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#1 2015-Jan-23 01:45:07

Registered: 2014-Oct-23
Posts: 45

Need to wait a long time before ETH B works

After I turn on (or reset) a WARP node (WARP v3, 802.11 ref. design v1.0), the LEDs near ETH B is off, and PC cannot initialize it. But after 1 min, all the 3 LEDs are on (just like the case when a normal ETH B port does not detect a cable). And they blink (together) randomly (about several seconds a time). After another 1 min, the LEDs return to normal (D24 is on, D22 blinks), and ETH B works correctly (PC can initialize the WARP node).

What is the problem? Thanks a lot.


----- Mango 802.11 Reference Design -----
----- v1.0 ------------------------------
----- wlan_mac_ap -----------------------
Compiled Jan 23 2015 14:30:01
Tx Queue of 3413 placed in DRAM: using 13652 kB
Initializing Event log (1044664320 bytes) at 0xC1BBB000
BSS Info list (len 768) placed in DRAM: using 60 kB
1 Eth Tx BDs placed in BRAM: using 64 B
239 Eth Rx BDs placed in BRAM: using 14 kB
WARPNet v2.1.0 WLAN EXP v1.0.0 (compiled Jan 22 2015 14:10:25)
ETH B MAC Address: 40:D8:55:04:23:89
ETH B IP  Address:  (1000 Mbps)
Configuring ETH B for AXI FIFO mode with 1514 byte buffers (1 receive, 1 send)
Listening on UDP ports 9500 (unicast) and 9750 (broadcast)
Not waiting for Ethernet link.  Current status is: not ready.
Make sure link is ready before using WARPNet.
End WARPNet WLAN Exp initialization
WLAN MAC AP boot complete:
Channel : 1
MAC Addr: 40-D8-55-04-23-88
Press the Esc key in your terminal to access the UART menu

Last edited by adherentx (2015-Jan-23 01:51:46)



#2 2015-Jan-23 09:33:53

From: Mango Communications
Registered: 2006-Aug-24
Posts: 1212

Re: Need to wait a long time before ETH B works

Can you try swapping out some of the surrounding hardware and see if you still see the issue? For example, try:

1) Different Ethernet cables
2) A different port on your Ethernet switch
3) A different gigabit Ethernet switch
4) Directly connecting your PC's gigabit Ethernet port to ETH B on WARP v3

Also, do you have more than one WARP v3 kit? If so, does it exhibit the same behavior?



#3 2015-Jan-23 09:41:50

Registered: 2014-Oct-23
Posts: 45

Re: Need to wait a long time before ETH B works

chunter wrote:

Can you try swapping out some of the surrounding hardware and see if you still see the issue? For example, try:

1) Different Ethernet cables
2) A different port on your Ethernet switch
3) A different gigabit Ethernet switch
4) Directly connecting your PC's gigabit Ethernet port to ETH B on WARP v3

Also, do you have more than one WARP v3 kit? If so, does it exhibit the same behavior?

Thanks for your reply.
1) already tried out: nothing to do with cables
2) already tried out: nothing to do with switch ports
3) other WARP nodes work well with that switch
4) I have not tried it. But since other WARP nodes work well with that switch, I don't think direct connection can solve it.

Just one hour ago, I found that it may be due to some problem of welding. It works better now. I will make sure whether this is the reason and see whether it appears again.



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