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I am using WARP v3, and trying to connect it so I can try some of the SISO/MIMO examples, but my board is not connecting to ethernet. The DIP switch ( … ion/WARPv3) is not working. When I change the DIP switch setting, the HEX displays remain on '00', and it is unable to connect to ethernet (the green LED doesn't light up). Is there any way to fix this?
What reference design are you using?
Can you send us the UART output from the booting of the board?
Sorry for the late reply. I am using the 3 boards with the WARP v3 7.5.0 reference design. One board has the normal 2 RF interface, and the other two have 4 RF interfaces (the FMC-RF-2X245 boards are already connected).
I'm not too sure what the UART output is.
What I've done so far is configure the boards with the w3_WARPLab_7.5.0_4RF.bin files, in slot 0. The ethernet connection is all properly set up, and the wl_setup.m file in the reference code runs fine. However, when I try to run any of the examples, it appears as:
"Error message follows:
maximum number of retransmissions met without reply from node
Error using wl_initNodes
The following notes with IDs = [1 0] are not responding. Please ensure that the nodes have been configured with the WARPLab bitstream."
I am trying to sync the two nodes with the 4RFs so I have 8 in total , using the instructions here: … s/nodeSync
My CM-MMCX modules are set up correctly and the cables and pins are connected as required, but both HEX displays still only show "00".
I've looked in and it doesn't offer any solution to the problem, since I have the boards set up in the same way, and all of them and the host PC connect to the one ethernet router and the cables are all 1GB, as required. The first and second boards (both with 4RF) both show '00' on the HEX display and the green LED never turns on. The third board (only 2RF) is working fine; the IP address suffix 3 appears on the HEX and using wl_initNodes(1,2) does not return an error, and the green ethernet LED lights up as normal.
The strangest thing is that when I switch to using the 7.4.0 reference design (on a different slot on the SD cards) everything works as it should; the boards show the IP suffixes 1, 2, 3 and I can see the signal that is sent/received on MATLAB's graphs. Since the IP suffixes are working using 7.4.0, it doesn't seem to be a problem with the DIP switches.
I've also tried reconfiguring the board, changing the bitstream slots (in case it was just slot 0 not working), using only 2RF.bin files instead of 4RF.bin, and using different ethernet cables, but they are all giving the same result - board 3 always works, and boards 1 and 2 only work using 7.4.0. I'm not really sure where to go from here, and I can't figure out why the boards are not connecting to the ethernet router. Can you help?
Thank you.
Last edited by vten3075 (2015-Mar-12 00:22:58)
Thanks for the detailed debugging steps. This is a documentation error on our part. The DIP switch settings on the CM-MMCX in WL 7.5 changed. We did document the change here, but we neglected to make the change in the nodeSync example itself. Sorry about that -- I'll fix it.
Basically, the "head" node using the CM-MMCX should have its DIP switch set to (0,1) instead of the WL 7.4 convention of (1,0). If you followed the 7.4-era instructions in the nodeSync example, then both of your boards are expecting off-board clocks. Neither board was actually booting.
Thanks for the clarification, the board is working properly now, and is transmitting/receiving the correct signals.