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In a project I need base band signal processing. Preferred board is warp v3. As there is no Dac/Adc board with fmc interface for warp3 provided so we have to move to any other ready available solution. Can you please suggest something in this regard?
Secondly, Analog board for warp 1 & 2 is available but reference design is only available for warp v1. Do you have any refdes for warp v2 so that I can work on it as starting point? Unfortunately refdes for warp 1 is built with so old tools that I am even unable to open it.
There are many FMC modules with analog I/O. Our FMC-BB-4DA provides 4 DACs. There are many more analog options with third-party modules. The WARP v3 FMC slot is an FMC HPC compliant interface. Any FMC module designed to the LPC or HPC spec with support for VADJ=2.5v should work. The FMC page of the WARP v3 user guide discusses the FMC slot implementation in detail. The details here should be compared to the specs/requirements of FMC modules to verify compatibility.
Hi, FMC-BB-4DA has DACs but doesn't provide ADC. I need both, I came up to same conclusion for third party solutions, before going to that can you please help me out with warp v2 and its analog board? As I have both available, but going for any third party FMC module for warp 3 can be time consuming for me and i need some quick results. Thanks.
You'll need to provide more details of what you're trying to build for us to provide any meaningful suggestions. The OFDM and WARPLab reference designs are available for both WARP v1 and v2. The Analog Board is compatible with either version of the FPGA board. The analog_bridge pcore can be used with either version to interface the Analog Board with your baseband design.
Hi, making things simpler, my first task is to be able to receive and transmit some waveforms. So I need analog board for them, I can't use RF boards. Do you have any simple design for "warp v2" interfacing adc/dacs?
(apology for asking this basic stuff, but i am quite new to this stuff and i need to get started)
Last edited by ss (2014-Nov-07 02:59:32)
We do not have a standalone reference design for the Analog Board. The OFDM Reference Design supports an Analog Board in slot 4 for driving PHY debug signals to the DACs. You could also adapt the WARPLab Reference Design to use the Analog Board ADCs/DACs in place of the Radio Board ADCs/DACs. This would require modifying the WARPLab XPS design.