
Version 1 (modified by chunter, 11 years ago) (diff)


  • TOC "WARPLab7/TOC" is empty!

Trigger Manager Commands Technical Reference

Trigger Manager commands are selected as string inputs to the wl_triggerManagerCmd method in wl_node.m. These strings are each individual cases of the switch statement in procCmd method of wl_trigger_manager.m.


MATLAB allows two valid forms of syntax for calling methods

  • Let N be a scalar or vector of wl_node objects
  • Let command_string be a string containing a particular command
  • Let arg be an argument for that command (optional)

Syntax 1: wl_triggerManagerCmd(N, command_string, arg1, arg2, ..., argN)

Syntax 2: N.wl_triggerManagerCmd(command_string, arg1, arg2, ..., argN)

These two different forms of syntax are identical and either may be used for issuing commands to WARP nodes.

Command List and Documentation