= Methods of Targeting the PowerPC = In hardware, targeting the FPGA can be done over JTAG, serial cable, Ethernet, or with the SystemACE controller via a compact flash card. The application iMPACT can be used to build downloadable systems on compact flash (see [wiki:sysace SystemACE Compact Flash Reconfiguration and File System for WARP]). iMPACT can also be used to download bit-streams via JTAG. [[BR]][[BR]] Alternatively, the Xilinx MicroProcessor Debugger (XMD) can be used to target the PowerPC and load systems on it over JTAG, Serial Cable, or Ethernet. XMD allows the user to write and read from special PowerPC registers as well. Detailed information on using XMD can be found in “'''$EDK\doc\est_rm.pdf'''.” [[BR]] [wiki:ppc_prog_overview/alt_OS PREV: Alternative Operating Systems] ||| [wiki:ppc_prog_overview HOME] ||| [wiki:ppc_prog_overview/ref_des NEXT: Available WARP Reference Designs]