{{{#!comment [[Include(wiki:802.11/beta-note)]] }}} [[TracNav(802.11/TOC)]] = 802.11 Reference Design: Packet Flow = As packets move through the 802.11 reference design, the packet contents must be accessible by CPU High, CPU Low and the PHY cores. The design achieves this using the interconnects illustrated in the figure blow. [[Image(wiki:802.11/files:wlan_ref_des_interconnects.png,width=350)]] Each MicroBlaze has access to two AXI interconnects. For both CPUs the MicroBlaze DP port (non-cached peripheral memory access port) is connected to an AXI4 Lite interconnect. The peripheral cores connected to each AXI4 Lite interconnect are accessible by only one CPU. The cores are divided between CPUs based on which part of the MAC needs to access them. For example the radio_controller, w3_ad_controller and PHY configuration registers are all attached to the interconnect for CPU Low. Similarly the Ethernet cores are attached to the peripheral bus for CPU High. The mailbox and mutex ports for each CPU are also attached to their corresponding peripheral busses. The MicroBlaze DC (cached memory access port) for both CPUs are attached to a shared AXI4 interconnect. The data cache is disabled in the Reference Design; all memory access via the DC ports access a slave memory device via the AXI4 interconnect. Both CPU DC ports are masters on this interconnect. The primary slave devices on this interconnect are the block RAMs used to implement the packet buffers (discussed below). Both CPUs can read and write any location in both memories. The AXI4 interconnect is a 64-bit crossbar clocked at 160MHz, which provides sufficient throughput to avoid contention between the CPUs. == Packet Buffers == The 802.11 Reference Design uses two dual-port 32KB RAMs as Tx and Rx packet buffers. One port of each RAM is attached to a BRAM interface controller (axi_bram_ctrl), which maps the RAM onto the address space of the two CPUs. The other port of each RAM is attached directly to the corresponding PHY core. These direct PHY connections do not traverse an AXI interconnect. Instead both PHY cores (Tx and Rx) implement native 64-bit BRAM interfaces in logic. The PHY cores divide each 32KB BRAM into 8 4KB buffers. The PHY numbers these buffers ![0:7]. The low-level MAC code provides the packet buffer index to the PHY for each Tx and Rx event. === Packet Buffer Contents === Each 4KB packet buffer is used to store packet payloads and related metadata. The MAC can store arbitrary metadata in each packet buffer before the actual packet bytes. The PHY must be configured with the size of the metadata so it knows where to read (Tx) and write (Rx) packet payloads. This is done from [browser:/ReferenceDesigns/w3_802.11/c/wlan_mac_low_framework/wlan_mac_low.c wlan_mac_low.c]: {{{ #!c //Move the PHY's starting address into the packet buffers by PHY_XX_PKT_BUF_PHY_HDR_OFFSET. //This accounts for the metadata located at the front of every packet buffer (Xx_mpdu_info) wlan_phy_rx_pkt_buf_phy_hdr_offset(PHY_RX_PKT_BUF_PHY_HDR_OFFSET); wlan_phy_tx_pkt_buf_phy_hdr_offset(PHY_TX_PKT_BUF_PHY_HDR_OFFSET); }}} The {{{PHY_RX_PKT_BUF_PHY_HDR_OFFSET}}} constat is defined as {{{PHY_TX_PKT_BUF_PHY_HDR_SIZE + PHY_RX_PKT_BUF_PHY_HDR_OFFSET}}}, where {{{PHY_RX_PKT_BUF_PHY_HDR_SIZE}}} is 8 (for the PHY header) and {{{PHY_TX_PKT_BUF_PHY_HDR_SIZE}}} is {{{sizeof(rx_frame_info)}}}. Similarly {{{PHY_TX_PKT_BUF_PHY_HDR_OFFSET}}} is defined as {{{PHY_TX_PKT_BUF_PHY_HDR_SIZE + PHY_TX_PKT_BUF_PHY_HDR_OFFSET}}}. The Tx and Rx packet buffer contents for the reference design are described below. '''Tx Pkt Buffers''' The struct definitions for {{{tx_frame_info}}} are below. These structs are defined in [browser:/ReferenceDesigns/w3_802.11/c/wlan_mac_common/include/wlan_mac_misc_util.h wlan_mac_misc_util.h]. {{{ #!c typedef struct{ u8 rate; ///< PHY rate index u8 antenna_mode; ///< Tx antenna selection s8 power; ///< Tx power (in dBm) u8 flags; ///< Flags affecting waveform construction } phy_tx_params; //4 bytes typedef struct{ u8 num_tx_max; ///< Maximum number of transmission attempts u8 flags; ///< Flags affecting waveform construction u8 reserved[2]; } mac_tx_params; //4 bytes typedef struct{ phy_tx_params phy; ///< PHY Tx params mac_tx_params mac; ///< Lower-level MAC Tx params } tx_params; //8 bytes typedef struct{ u64 timestamp_create; ///< MAC timestamp of packet creation u32 delay_accept; ///< Time in microseconds between timestamp_create and packet acceptance by CPU Low u32 delay_done; ///< Time in microseconds between acceptance and transmit completion u64 unique_seq; ///< Unique sequence number for this packet (12 LSB used as 802.11 MAC sequence number) u8 state; ///< Packet buffer state - TX_MPDU_STATE_EMPTY, TX_MPDU_STATE_TX_PENDING or TX_MPDU_STATE_READY u8 tx_result; ///< Result of transmission attempt - TX_MPDU_RESULT_SUCCESS or TX_MPDU_RESULT_FAILURE u8 QID; ///< Queue ID from which this packet was taken u8 num_tx; ///< Number of actual PHY transmissions of this packet, including all re-transmissions u8 flags; ///< Bit flags en/disabling certain operations by the lower-level MAC u8 padding1[3]; u16 length; ///< Number of bytes in MAC packet, including MAC header and FCS u16 AID; ///< Association ID of the node to which this packet is addressed u8 padding2[4]; tx_params params; ///< Additional lower-level MAC and PHY parameters } tx_frame_info; 48 bytes }}} The MAC must write the packet payload immediately after the {{{tx_frame_info}}}, starting with the SIGNAL field. The lower-level MAC code should use the {{{wlan_phy_set_tx_signal(pkt_buf, rate, length)}}} macro to write the SIGNAL field to the appropriate offset. '''Rx Pkt Buffers''' The struct definition for {{{rx_frame_info}}} are below. This struct is defined in [browser:/ReferenceDesigns/w3_802.11/c/wlan_mac_common/include/wlan_mac_misc_util.h wlan_mac_misc_util.h]. The {{{channel_est}}} field reserves space for the channel estimates generated by the Rx PHY during reception. The PHY writes the estimates directly to the Rx packet buffer. The offset for writing channel estimates is set via the {{{wlan_phy_rx_pkt_buf_h_est_offset(offset)}}} macro. {{{ #!c typedef struct{ u8 state; ///< Packet buffer state - RX_MPDU_STATE_EMPTY, RX_MPDU_STATE_RX_PENDING, RX_MPDU_STATE_FCS_GOOD or RX_MPDU_STATE_FCS_BAD u8 rate; ///< PHY rate index u16 length; ///< Number of bytes in MAC packet, including MAC header and FCS s8 rx_power; ///< Rx power, in dBm u8 rf_gain; ///< Gain setting of radio Rx LNA, in [0,1,2] u8 bb_gain; ///< Gain setting of radio Rx VGA, in [0,1,...31] u8 channel; ///< Channel index u8 flags; ///< Bit flags u8 ant_mode; ///< Rx antenna selection u8 reserved[2]; u32 additional_info;///< Field to hold MAC-specific info, such as a pointer to a station_info u64 timestamp; ///< MAC timestamp at time of reception u32 channel_est[64];///< Rx PHY channel estimates } rx_frame_info; }}} The PHY begins writing received bytes immediately after the {{{rx_frame_info}}}. The received SIGNAL and SERVICE fields are written to the first 5 bytes following the {{{rx_frame_info}}}. The PHY then skips 3 bytes and writes the next received byte (the first byte of the MAC header) to 8 bytes past the rx_frame_info. This convention aligns received payloads to a 64-bit boundary, easing access by the MAC software and DMAs. Generally the MAC software ignores the SIGNAL and SERVICE fields in the Rx packet buffer, instead relying on the rate/length values provided by the MAC core. === Checksums === The 802.11 standard requires Frame Check Sequence (FCS) be attached to all transmitted frames. The checksum is calculated using the standard CRC32 scheme and covers all bytes of the MAC payload. The 32-bit checksum is always transmitted as the last 4 bytes of the packet payload. The Tx PHY automatically calculates and inserts the 32-bit checksum in the transmitted packet. The MAC code must include the FCS bytes in the length value in the SIGNAL field, but the MAC code does not need to calculate the actual checksum. The FCS values calculated by the Tx PHY are not written to the Tx packet buffer. The Rx PHY automatically calculates the checksum of every received frame and provides an FCS_GOOD indication to the MAC hardware core immediately upon reception of the final byte of a packet. The received FCS bytes are written to the Rx packet buffer; these can be safely ignored by the MAC code. === Tx Ping-Pong Buffers === The lower-level MAC and PHY process a single Tx packet at any given time. While a packet is being transmitted the upper-level MAC prepares the next packet for transmission. Two buffers from the Tx packet buffer RAM are used for this ping-pong approach. The handshake between the upper and lower level MACs to initiate new packet transmissions is illustrated below. The handshake uses three IPC messages: * {{{IPC_MBOX_TX_MPDU_READY(pkt_buf_index)}}}: indication from CPU High that the packet in {{{pkt_buf_index}}} is ready for transmission * {{{IPC_MBOX_TX_MPDU_ACCEPT(pkt_buf_index}}}: indication from CPU Low that the packet in {{{pkt_buf_index}}} is currently being transmitted by the lower-level MAC and PHY. This message always follows the corresponding {{{IPC_MBOX_TX_MPDU_READY}}} * {{{IPC_MBOX_TX_MPDU_DONE(pkt_buf_index)}}}: indication from CPU Low that transmission of the packet in {{{pkt_buf_index}}} is complete. It is critical that CPU High not modify the contents of any packet buffer for which it has sent {{{IPC_MBOX_TX_MPDU_READY}}} until it receives the corresponding {{{IPC_MBOX_TX_MPDU_DONE}}} message. Likewise CPU Low must only modify packet buffers for which it as received {{{IPC_MBOX_TX_MPDU_READY}}}, and before it sends {{{IPC_MBOX_TX_MPDU_DONE}}}. [[Image(wiki:802.11/files:wlan_tx_ping_pong_msgs.png)]] === Mutexes === A 32-entry mutex is used to avoid contention for Tx and Rx packet buffers between CPUs. One mutex entry corresponds to one packet buffer. CPU High locks a Tx packet buffer while it prepares a packet for transmission. It unlocks the buffer when it notifies CPU Low (via the mailbox) that the new packet is ready for transmission. CPU Low locks the Tx buffer while it awaits the PHY transmission, unlocking the buffer when it notifies CPU High of completion. CPU Low locks the Rx packet buffer into which the Rx PHY is writing received packets. When the PHY notifies the MAC a packet has been received without errors, CPU Low locks another Rx buffer and configures the Rx PHY to begin receiving new frames there. CPU Low unlocks the buffer containing the valid received frame and notifies CPU High. CPU High locks the packet buffer and processes the received packet. When its processing is finished, it unlocks the Rx packet buffer, allowing CPU Low to use it for a future reception.