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I'm using wl_example_continuous_tx.m script. I saw that WarpLab uses 40MHz bandwidth. Is there any possibility to use 20MHz?
I changed from 40 to 20 the last two clocks of clock_generator_ProcBusSamp_Clocks and from 2 to 4 in status=clk_init(CLK_BASEADDR, 2) [so status=clk_init(CLK_BASEADDR, 4)], but I've just seen that it uses 40MHz.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong....
if I use exp(j*2*pi * 11e6 * t), WARP transmits at 11 MHz, but it should not be possible, because the bandwidth should be 20MHz (from -10 to 10 MHz)... right?
Thank you in advance.
Last edited by alice_warp (2017-Jan-30 11:21:24)
You can transmit a 20MHz signal with 40MSps ADCs/DACs using interpolation and decimation filters. This is how the WARPLab OFDM example works. I would definitely recommend leaving the clocks in the WARPLab FPGA design unchanged.
As always, thank you.