Changes between Version 25 and Version 26 of WARPLab6/Changelog

Sep 3, 2012, 3:30:18 PM (12 years ago)



  • WARPLab6/Changelog

    v25 v26  
    4343* Added a new WARPLab command to verify network settings from within Matlab. If it even seems like WARPLab isn't working, simply run warplab_networkCheck(N) from the Matlab command line (where N is the number of nodes in your setup). This will run a series of diagnoses to help figure out what the problem is.
    4444* We introduced a bug in the prior 6.1 release that made the processing of sync packets jittery. This has been fixed in this release.
    45  == '''Notes for v6.1''' ''Posted July 2012'' ==
     45== '''Notes for v6.1''' ''Posted July 2012'' ==
     46WARP v2 EDK Download: [ 2 Radio],[ 4 Radio]
     48WARP v1 EDK Download: [ 2 Radio],[ 4 Radio]
    4649* Small, but important, bug fix. MAC addresses for each node were not updated based on dip switch value. This made any setup larger than 1 node fail due to arp table collisions. This has been resolved. v6.0 is deprecated and should not be used
    47 * '''Notes for v6.0''' ''Posted July 2012''
     50== '''Notes for v6.0''' ''Posted July 2012'' ==
     51WARP v2 EDK Download: [ 2 Radio],[ 4 Radio]
     53WARP v1 EDK Download: [ 2 Radio],[ 4 Radio]
    4854* Design defaults to using gigabit Ethernet on WARP v2 Hardware (Virtex-4)
    4955* Improved packet handling on WARP v2 for fewer packet drops
    5258* Thanks to a modified pnet for Matlab's UDP handling, WARPLab is sped by ~10x
    5359== '''Notes for v5.2''' ''Posted December 2009'' ==
    54 WARP v2 EDK Download: [ 2 Radio],[ 4 Radio]
     60WARP v2 EDK Download: [ 2 Radio],[ 4 Radio]
    56 WARP v1 EDK Download: [ 2 Radio],[ 4 Radio]
     62WARP v1 EDK Download: [ 2 Radio],[ 4 Radio]
    5763* Can store RSSI data in the 4x4 design
    5864* Consolidated the Sysgen models. Now there is one Sysgen model, {{{warplab_mimo_4x4.mdl}}}, that implements the full system: 4 radios with I/Q and RSSI buffers. The 2x2 MIMO and 4x4 MIMO [wiki:WARPLab/RefDesign Reference Designs] are identical except the 2x2 Design leaves two paths of the model unconnected.