(nodeSize(2)) |
164 | inputString = [nodesStruct(n).serialNumber,0]; %null-terminate |
165 | padLength = mod(-length(inputString),4); |
166 | inputByte = [uint8(inputString),zeros(1,padLength)]; |
167 | nodesStruct(n).serialNumberUint32 = typecast(inputByte,'uint32'); |
168 | |
169 | nodesStruct(n).IDUint32 = uint32( str2num( nodesStruct(n).ID ) ); |
170 | |
171 | addrChars = sscanf(nodesStruct(n).ipAddress,'%d.%d.%d.%d'); |
172 | |
173 | if ( ~eq( length( addrChars ), 4 ) ) |
174 | error('IP address of node must have form "w.x.y.z". Provided "%s" ', nodesStruct(n).ipAddress) |
175 | end |
176 | |
177 | if ( (addrChars(4) == 0) | (addrChars(4) == 255) ) |
178 | error('IP address of node %d cannot end in .0 or .255', n) |
179 | end |
180 | nodesStruct(n).ipAddressUint32 = uint32( 2^0 * addrChars(4) + 2^8 * addrChars(3) + 2^16 * addrChars(2) + 2^24 * addrChars(1) ); |
181 | end |
182 | |
183 | % Determine if each input row is valid |
184 | % - All serial numbers must be unique |
185 | % - All UIDs must be unique |
186 | % - All IP Addresses must be unique |
187 | |
188 | for n = 1:(nodeSize(2) - 1) |
189 | for m = n+1:(nodeSize(2)) |
190 | if ( strcmp( nodesStruct(n).serialNumber, nodesStruct(m).serialNumber ) ) |
191 | error('Serial Number must be unique. Nodes %d and %d have the same serial number %s', n, m, nodesStruct(n).serialNumber) |
192 | end |
193 | if ( strcmp( nodesStruct(n).ID, nodesStruct(m).IDUint32 ) ) |
194 | error('Node ID must be unique. Nodes %d and %d have the same node ID %d', n, m, nodesStruct(n).ID) |
195 | end |
196 | if (nodesStruct(n).ipAddressUint32 == nodesStruct(m).ipAddressUint32) |
197 | error('IP Address must be unique. Nodes %d and %d have the same IP Address %s', n, m, nodesStruct(n).ipAddress) |
198 | end |
199 | end |
200 | end |
201 | |
202 | % Uncomment Section to Display final node contents |
203 | % for n = 1:(nodeSize(2)) |
204 | % disp(nodesStruct(n)) |
205 | % end |
206 | |
207 | nodeInfo = nodesStruct; |
208 | end |
209 | |
210 | |
211 | |
212 | |
213 | |
214 | |