= About the WARP Project = The Wireless Open-Access Research Platform (WARP) Project was founded in 2006 by Prof. Ashu Sabharwal at Rice University. The project was originally funded by the [http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=0551692 National Science Foundation]. The WARP Project has since grown into a self-sustaining open-source effort with users around the world. == Impact == [[Include(wiki:PapersandPresentations/Charts)]] WARP has been adopted by hundreds of researchers worldwide. The platform has been used for cutting-edge research on a wide of topics, including full-duplex wireless, cooperative communications, localization and multi-user MIMO. The pace of adoption continues to accelerate. Please visit the [wiki:PapersandPresentations list of papers published by WARP users], and Goole Scholar's [http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=%22warp.rice.edu%22+OR+%22wireless+open+access+research%22+OR+%22warp+platform%22 list of papers citing WARP].