%****************************************************************************** % WARPLab Setup % % File : wl_setup.m % Authors: Chris Hunter (chunter [at] mangocomm.com) % Patrick Murphy (murphpo [at] mangocomm.com) % Erik Welsh (welsh [at] mangocomm.com) % License: Copyright 2013, Mango Communications. All rights reserved. % Distributed under the WARP license (http://warpproject.org/license) % %****************************************************************************** % MODIFICATION HISTORY: % % Ver Who Date Changes % ----- ---- -------- ------------------------------------------------------- % 3.00a ejw 8/21/13 Update to use new WARPLab MEX transport; % Added mex/ directory to MATLAB path % %****************************************************************************** function wl_setup REQUIRED_MEX_VERSION = '1.0.4a'; fprintf('Setting up WARPLab Paths...\n'); %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Remove any paths from previous WARPLab installations % NOTE: We had to add in code involving regular expressions to catch a absolute vs % relative path issue that we found. For example, if ./util exists in the path, % then the previous version of the code will run forever because it will find % the file using 'which' but then the absolute path returned will not be in the % actual path. Now, we use regular expressions to make sure the path exists % before removing it. % Remove legacy WARPLab v6 paths % NOTE: warplab_defines is not used in WARPLab v7 done = false; while(~done) [wl_path,ig,ig] = fileparts(which('warplab_defines')); if(~isempty(wl_path)) fprintf(' removing path ''%s''\n',wl_path); my_path = regexprep( sprintf('%s', path), ';', ' ' ); search_term = regexprep( sprintf('%s ',wl_path), '\\', '\\\\' ); path_comp = regexp( sprintf('%s',my_path), sprintf('%s',search_term), 'match' ); if ( ~isempty( path_comp ) ) rmpath(wl_path) else done = true; end else done = true; end end % Check on .../M_Code_Reference/classes done = false; while(~done) [wl_path,ig,ig] = fileparts(which('wl_node')); if(~isempty(wl_path)) fprintf(' removing path ''%s''\n',wl_path); my_path = regexprep( sprintf('%s', path), ';', ' ' ); search_term = regexprep( sprintf('%s ',wl_path), '\\', '\\\\' ); path_comp = regexp( sprintf('%s',my_path), sprintf('%s',search_term), 'match' ); if ( ~isempty( path_comp ) ) rmpath(wl_path) else done = true; end else done = true; end end % Check on .../M_Code_Reference/util done = false; while(~done) [wl_path,ig,ig] = fileparts(which('wl_ver')); if(~isempty(wl_path)) fprintf(' removing path ''%s''\n',wl_path); my_path = regexprep( sprintf('%s', path), ';', ' ' ); search_term = regexprep( sprintf('%s ',wl_path), '\\', '\\\\' ); path_comp = regexp( sprintf('%s',my_path), sprintf('%s',search_term), 'match' ); if ( ~isempty( path_comp ) ) rmpath(wl_path) else done = true; end else done = true; end end % Check on .../M_Code_Reference/util/inifile done = false; while(~done) [wl_path,ig,ig] = fileparts(which('inifile')); if(~isempty(wl_path)) fprintf(' removing path ''%s''\n',wl_path); my_path = regexprep( sprintf('%s', path), ';', ' ' ); search_term = regexprep( sprintf('%s ',wl_path), '\\', '\\\\' ); path_comp = regexp( sprintf('%s',my_path), sprintf('%s',search_term), 'match' ); if ( ~isempty( path_comp ) ) rmpath(wl_path) else done = true; end else done = true; end end % Check on .../M_Code_Reference/config done = false; while(~done) [wl_path,ig,ig] = fileparts(which('wl_config.ini')); if(~isempty(wl_path)) fprintf(' removing path ''%s''\n',wl_path); my_path = regexprep( sprintf('%s', path), ';', ' ' ); search_term = regexprep( sprintf('%s ',wl_path), '\\', '\\\\' ); path_comp = regexp( sprintf('%s',my_path), sprintf('%s',search_term), 'match' ); if ( ~isempty( path_comp ) ) rmpath(wl_path) else done = true; end else done = true; end end % Check on .../M_Code_Reference/mex done = false; while(~done) [wl_path,ig,ig] = fileparts(which('wl_mex_udp_transport')); if(~isempty(wl_path)) fprintf(' removing path ''%s''\n',wl_path); my_path = regexprep( sprintf('%s', path), ';', ' ' ); search_term = regexprep( sprintf('%s ',wl_path), '\\', '\\\\' ); path_comp = regexp( sprintf('%s',my_path), sprintf('%s',search_term), 'match' ); if ( ~isempty( path_comp ) ) rmpath(wl_path) else done = true; end else done = true; end end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Add new paths % Add .../M_Code_Reference/classes myPath = sprintf('%s%sclasses',pwd,filesep); fprintf(' adding path ''%s''\n',myPath); addpath(myPath) % Add .../M_Code_Reference/util myPath = sprintf('%s%sutil',pwd,filesep); fprintf(' adding path ''%s''\n',myPath); addpath(myPath) % Add .../M_Code_Reference/util/inifile myPath = sprintf('%s%sutil%sinifile',pwd,filesep,filesep); fprintf(' adding path ''%s''\n',myPath); addpath(myPath) % Add .../M_Code_Reference/mex myPath = sprintf('%s%smex',pwd,filesep); fprintf(' adding path ''%s''\n',myPath); addpath(myPath) % Add .../M_Code_Reference/config configPath = sprintf('%s%sconfig',pwd,filesep); fprintf(' adding path ''%s''\n',configPath); addpath(configPath) configFile = sprintf('%s%swl_config.ini',configPath,filesep); % Example of adding a user path to WARPLab setup: % In this example, C:\WARP_Repository\ResearchApps\PHY\WARPLAB\WARPLab7\M_Code_Reference\mex is added to the MATLAB path % % myPath = sprintf('C:%sWARP_Repository%sResearchApps%sPHY%sWARPLAB%sWARPLab7%sM_Code_Reference%smex',filesep,filesep,filesep,filesep,filesep,filesep,filesep); % fprintf(' adding path ''%s''\n',myPath); % addpath(myPath) fprintf(' saving path\n\n\n'); savepath %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Read config file IP = ''; host = ''; port_unicast = ''; port_bcast = ''; transport = ''; max_transport_payload_size = ''; % Read existing config file for defaults if(exist(configFile)) fprintf('A wl_config.ini file was found in your path. Values specified in this\n'); fprintf('configuration file will be used as defaults in the construction of the\n'); fprintf('new file.\n'); readKeys = {'network', '', 'host_address',''}; IP = inifile(configFile, 'read', readKeys); IP = IP{1}; readKeys = {'network', '', 'host_ID', ''}; host = inifile(configFile, 'read', readKeys); host = host{1}; readKeys = {'network', '', 'unicast_starting_port', ''}; port_unicast = inifile(configFile, 'read', readKeys); port_unicast = port_unicast{1}; readKeys = {'network', '', 'bcast_port', ''}; port_bcast = inifile(configFile, 'read', readKeys); port_bcast = port_bcast{1}; readKeys = {'network', '', 'transport', ''}; transport = inifile(configFile, 'read', readKeys); transport = transport{1}; readKeys = {'network', '', 'max_transport_payload_size', ''}; max_transport_payload_size = inifile(configFile, 'read', readKeys); max_transport_payload_size = max_transport_payload_size{1}; end % Sane Defaults if(isempty(IP)) IP = ''; end if(isempty(host)) host = '250'; end if(isempty(port_unicast)) port_unicast = '9000'; end if(isempty(port_bcast)) port_bcast = '10000'; end % if(isempty(transport)) % Moved lower in the function % transport = 'java'; % end if(isempty(max_transport_payload_size)) max_transport_payload_size = '1470'; end inifile(configFile,'new') writeKeys = {'config_info', '', 'date_created', date}; inifile(configFile, 'write', writeKeys, 'tabbed') [MAJOR,MINOR,REVISION] = wl_ver(); writeKeys = {'config_info', '', 'wl_ver', sprintf('%d.%d.%d', MAJOR, MINOR, REVISION)}; inifile(configFile, 'write', writeKeys, 'tabbed') fprintf('\n\n') fprintf('------------------------------------------------------------\n') fprintf('Please enter a WARPLab Ethernet interface address.\n\n') fprintf('Pressing enter without typing an input will use a default\n') fprintf('IP address of: %s\n\n', IP); % Sanity check input due to errors users were experiencing on the forums ip_valid = 0; while( ip_valid == 0 ) temp = input('WARPNet Ethernet Interface Address: ','s'); if( isempty(temp) ) temp = IP; ip_valid = 1; fprintf(' defaulting to %s\n',temp); else if ( regexp( temp, '\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+' ) == 1 ) ip_valid = 1; fprintf(' setting to %s\n',temp) else fprintf(' %s is not a valid IP address. Please enter a valid IP address.\n',temp); end end end if(ispc) [status, tempret] = system('ipconfig /all'); elseif(ismac||isunix) [status, tempret] = system('ifconfig -a'); end tempret = strfind(tempret,temp); if(isempty(tempret)) warning('No interface found. Please ensure that your network interface is connected and configured with static IP %s',temp); pause(1) end writeKeys = {'network', '', 'host_address', temp}; inifile(configFile, 'write', writeKeys, 'tabbed') fprintf('\n\n') fprintf('------------------------------------------------------------\n') fprintf('Please enter a WARPLab host ID.\n') fprintf('Valid host IDs are integers in the range of [200,254]\n\n') fprintf('Pressing enter without typing an input will use a default\n') fprintf('host ID of: %s\n\n', host); temp = input('WARPLab Host ID: ', 's'); if(isempty(temp)) temp = host; if(isempty(str2num(temp))) error('Host ID must be an integer in the range of [200,254]'); else if((str2num(temp) < 200) || ((str2num(temp) > 254))) error('Host ID must be an integer in the range of [200,254]'); end end fprintf(' defaulting to %s\n', temp); else if(isempty(str2num(temp))) error('Host ID must be an integer in the range of [200,254]'); else if((str2num(temp) < 200) || ((str2num(temp) > 254))) error('Host ID must be an integer in the range of [200,254]'); end end fprintf(' setting to %s\n', temp); end writeKeys = {'network', '', 'host_ID', temp}; inifile(configFile, 'write', writeKeys, 'tabbed') fprintf('\n\n') fprintf('------------------------------------------------------------\n') fprintf('Please enter a unicast starting port.\n\n') fprintf('Pressing enter without typing an input will use a default\n') fprintf('unicast starting port of: %s\n\n', port_unicast); temp = input('Unicast Starting Port: ', 's'); if(isempty(temp)) temp = port_unicast; fprintf(' defaulting to %s\n', temp); else fprintf(' setting to %s\n', temp); end writeKeys = {'network', '', 'unicast_starting_port', temp}; inifile(configFile, 'write', writeKeys, 'tabbed') fprintf('\n\n') fprintf('------------------------------------------------------------\n') fprintf('Please enter a broadcast port.\n\n') fprintf('Pressing enter without typing an input will use a default\n') fprintf('broadcast port of: %s\n\n', port_bcast); temp = input('Broadcast Port: ', 's'); if(isempty(temp)) temp = port_bcast; fprintf(' defaulting to %s\n', temp); else fprintf(' setting to %s\n', temp); end writeKeys = {'network', '', 'bcast_port', temp}; inifile(configFile, 'write', writeKeys, 'tabbed') fprintf('\n\n') fprintf('------------------------------------------------------------\n') %%%%%%%% Transport Setup %%%%%%%% I_JAVA = 1; I_WL_MEX_UDP = 2; TRANS_NAME_LONG{I_JAVA} = 'Java UDP'; TRANS_NAME_SHORT{I_JAVA} = 'java'; TRANS_NAME_LONG{I_WL_MEX_UDP} = 'WARPLab Mex UDP'; TRANS_NAME_SHORT{I_WL_MEX_UDP} = 'wl_mex_udp'; TRANS_AVAIL(I_JAVA) = true; TRANS_AVAIL(I_WL_MEX_UDP) = false; fprintf('Select from the following available transports:\n') try version = wl_mex_udp_transport('version'); version = sscanf(version, '%d.%d.%d%c'); version_req = sscanf(REQUIRED_MEX_VERSION, '%d.%d.%d%c'); % Version must match required version if(version(1) == version_req(1) && version(2) == version_req(2) && version(3) == version_req(3) && version(4) >= version_req(4)) TRANS_AVAIL(I_WL_MEX_UDP) = true; else [major, minor, rev] = wl_ver(); wl_version = sprintf('v%d.%d.%d', major, minor, rev); version = wl_mex_udp_transport('version'); version_req = REQUIRED_MEX_VERSION; fprintf('\nERROR: MEX transport version mismatch: \n') fprintf('ERROR: WARPLab %s requires MEX transport version %s.\n', wl_version, version_req ) fprintf('ERROR: Current complied version is %s. \n', version) fprintf('ERROR: Please recompile to use the MEX transport:\n', version) fprintf('ERROR: http://warpproject.org/trac/wiki/WARPLab/MEX \n\n') end catch me fprintf(' For better transport performance, please setup the WARPLab Mex UDP transport: \n') fprintf(' http://warpproject.org/trac/wiki/WARPLab/MEX \n') TRANS_AVAIL(I_WL_MEX_UDP) = false; end % Set MEX to be the default transport if available if(isempty(transport)) if(TRANS_AVAIL(I_WL_MEX_UDP)) transport = 'wl_mex_udp'; else transport = 'java'; end end % Check if any transports are available if(any(TRANS_AVAIL)==0) error('no supported transports were found installed on your computer'); end defaultSel = 1; sel = 1; for k = 1:length(TRANS_AVAIL) if(TRANS_AVAIL(k)) if(strcmp(TRANS_NAME_SHORT{k}, transport)) defaultSel = sel; fprintf('[%d] (default) %s\n', sel, TRANS_NAME_LONG{k}) else fprintf('[%d] %s\n', sel, TRANS_NAME_LONG{k}) end selectionToIndex(sel) = k; sel = sel + 1; end end temp = input('Selection: '); if(isempty(temp)) temp = defaultSel; end if(temp>(sel-1)) error('invalid selection') end transport = TRANS_NAME_SHORT{selectionToIndex(temp)}; fprintf(' setting to %s\n', transport); writeKeys = {'network', '', 'transport', transport}; inifile(configFile, 'write', writeKeys, 'tabbed') fprintf('\n\n') fprintf('------------------------------------------------------------\n') %%%%%%%% Transport Setup %%%%%%%% PAYLOAD_SIZE{1} = '1470'; PAYLOAD_SIZE{2} = '5000'; PAYLOAD_SIZE{3} = '8966'; fprintf('Select from the following maximum transport payload size:\n') sel = 1; for k = 1:3 % Check if this exercises jumbo mode if (str2num(PAYLOAD_SIZE{k}) <= 1470) jumbo = '(non-jumbo)'; else jumbo = '(jumbo)'; end if(strcmp(PAYLOAD_SIZE{k}, max_transport_payload_size)) defaultSel = sel; fprintf('[%d] (default) %s bytes %s\n', sel, PAYLOAD_SIZE{k}, jumbo) else fprintf('[%d] %s bytes %s\n', sel, PAYLOAD_SIZE{k}, jumbo) end selectionToIndex(sel) = k; sel = sel + 1; end fprintf('\nDepending on your host NIC and network setup you may be able to\n') fprintf('use larger packets to increase your transport performance.\n\n') temp = input('Selection: '); if(isempty(temp)) temp = defaultSel; end if(temp > (sel - 1)) error('invalid selection') end max_transport_payload_size = PAYLOAD_SIZE{selectionToIndex(temp)}; fprintf(' setting maximum transport payload size to %s bytes\n', max_transport_payload_size); writeKeys = {'network', '', 'max_transport_payload_size', max_transport_payload_size}; inifile(configFile, 'write', writeKeys, 'tabbed') fprintf('\n\n') fprintf('------------------------------------------------------------\n') fprintf('\n\nSetup Complete\nwl_ver():\n'); wl_ver() fprintf('\n') % Catch 64-bit support issues in Matlab during wl_setup try temp_1 = uint64(0); temp_2 = uint64(0); result = temp_1 + temp_2; catch warning('Matlab version does not support uint64 arithmetic. Please use Matlab R2011a or later.'); end end