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#1 2016-Mar-14 07:58:08

Registered: 2016-Mar-13
Posts: 3

siggen_HTMF_MCS4_100B_BW20.mat in wlan_phy_rx_init.m

I just checked out everything from the SVN repository. When I tried to generate wlan_phy_rx_pmd output from sysgen model, I got the error below from wlan_phy_rx_init.m:. I don't see rxend_testing directory or siggen_HTMF_MCS4_100B_BW20.mat in the entire repository. Did I miss a step?

>> wlan_phy_rx_init
Error using load
Unable to read file rx_sigs/rxend_testing/siggen_HTMF_MCS4_100B_BW20.mat: No such file or directory.

Error in wlan_phy_rx_init (line 43)
    load('rx_sigs/rxend_testing/siggen_HTMF_MCS4_100B_BW20.mat'); wlan_tx_out = 0.2*sig;



#2 2016-Mar-14 10:53:04

From: Mango Communications
Registered: 2006-Jul-03
Posts: 5159

Re: siggen_HTMF_MCS4_100B_BW20.mat in wlan_phy_rx_init.m

That's my fault. The whole 802.11 ref design in svn is under active development right now, working towards the v1.5 release. That rev of the Rx PHY init script is referring to waveform files I was using to debug an Rx PHY issue in simulation. I just committed an update to the Rx sim init script to use one of the NONHT waveforms in rx_sigs. The Rx PHY is nearly ready for the v1.5 release. The Rx sim should work fine; the whole v1.5 project will be posted soon.

In general you can find the svn rev of the latest release on the ref design download page. The PHY simulations as of the release versions are generally ready to use as-is.



#3 2016-Mar-14 11:04:55

Registered: 2016-Mar-13
Posts: 3

Re: siggen_HTMF_MCS4_100B_BW20.mat in wlan_phy_rx_init.m


Thank you very much for the quick reply! Your new check-ins work great!

By the way, I started with the Mango_802.11_RefDes_v1.4.0.zip, but the wlan_phy_rx_init.m in that archive loads files that don't exist either. I searched around and understand that I can easily modify the m file to load another .mat file, but since I don't know much about this reference design I rather start with a known good state and explore from there.



#4 2016-Mar-14 11:10:39

Registered: 2016-Mar-13
Posts: 3

Re: siggen_HTMF_MCS4_100B_BW20.mat in wlan_phy_rx_init.m


May I know which version of SysGen and Matlab are you using? I am getting the error below on wlan_ply_rx_pmd modle in SysGen 14.4 and Matlab 2012b.

Begin generation
Checking model status
Checking simulation times
Performing compilation and generation

*** ERROR ***

Errors occurred during netlist generation.
Error due to multiple causes.

Cause 1
Simulink:Parameters:BlkParamUndefined: Error evaluating parameter 'depth' in '<a href="matlab:open_and_hilite_system ('wlan_phy_rx_pmd/Detect & Decode/De-Interleave/Read Addr Gen/De-Interleave DP-ROM/De-Interleave ROM')">wlan_phy_rx_pmd/Detect & Decode/De-Interleave/Read Addr Gen/De-Interleave DP-ROM/De-Interleave ROM</a>'

Cause 2
Simulink:Parameters:BlkParamUndefined: Error evaluating parameter 'initVector' in '<a href="matlab:open_and_hilite_system ('wlan_phy_rx_pmd/Detect & Decode/De-Interleave/Read Addr Gen/De-Interleave DP-ROM/De-Interleave ROM')">wlan_phy_rx_pmd/Detect & Decode/De-Interleave/Read Addr Gen/De-Interleave DP-ROM/De-Interleave ROM</a>



#5 2016-Mar-14 11:16:18

From: Mango Communications
Registered: 2006-Jul-03
Posts: 5159

Re: siggen_HTMF_MCS4_100B_BW20.mat in wlan_phy_rx_init.m

Sorry, my fault again. The de-interleaver was re-designed for the v1.5 PHY (had to reduce the latency to support the fastest 11n rates). The new design relies on util/wlan_rx_deinterleave_rom_gen.m to generate the de-interleaving vectors. I forgot to add that file to svn - I just committed it.

fwiw I'm using ISE/Sysgen 14.4 and MATLAB R2011b; any MATLAB version that supports Sysgen 14.4 should also work.



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