
FMC-RF-2X245 User Guide: FMC HPC Interface

The FMC-RF-2X245 module is designed (with a few deviations, explained below) to the VITA 57.1 FMC specification.

The FMC-RF-2X245 module is designed primarily for use in the FMC slot on WARP v3 kits. When modified for local clocking, the FMC-RF-2X245 module should work with other FPGA boards implementing an FMC HPC slot. The details below will help determine compatibility with third-party FMC carriers.


The FMC-RF-2X245 module draws all its power from the FMC carrier. The required power supplies are:

FMC Net Supported Voltages
12P0V 12.0v
VADJ 1.8v - 2.5v
(see notes)
3P3VAUX 3.3v

Other power connections on the FMC-RF-2X245 module:

  • 3P3V is not used
  • 3P3VAUX is only used for the EEPROM
  • VIO_B_M2C is tied to VADJ (all LA/HA/HB signals use the logic level set by VADJ)
  • VREF_A_M2C/VREF_B_M2C are unconnected
  • PG_M2C is tied to PG_C2M

VADJ note: the FMC VADJ net is tied to the digital interface power supplies of multiple circuits on the FMC-RF-2X245 module. These interfaces are all specified over the range 1.8-2.5v. However, we have only tested this module on the WARP v3 kit, which ties VADJ to 2.5v.


The FMC-RF-2X245 module uses I/O from the LA, HA and HB banks.

The module drives clocks to two FMC CC pins:

FMC Net Signal
HA00_P_CC RFA AD TRXCLK (driven by AD9963 U26)
HB06_P_CC RFB AD TRXCLK (driven by AD9963 U36)

The other LA/HA/HB CC pins on the FMC header are used for general purpose I/O.

FMC signals HB20(p/n) and HB21(p/n) are not used, for compatibility with the WARP v3 HPC slot.


The FMC-RF-2X245 module connects four of the FMC MGT interfaces to SATA connectors:

FMC DP Header
DP4 J3
DP5 J8
DP6 J7
DP7 J1

Refer to the MGT page of this guide for details on these interfaces and the MGT clocking options implemented on the FMC-RF-2X245 module.

The remaining DP signals (DP[0:3], DP[8:9]) are unconnected on the FMC-RF-2X245 module.

Misc I/O

JTAG: The FMC JTAG signals are not used by circuits on the FMC-RF-2X245 module. The module ties TDI to TDO to complete the carrier JTAG chain. TCK and TMS are not connected on the module.

EEPROM: A Microchip 24AA128 I2C 128Kb EEPROM is connected to the FMC I2C signals (SCL, SDA). Refer to the EEPROM page of this guide for details on the default EEPROM contents.


All FMC-RF-2X245 modules are built with the MC-HPC-10 connector option (lead-free, HPC, 10mm stacking height). The module includes two mounting holes on either side of the FMC connector at the locations specified in the FMC standard. The module ships with 10mm standoffs pre-installed and mating screws for securing the module on the FMC carrier.

The FMC-RF-2X245 module dimensions are not strictly compliant with the mechanical specifications for FMC modules in VITA 57.1.

The module dimensions are compliant in the region around the FMC connector. This is sufficient for mechanical compatibility with many FPGA carriers (including WARP v3) which orient their FMC slots with modules extending away from the carrier board.

The FMC-RF-2X245 module deviates from the standard at the other end of the board (near the SMA connectors). The FMC-RF-2X245 module is a rectangular PCB, while the FMC standard specifies a more complex shape which narrows at the connector end. This module also extends further from the FMC connector than a compliant module.

The deviations from the FMC outline specifications are not an issue when using this module on WARP v3 kits, nor on many other FMC-equipped FPGA development platforms we have seen. However the drawing below and electrical/IO/clocking details above should be carefully considered before using the FMC-RF-2X245 module on a third-party FMC carrier.

FMC-RF-2X245 Mechanical Drawing (PDF version)


Two pinout files are available to help with using the FMC-RF-2X245 module.

  • FMC-nets.xls: this spreadsheet provides the mapping of net name in the FMC-RF-2X245 to the name of the corresponding FMC signal, using the names given in the FMC standard (e.g. HA00, LA10, etc.).
  • FMC-RF-2X245_WARPv3_Pinout.ucf: this text file provides the mapping of FMC-RF-2X245 signals to FPGA pins on the WARP v3 kit, using the standard Xilinx UCF syntax.

In both files the RF interfaces on the FMC-RF-2X245 module are referred to as "RF A" and "RF B", matching the labels on the module PCB itself. When the FMC-RF-2X245 module is used with WARP v3 kits, the RF interfaces on the module will usually be referred to as "FMC RF A" and "FMC RFB" (or "RF C" and "RF D", in some applications) to avoid conflicts with the WARP v3 on-board RF interfaces.

Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on Sep 3, 2013, 11:49:30 PM