
Version 13 (modified by andreat, 18 years ago) (diff)


Analog Devices AD9775 Control Library

Full Code


This file provides functions for controlling the WARP radio board's DAC chip.



void transmitdac(unsigned int* baseaddr, int val)

Transmits a value to a register. baseaddr is the base address of the SPI Core, val a 16 bit hex value where the 8 least significant bits are the value to be stored and the 8 most significant bits choose the register in which to store the value.

void WarpDac_InitializeSPI(unsigned int* baseaddr)

Initialize the SPI controller for DAC functions.

void WarpDac_InitializeDAC(unsigned int* baseaddr, unsigned char dacs)

void WarpDac_Reset(unsigned int* baseaddr, unsigned char dacs)

int WarpDac_Sleep(unsigned int* baseaddr, char mode, unsigned char dacs)

int WarpDac_FineGainAdj(unsigned int* baseaddr, char chan, unsigned char value, unsigned char dacs)

int WarpDac_CoarseGainAdj(unsigned int* baseaddr, char chan, unsigned char value, unsigned char dacs)

int WarpDac_OffsetAdj(unsigned int* baseaddr, char chan, short value, unsigned char dacs)