Changes between Version 20 and Version 21 of Exercises/13_4/IntroToSDK

Aug 16, 2012, 9:12:24 AM (12 years ago)



  • Exercises/13_4/IntroToSDK

    v20 v21  
    28281. Three projects have now been populated in the "Projects" area of the import window. Make sure all of these are checked. Do not check "Copy projects into workspace" because these projects are already in the SDK_workspace folder. Click "Finish."
    29291. The three projects now appear in the "Project Explorer" on the left of the screen:
    30  * The "*_hw_platform" contains all of the necessary hardware-specific information for the project. This includes any custom FPGA cores that the project may have. This comes from the Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS) tool. Instructions for using this tool to generate hardware platform information for the SDK is available in the [wiki:Exercises/IntroToXPS]
     30 * The "*_hw_platform" contains all of the necessary hardware-specific information for the project. This includes any custom FPGA cores that the project may have. This comes from the Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS) tool. Instructions for using this tool to generate hardware platform information for the SDK is available in the [wiki:Exercises/13_4/IntroToXPS]
    3131 * The "*_bsp" is a "Board Support Package" and it contains the software drivers for the peripherals contained in the hardware platform.
    3232 * The "*_example" project is the top-level software project that you will modify to add a print of "Hello World" to the UART.