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#1 2018-Feb-26 07:46:32

Registered: 2017-Jul-01
Posts: 52

Energy Trigger NOT Working


I'm trying to use WARPLab 7.7.1 to receive packets at arbitrary times (from a phone). And the "Energy Trigger" might be a solution. I just modify the "energy_trigger example code". However, when I polling the "output_state_read" in TriggerManager, it always returns 1 without waiting even if I didn't enable TX.

trigger_asserted = 0;
while(trigger_asserted == 0)
    trigger_asserted = node_rx.wl_triggerManagerCmd('output_state_read', [trig_out_ids.BASEBAND]);

Can you please help me resolve the problem?
Thank you.

Best regards,



#2 2018-Feb-26 09:28:01

From: Mango Communications
Registered: 2006-Jul-03
Posts: 5159

Re: Energy Trigger NOT Working

Does the energy trigger stay asserted if you increase the energy threshold? Does the energy trigger immediately re-assert after clearing it (i.e. "wl_triggerManagerCmd(node_rx, 'output_state_clear', [trig_out_ids.BASEBAND]);")?



#3 2018-Feb-26 21:45:06

Registered: 2017-Jul-01
Posts: 52

Re: Energy Trigger NOT Working

I found the problem but don't know how to solve. The TX board automatically transmits noises with RSSI about 300. When I unplug the antenna on the TX board, the RX energy trigger works. The noise is quite a constant pattern (but some time it changes).



#4 2018-Feb-26 22:12:03

Registered: 2017-Jul-01
Posts: 52

Re: Energy Trigger NOT Working

It is strange that on RX board, only RF_A is enabled as RX, but RF_B does not transmit noises. But on the other board, I didn't enable RX nor TX, but RF_A automatically transmits noises (only RF_A, RF_B doesn't). Here is the modified code:



rssi_sum_len                 = 15;
energy_detection_threshold   = rssi_sum_len * 200;
busy_minlength               = 10;

% Rx Gain
rx_gain_rf                   = 1;      % Value must be an integer in [1:3]
rx_gain_bb                   = 15;     % Value must be an integer in [0:31]

% Tx Gain
tx_gain_bb                   = 3;      % Value must be an integer in [0:3] 
tx_gain_rf                   = 30;     % Value must be an integer in [0:63]

nodes = wl_initNodes(2);

% Set up transmit and receive nodes
node_tx = nodes(1);
node_rx = nodes(2);

% Create a UDP broadcast trigger and tell each node to be ready for it
eth_trig = wl_trigger_eth_udp_broadcast;
wl_triggerManagerCmd(nodes, 'add_ethernet_trigger', [eth_trig]);

% Read Trigger IDs into workspace
trig_in_ids  = wl_getTriggerInputIDs(nodes(1));
trig_out_ids = wl_getTriggerOutputIDs(nodes(1));

% For the transmit node, we will allow Ethernet to trigger the baseband buffers
%wl_triggerManagerCmd(node_tx, 'output_config_input_selection', [trig_out_ids.BASEBAND], [trig_in_ids.ETH_A]);

% For the receive node, we will allow the energy detector to trigger the baseband buffers
wl_triggerManagerCmd(node_rx, 'output_config_input_selection', [trig_out_ids.BASEBAND], [trig_in_ids.ENERGY_DET]);
% wl_triggerManagerCmd(node_rx, 'output_config_input_selection', [trig_out_ids.BASEBAND, trig_out_ids.AGC], [trig_in_ids.ENERGY_DET]);

wl_triggerManagerCmd(node_rx, 'output_config_hold_mode', [trig_out_ids.BASEBAND], true); 
% wl_triggerManagerCmd(node_rx, 'output_config_hold_mode', [trig_out_ids.BASEBAND, trig_out_ids.AGC], true);

% Set parameters for the energy trigger
wl_triggerManagerCmd(node_rx, 'energy_config_average_length', rssi_sum_len);
wl_triggerManagerCmd(node_rx, 'energy_config_busy_threshold', energy_detection_threshold);
wl_triggerManagerCmd(node_rx, 'energy_config_busy_minlength', busy_minlength);

% Set up the Interface parameters

% Get IDs for the interfaces on the boards.  
% NOTE:  This example assumes each board has the same interface capabilities (ie 2 RF 
%   interfaces; RFA and RFB).  Therefore, we only need to get the IDs from one of the boards.
ifc_ids = wl_getInterfaceIDs(nodes(1));

% Set the Transmit and Receive interfaces
%     Transmit from RFA of one node to RFA of the other node
% NOTE:  Variables are used to make it easier to change interfaces.
rf_tx         = ifc_ids.RF_A;                    % Transmit RF interface
rf_rx         = ifc_ids.RF_A;                    % Receive RF interface

rf_rx_vec     = ifc_ids.RF_A;                    % Vector version of transmit RF interface
rf_tx_vec     = ifc_ids.RF_A;                    % Vector version of receive RF interface

% Set the RF center frequency on all interfaces
%     - Frequency Band  :  Must be 2.4 or 5, to select 2.4GHz or 5GHz channels
%     - Channel         :  Must be an integer in [1,11] for BAND = 2.4; [1,23] for BAND = 5
wl_interfaceCmd(nodes, ifc_ids.RF_ALL, 'channel', 2.4, 11);

% Set the RX gains on all interfaces
%     - Rx RF Gain      :  Must be an integer in [1:3]
%     - Rx Baseband Gain:  Must be an integer in [0:31]
% NOTE:  The gains may need to be modified depending on your experimental setup
wl_interfaceCmd(nodes, ifc_ids.RF_ALL, 'rx_gain_mode', 'manual');
wl_interfaceCmd(nodes, ifc_ids.RF_ALL, 'rx_gains', rx_gain_rf, rx_gain_bb);
% wl_interfaceCmd(nodes, ifc_ids.RF_ALL, 'rx_gain_mode', 'automatic');
% wl_basebandCmd(nodes, 'agc_target', -10);

% Set the TX gains on all interfaces
%     - Tx Baseband Gain:  Must be an integer in [0:3] for approx [-5, -3, -1.5, 0]dB baseband gain
%     - Tx RF Gain      :  Must be an integer in [0:63] for approx [0:31]dB RF gain
% NOTE:  The gains may need to be modified depending on your experimental setup
wl_interfaceCmd(nodes, ifc_ids.RF_ALL, 'tx_gains', tx_gain_bb, tx_gain_rf);

% Set interface parameters for the energy trigger
wl_triggerManagerCmd(node_rx, 'energy_config_interface_selection', ifc_ids.RF_ON_BOARD);

% Set up the Baseband parameters

% Get the sample frequency from the board
ts      = 1 / (wl_basebandCmd(nodes(1), 'tx_buff_clk_freq'));
ts_rx   = 1 / (wl_basebandCmd(nodes(1), 'rx_buff_clk_freq'));
ts_rssi = 1 / (wl_basebandCmd(nodes(1), 'rx_rssi_clk_freq'));

% Read the maximum I/Q buffer length.  
% NOTE:  This example assumes that each board has the same baseband capabilities (ie both nodes are 
%   the same WARP hardware version, for example WARP v3).  This example also assumes that each RF 
%   interface has the same baseband capabilities (ie the max number of TX samples is the same as the 
%   max number of RF samples). Therefore, we only need to read the max I/Q buffer length of node_tx RFA.
maximum_buffer_len = wl_basebandCmd(node_tx, rf_tx, 'tx_buff_max_num_samples');

% Set the transmission / receptions lengths (in samples)
%     See WARPLab user guide for maximum length supported by WARP hardware 
%     versions and different WARPLab versions.
tx_length    = 2^15;
rx_length    = tx_length;
rssi_length  = floor(rx_length / (ts_rssi / ts_rx));

% Check the transmission length
if (tx_length > maximum_buffer_len) 
    error('Node supports max transmission length of %d samples.  Requested %d samples.', maximum_buffer_len, tx_length); 

% Set the length for the transmit and receive buffers based on the transmission length
wl_basebandCmd(nodes, 'tx_length', tx_length);
wl_basebandCmd(nodes, 'rx_length', rx_length);

% Signal processing to generate transmit signal

% First generate the preamble for AGC. 
%     NOTE:  The preamble corresponds to the short symbols from the 802.11a PHY standard
% shortSymbol_freq = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1+i 0 0 0 -1+i 0 0 0 -1-i 0 0 0 1-i 0 0 0 -1-i 0 0 0 1-i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-i 0 0 0 -1-i 0 0 0 1-i 0 0 0 -1-i 0 0 0 -1+i 0 0 0 1+i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0].';
% shortSymbol_freq = [zeros(32,1);shortSymbol_freq;zeros(32,1)];
% shortSymbol_time = ifft(fftshift(shortSymbol_freq));
% shortSymbol_time = (shortSymbol_time(1:32).')./max(abs(shortSymbol_time));
% shortsyms_rep    = repmat(shortSymbol_time,1,30);
% preamble         = shortsyms_rep;
% preamble         = preamble(:);

t         = [0:ts:((tx_length - 1))*ts].';                      % Create time vector(Sample Frequency is ts (Hz))
% t         = [0:ts:((tx_length - length(preamble) - 1))*ts].';   % Create time vector(Sample Frequency is ts (Hz))

sinusoid  = 0.6 * exp(j*2*pi * 5e6 * t);                        % Create  5 MHz sinusoid

tx_data   = [sinusoid];
% tx_data   = [preamble; sinusoid];

% Transmit and receive signal using WARPLab

% Transmit IQ data to the TX node
%wl_basebandCmd(node_tx, rf_tx_vec, 'write_IQ', tx_data(:));

% Enabled the RF interfaces for TX / RX
%wl_interfaceCmd(node_tx, rf_tx, 'tx_en');
wl_interfaceCmd(node_rx, rf_rx, 'rx_en');

% Enable the buffers for TX / RX
%wl_basebandCmd(node_tx, rf_tx, 'tx_buff_en');
wl_basebandCmd(node_rx, rf_rx, 'rx_buff_en');

% Send the Ethernet trigger to start the TX

% Check that the energy trigger asserted the BASEBAND output trigger to the WARPLab buffers core.  
%     NOTE:  This will prevent users from reading stale IQ data in the node.
trigger_asserted = 0;
while(trigger_asserted == 0)
    trigger_asserted = node_rx.wl_triggerManagerCmd('output_state_read', [trig_out_ids.BASEBAND]);
% Read the IQ and RSSI data from the RX node 
rx_iq    = wl_basebandCmd(node_rx, rf_rx_vec, 'read_IQ', 0, rx_length);
rx_rssi  = wl_basebandCmd(node_rx, rf_rx_vec, 'read_RSSI', 0, rssi_length);

% Disable the buffers and RF interfaces for TX / RX
wl_basebandCmd(nodes, ifc_ids.RF_ALL, 'tx_rx_buff_dis');
wl_interfaceCmd(nodes, ifc_ids.RF_ALL, 'tx_rx_dis');

% Clear the held energy detection trigger at our receiver
wl_triggerManagerCmd(node_rx, 'output_state_clear', [trig_out_ids.BASEBAND]);
% wl_triggerManagerCmd(node_rx, 'output_state_clear', [trig_out_ids.BASEBAND, trig_out_ids.AGC]);

% Visualize results


% Plot IQ data
ax(1) = subplot(2,2,1);
xlabel('Sample Index')
title('Received I')
axis([1 rx_length -1 1])

ax(2) = subplot(2,2,2);
xlabel('Sample Index')
title('Received Q')
axis([1 rx_length -1 1])


% Plot RSSI data
xlabel('Sample Index')
title('Received RSSI')
axis([0 rssi_length 0 1024])




#5 2018-Feb-27 07:29:23

Registered: 2017-Jul-01
Posts: 52

Re: Energy Trigger NOT Working


It seems that the RX board is triggered by signal (2.4G) from nearby Access Points. I manage to get it work by blocking the possible paths from other APs.
The only thing I wonder now is the way the trigger uses packets. We cannot use a single packet as the trigger and data at the same time, is it correct? Because the first part of the packet is removed (use for triggering only, I think).



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