
WARPLab 6 Downloads

WARPLab can be downloaded and used in two different ways. First, pre-built bitstreams are provided that implement the most recent version of the WARPLab Reference Design and can be used immediately with custom user M-code PHY implementations. Second, the WARPLab Reference Design is provided as an archive of an Xilinx EDK project. This project can be extended? any number of ways. For example, a user's custom M-code PHY can be hardened to the FPGA logic piece by piece.

Additionally, downloads are provided in 2 Radio and 4 Radio variants. Because WARP hardware is modular allowing for different numbers of radios per device, we provide these two variants to cover most usage scenarios. For WARP v1 and v2, the "2 Radio" downloads refer to radio daughtercards plugged into slots 2 and 3 on the WARP FPGA board.


Bitstreams are pre-built files that can be downloaded directly to WARP boards for immediate execution without the need for running the ISE design tools to generate the design. There are three types of bitstream files:

  • .bit: The .bit files can be downloaded to a board over JTAG using the Xilinx iMPACT software.
  • .bin: The .bin files are bitstreams that can be loaded onto an SD card and plugged into a WARP v3 board. Whenever the card is plugged in (or the board is powered on with the card plugged in), the FPGA will be programmed from the SD card. Instructions on how to write an SD are are available here. Note: these instructions include the process for converting a .bit file into a .bin file. These instructions can be skipped if downloading the WARPLab .bin file directly.
  • .ace: The .ace files are bitstreams that can be written to a CompactFlash card for programming WARP v1 or WARP v2 hardware. Instruction on using .ace files are available here.
Hardware Release Date Posted ISE Ver Arch 2 Radio Download 4 Radio Download
WARP v3 6.5 26-Feb-2013 13.4 MB/PLB w3_WARPLab_v6p5_2rf.bit
WARP v2 6.3 20-Nov-2012 13.4 PPC/PLB w2_WARPLab_v6p3_2rf.bit
WARP v1 6.3 20-Nov-2012 10.1.03 PPC/PLB w1_WARPLab_v6p3_2rf.bit

Reference Design

The WARPLab EDK Reference Design contains all of the software and FPGA source models that are needed to build a design that runs on WARP hardware. For help working with the tools needed to manipulate these projects, please see the Intro to SDK and Intro to XPS tutorials

Hardware Release Date Posted ISE Ver Arch 2 Radio Download 4 Radio Download
WARP v3 6.5 26-Feb-2012 13.4 MB/PLB
WARP v2 6.3 20-Nov-2012 13.4 PPC/PLB
WARP v1 6.3 20-Nov-2012 10.1.03 PPC/PLB

Matlab Code

WARPLab M-code is compatible across all versions of the hardware and even mixed deployments of hardware from different generations as well as different numbers of antennas.

mex -O pnet.c ws2_32.lib -DWIN32

Previous WARPLab releases can be found here.

Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on Jul 22, 2013, 8:15:10 PM