Subversion Repository
All the customs WARP peripheral cores and drivers are available from our Subversion repository. This includes the OFDM model, custom MAC layers, WARPLab toolbox and the repository for EDK.
- Acquire TortoiseSVN (or an SVN client of your choosing, but be aware the directions stated here will be specifically for TortoiseSVN).
- Create the folder C:\WARP_Repository.
- You can use another path, but ensure it has no spaces anywhere in the folder hierarchy. C:\Documents and Settings\repos won't work.
- Right-click in the empty folder, and click "SVN Checkout."
- Enter "" into the field for the URL of the repository.
- Click OK. This may take several minutes for all the files to transfer.
At this point you have the entire WARP repository available locally. You can update the repository at anytime by right-clicking in C:\WARP_Repository and from the Subversion menu choosing Update. This will download the latest changes from the repository.
edk_user_repository for Xilinx XPS
For the Xilinx EDK to recognize the custom cores:
- Launch XPS and go to Edit->Preferences. In the Application Preferences section, set the Global Peripheral Repository to be C:\WARP_Repository\edk_user_repository.
- Quit XPS and SDK and re-launch to force the tools to see the new repository files
Last modified 12 years ago
Last modified on Jan 24, 2013, 8:51:28 PM