= Help/FAQ = (aka "What do I do when it doesn't work?!") === QUESTIONS === __I forgot to enable interrupts for the push buttons when using Base System Builder. What do I do now?__[[BR]] Oh man, now you've done it...Copy the following lines of code into the MHS file: BEGIN opb_intc[[BR]] PARAMETER INSTANCE = opb_intc_0[[BR]] PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.c[[BR]] PARAMETER C_BASEADDR = 0x41200000[[BR]] PARAMETER C_HIGHADDR = 0x4120ffff[[BR]] BUS_INTERFACE SOPB = opb[[BR]] PORT Intr = Push_Buttons_4bit_IP2INTC_Irpt[[BR]] PORT Irq = EICC405EXTINPUTIRQ[[BR]] END[[BR]] Add these lines to the Push_Buttons_4bit instance in the MHS file (the first parameter in each device in the instance name): PARAMETER C_INTERRUPT_PRESENT = 1[[BR]] PORT IP2INTC_Irpt = Push_Buttons_4bit_IP2INTC_Irpt Add these lines to the MSS file: BEGIN DRIVER[[BR]] PARAMETER DRIVER_NAME = intc[[BR]] PARAMETER DRIVER_VER = 1.00.c[[BR]] PARAMETER HW_INSTANCE = opb_intc_0[[BR]] END[[BR]] '''''If this does not work, you will need to recreate the project using Base System Builder''''' __I get an error: "*** No rule to make target 'File name', needed by 'Peripheral_Test/executable.elf'. Stop.__" [[BR]] -- Check to see that there are no spaces anywhere in the names of your source and header paths. XPS will give the above error if there are.-- __Where can I get Tera Term Pro?__[[BR]] http://www.vector.co.jp/authors/VA002416/teraterm.html