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Hey all,
I am trying to use the spi sd pcore to access the sd card on the warp v3 board.
I understand that the CPLD code needs to be modified (the one below), specifically I need to connect the CPLD GPIO pins to the SPI CS, CLK, and MOSI lines to the sd card. … order=name
I've added this pcore to my reference design … order=name
In Xilinx Software Development IDE, I add the sd_spi.h, compile the microblaze program, add these lines of code:
status = sd_rw_init(SPI_BASE_ADDR);
But I get an error in CMD0 - no valid response output through the console terminal. So, likely my CPLD modification is wrong, but I'm not sure.
My system.mhs file has the following added:
BEGIN w3_sd_spi
BUS_INTERFACE S_AXI = axi4lite_1
PORT spi_sclk = CPLD_GPIO_0_pin
PORT spi_mosi = CPLD_GPIO_1_pin
PORT spi_miso = CPLD_GPIO_2_pin
PORT spi_cs_n = CPLD_GPIO_3_pin
PORT spi_enable_n = CPLD_GPIO_4_pin
PORT cfg_req_n = CPLD_GPIO_5_pin
PORT cfg_sel = CPLD_GPIO_pin
And then, for the cpld code in w3_cpld_sd_config.v, I commented out the spi_boot instantation and added these lines instead:
assign sd_mosi = cpld_gpio_1;
assign sd_sclk = cpld_gpio_0;
assign sd_cs_n = cpld_gpio_3;
assign cpld_gpio_2 = spi_miso;
Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Last edited by 5g3 (2018-Jun-27 11:33:56)
A few possibilities:
-Check the pin assignments for the new signals in the CPLD design
-Did you recompile the CPLD design with ISE Project Navigator, then re-program the CPLD via JTAG?
-Check the pin assignments for the new signals in the FPGA design
We've used the MHS/UCF below successfully:
#Top-level ports ... # SD SPI PORT sd_spi_SCLK = sd_spi_SCLK, DIR = O PORT sd_spi_MISO = sd_spi_MISO, DIR = I PORT sd_spi_MOSI = sd_spi_MOSI, DIR = O PORT sd_spi_CS_N = sd_spi_CS_N, DIR = O PORT sd_spi_enable_n = sd_spi_enable_n, DIR = O PORT sd_cfg_req_n = sd_cfg_req_n, DIR = O PORT sd_cfg_sel = sd_cfg_sel, DIR = O, VEC = [2:0] #w3_sd_spi instance BEGIN w3_sd_spi PARAMETER INSTANCE = w3_sd_spi_0 PARAMETER HW_VER = 1.00.a PARAMETER C_BASEADDR = 0x43000000 PARAMETER C_HIGHADDR = 0x43000FFF PARAMETER C_INTERCONNECT_S_AXI_AW_REGISTER = 8 PARAMETER C_INTERCONNECT_S_AXI_AR_REGISTER = 8 PARAMETER C_INTERCONNECT_S_AXI_W_REGISTER = 8 PARAMETER C_INTERCONNECT_S_AXI_R_REGISTER = 8 PARAMETER C_INTERCONNECT_S_AXI_B_REGISTER = 8 BUS_INTERFACE S_AXI = axi4lite_1 PORT S_AXI_ACLK = clk_80MHz PORT spi_sclk = sd_spi_SCLK PORT spi_miso = sd_spi_MISO PORT spi_mosi = sd_spi_MOSI PORT spi_cs_n = sd_spi_CS_N PORT spi_enable_n = sd_spi_enable_n PORT cfg_req_n = sd_cfg_req_n PORT cfg_sel = sd_cfg_sel END
FPGA constraints (data/system.ucf):
#FPGA <-> CPLD signals for accessing SD card NET sd_spi_SCLK LOC = J25 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS25; NET sd_spi_MISO LOC = N24 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS25; NET sd_spi_MOSI LOC = N23 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS25; NET sd_spi_CS_N LOC = P24 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS25; NET sd_spi_enable_n LOC = R24 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS25; NET sd_cfg_req_n LOC = H25 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS25; NET sd_cfg_sel<0> LOC = L24 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS25; NET sd_cfg_sel<1> LOC = H24 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS25; NET sd_cfg_sel<2> LOC = J24 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS25; Net sd_spi_SCLK TNM_NET = sd_spi_SCLK; TIMESPEC TS_sd_spi_SCLK = PERIOD sd_spi_SCLK 20 MHz;
CPLD constraints:
... NET "fpga_spi_sclk" LOC = "P85" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25; #CPLD_GPIO0 / V6.J25 NET "fpga_spi_miso" LOC = "P86" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25; #CPLD_GPIO1 / V6.N24 NET "fpga_spi_mosi" LOC = "P87" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25; #CPLD_GPIO2 / V6.N23 NET "fpga_spi_cs_n" LOC = "P89" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25; #CPLD_GPIO3 / V6.P24 NET "fpga_spi_enable_n" LOC = "P90" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25 | PULLUP; #CPLD_GPIO4 / V6.R24 NET "fpga_cfg_req_n" LOC = "P82" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25 | PULLUP; #CPLD_GPIO5 / V6.H25 NET "fpga_cfg_sel<0>" LOC = "P81" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25; #CPLD_GPIO6 / V6.L24 NET "fpga_cfg_sel<1>" LOC = "P80" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25; #CPLD_GPIO7 / V6.H24 NET "fpga_cfg_sel<2>" LOC = "P79" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25; #CPLD_GPIO8 / V6.J24
This code comes from an experimental build of the WARPLab Reference Design that supported reconfiguring the FPGA via Ethernet. You're welcome to look at that design ( … but please understand it's old (based on WARPLab 7.3) and completely unsupported (I built it years ago, don't recall exactly how it worked). Despite this, it could be a useful reference for building your own FPGA-SD connections.
Hey thanks a lot! Additionally, do you happen to have a microblaze example using the sd_spi.h and sd_spi.c libs?
Specifically, where sd_write_block and sd_read_block are used, just to understand them a bit better.
Syntactically, would it be something like this? (assuming that buffer_test and buffer_test_size are valid arguments being passed):
The best resource would be the example SD read/write code in that .zip archive (w3_WARPLab_EDK_2RF_v7.3.0_EthSD/SDK_Workspace/w3_WARPLab_v7_AXI_2rf/src/wl_user.c). I implemented the SD interface as a "user command" in WARPLab, to minimize changes relative to the reference design code.
Ok thanks your help is really appreciated, will give it a go and report back!
So quick question regarding the CPLD code, it presently doesn't have the functionality that once a .bin is booted from the sd card, the SPI lines are changed to connect directly to the FPGA for SD read/write access?
So quick question regarding the CPLD code, it presently doesn't have the functionality that once a .bin is booted from the sd card, the SPI lines are changed to connect directly to the FPGA for SD read/write access?
That's correct - the CPLD design we load during manufacturing (source here) only supports FPGA configuration. You can reprogram the CPLD with a custom design with a JTAG cable via the JTAG header on the bottom of the WARP v3 board.