------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- SD/MMC Bootloader -- -- $Id: spi_boot.vhd 77 2009-04-01 19:53:14Z arniml $ -- -- Copyright (c) 2005, Arnim Laeuger (arniml@opencores.org) -- -- All rights reserved, see COPYING. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and synthezised forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- -- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- Redistributions in synthesized form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- Neither the name of the author nor the names of other contributors may -- be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without -- specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" -- AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE -- LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR -- CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF -- SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS -- INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN -- CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) -- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE -- POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- Please report bugs to the author, but before you do so, please -- make sure that this is not a derivative work and that -- you have the latest version of this file. -- -- The latest version of this file can be found at: -- http://www.opencores.org/projects.cgi/web/spi_boot/overview -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity spi_boot is generic ( -- width of bit counter: minimum 6, maximum 12 width_bit_cnt_g : integer := 6; -- width of image counter: minimum 0, maximum n width_img_cnt_g : integer := 2; -- number of bits required to address one image num_bits_per_img_g : integer := 18; -- SD specific initialization sd_init_g : integer := 0; -- clock divider to reach 400 kHz for MMC compatibility mmc_compat_clk_div_g : integer := 0; width_mmc_clk_div_g : integer := 0; -- active level of reset_i reset_level_g : integer := 0 ); port ( -- System Interface ------------------------------------------------------- clk_i : in std_logic; reset_i : in std_logic; set_sel_i : in std_logic_vector(31-width_img_cnt_g-num_bits_per_img_g downto 0); -- Card Interface --------------------------------------------------------- spi_clk_o : out std_logic; spi_cs_n_o : out std_logic; spi_data_in_i : in std_logic; spi_data_out_o : out std_logic; spi_en_outs_o : out std_logic; -- FPGA Configuration Interface ------------------------------------------- start_i : in std_logic; mode_i : in std_logic; config_n_o : out std_logic; detached_o : out std_logic; cfg_init_n_i : in std_logic; cfg_done_i : in std_logic; dat_done_i : in std_logic; cfg_clk_o : out std_logic; cfg_dat_o : out std_logic ); end spi_boot; library ieee; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.spi_boot_pack.all; architecture rtl of spi_boot is component spi_counter generic ( cnt_width_g : integer := 4; cnt_max_g : integer := 15 ); port ( clk_i : in std_logic; reset_i : in boolean; cnt_en_i : in boolean; cnt_o : out std_logic_vector(cnt_width_g-1 downto 0); cnt_ovfl_o : out boolean ); end component; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- States of the controller FSM -- type ctrl_states_t is (POWER_UP1, POWER_UP2, CMD0, CMD1, CMD55, ACMD41, CMD16, WAIT_START, WAIT_INIT_LOW, WAIT_INIT_HIGH, CMD18, CMD18_DATA, CMD12, INC_IMG_CNT); -- signal ctrl_fsm_q, ctrl_fsm_s : ctrl_states_t; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- States of the command FSM -- type cmd_states_t is (CMD, START, R1, PAUSE); -- signal cmd_fsm_q, cmd_fsm_s : cmd_states_t; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subtype op_r is integer range 5 downto 0; type res_bc_t is (NONE, RES_MAX, RES_47, RES_15, RES_7); signal bit_cnt_q : unsigned(width_bit_cnt_g-1 downto 0); signal res_bc_s : res_bc_t; signal upper_bitcnt_zero_s : boolean; signal cfg_dat_q : std_logic; signal spi_clk_q : std_logic; signal spi_clk_rising_q : boolean; signal spi_clk_falling_q : boolean; signal spi_dat_q, spi_dat_s : std_logic; signal spi_cs_n_q, spi_cs_n_s : std_logic; signal cfg_clk_q : std_logic; signal start_q : std_logic; signal img_cnt_s : std_logic_vector(width_img_cnt_g downto 0); signal cnt_en_img_s : boolean; signal mmc_cnt_ovfl_s : boolean; signal mmc_compat_s : boolean; signal cmd_finished_s : boolean; signal r1_illcmd_q, r1_idle_q : std_logic; signal done_q, send_cmd12_q : boolean; signal en_outs_s, en_outs_q : boolean; signal reset_s : boolean; signal true_s : boolean; begin true_s <= true; reset_s <= true when (reset_level_g = 1 and reset_i = '1') or (reset_level_g = 0 and reset_i = '0') else false; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Process seq -- -- Purpose: -- Implements several sequential elements. -- seq: process (clk_i, reset_s) variable bit_cnt_v : unsigned(1 downto 0); begin if reset_s then -- reset bit counter to 63 for power up bit_cnt_q <= (others => '0'); bit_cnt_q(op_r) <= "111111"; spi_dat_q <= '1'; spi_cs_n_q <= '1'; cfg_dat_q <= '1'; start_q <= '0'; done_q <= false; send_cmd12_q <= false; ctrl_fsm_q <= POWER_UP1; cmd_fsm_q <= CMD; r1_illcmd_q <= '0'; r1_idle_q <= '0'; en_outs_q <= false; elsif clk_i'event and clk_i = '1' then -- bit counter control if spi_clk_rising_q then case res_bc_s is when NONE => bit_cnt_q <= bit_cnt_q - 1; when RES_MAX => bit_cnt_q <= (others => '1'); when RES_47 => bit_cnt_q <= (others => '0'); bit_cnt_q(op_r) <= "101111"; when RES_15 => bit_cnt_q <= (others => '0'); bit_cnt_q(op_r) <= "001111"; when RES_7 => bit_cnt_q <= (others => '0'); bit_cnt_q(op_r) <= "000111"; when others => bit_cnt_q <= (others => '0'); end case; end if; -- Card data output register -- spi_clk_falling_q acts as enable during MMC clock compatibility mode. -- As soon as this mode is left, the register must start latching. -- There is no explicit relation to spi_clk_q anymore in normal mode. -- Instead, spi_dat_s is operated by bit_cnt_q above which changes its -- value after the rising edge of spi_clk_q. -- -> spi_dat_q changes upon falling edge of spi_clk_q if spi_clk_falling_q or not mmc_compat_s then spi_dat_q <= spi_dat_s; end if; -- config data output register -- a new value is loaded when config clock is high, -- i.e. input data is sampled with rising spi_clk -- while output value changes on falling edge of cfg_clk if cfg_clk_q = '1' and spi_clk_rising_q then cfg_dat_q <= spi_data_in_i; end if; -- Controller FSM state ctrl_fsm_q <= ctrl_fsm_s; -- Command FSM state cmd_fsm_q <= cmd_fsm_s; -- CS signal for SPI card if spi_clk_q = '1' then spi_cs_n_q <= spi_cs_n_s; end if; -- Extract flags from R1 response if cmd_fsm_q = R1 then bit_cnt_v := bit_cnt_q(1 downto 0); case bit_cnt_v(1 downto 0) is when "10" => -- save "Illegal Command" flag r1_illcmd_q <= to_X01(spi_data_in_i); when "00" => -- save "Idle State" flag r1_idle_q <= to_X01(spi_data_in_i); when others => null; end case; end if; -- Start trigger register for rising edge detection -- the reset value is '0' thus a rising edge will always be detected -- after reset even though start_i is tied to '1' if start_i = '0' then start_q <= '0'; elsif ctrl_fsm_q = WAIT_START and cmd_finished_s then start_q <= start_i; end if; -- Marker for cfg_done and dat_done if ctrl_fsm_q = CMD18_DATA then if cfg_done_i = '1' and dat_done_i = '1' then done_q <= true; end if; if done_q and (not upper_bitcnt_zero_s or cmd_fsm_q = START) then -- activate sending of CMD12 when it is safe: -- * upper bits of bit counter are not zero -- -> transmission of CMD12 is not running -- * cmd FSM is in START state -- -> also no transmission running send_cmd12_q <= true; end if; elsif ctrl_fsm_q = WAIT_START then -- reset done_q when WAIT_START has been reached -- this is necessary to let the stop transmission process come to -- an end without interruption or generation of unwanted cfg_clk_q done_q <= false; send_cmd12_q <= false; end if; -- output enable if spi_clk_rising_q then en_outs_q <= en_outs_s; end if; end if; end process seq; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Process upper_bits -- -- Purpose: -- Detects that the upper bits of the bit counter are zero. -- Upper bits = n downto 6, i.e. the optional part that is not required for -- commands but for extension of data blocks. -- upper_bits: process (bit_cnt_q) variable zero_v : boolean; begin zero_v := true; for i in bit_cnt_q'high downto 6 loop if bit_cnt_q(i) = '1' then zero_v := false; end if; end loop; upper_bitcnt_zero_s <= zero_v; end process upper_bits; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Process clk_gen -- -- Purpose: -- Generates clocks for card and FPGA configuration. -- The card clock is free running with a divide by two of clk_i. -- The clock for FPGA config has an enable and is stopped on high level. -- There is a phase shift of half a period between spi_clk and cfg_clk. -- clk_gen: process (clk_i, reset_s) begin if reset_s then spi_clk_q <= '0'; cfg_clk_q <= '1'; elsif clk_i'event and clk_i = '1' then -- spi_clk_q rises according to the flag -- it falls with overflow indication -- the resulting duty cycle is not exactly 50:50, -- high time is a bit longer if mmc_compat_s then -- MMC clock compatibility mode: -- spi_clk_q rises when flagged by spi_clk_rising_q if spi_clk_rising_q then spi_clk_q <= '1'; elsif mmc_cnt_ovfl_s then -- upon counter overflow spi_clk_q falls in case it does not rise spi_clk_q <= '0'; end if; else -- normal mode -- spi_clk_q follows spi_clk_rising_q if spi_clk_rising_q then spi_clk_q <= '1'; else spi_clk_q <= '0'; end if; end if; -- clock for FPGA config must be enabled and follows spi_clk if ctrl_fsm_q = CMD18_DATA and cmd_fsm_q = CMD and not done_q then cfg_clk_q <= spi_clk_q; else cfg_clk_q <= '1'; end if; end if; end process clk_gen; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Indication flags for rising and falling spi_clk_q. -- Essential for MMC clock compatibility mode. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mmc_comap: if mmc_compat_clk_div_g > 0 generate mmc_compat_sig: process (clk_i, reset_s) begin if reset_s then spi_clk_rising_q <= false; spi_clk_falling_q <= false; elsif clk_i'event and clk_i = '1' then if mmc_compat_s then -- MMC clock compatibility mode: -- spi_clk_rising_q is an impulse right before rising edge of spi_clk_q -- spi_clk_falling_q is an impulse right before falling edge of spi_clk_q if mmc_cnt_ovfl_s then spi_clk_rising_q <= spi_clk_q = '0'; spi_clk_falling_q <= spi_clk_q = '1'; else spi_clk_rising_q <= false; spi_clk_falling_q <= false; end if; else -- normal mode spi_clk_rising_q <= not spi_clk_rising_q; spi_clk_falling_q <= true; end if; end if; end process mmc_compat_sig; end generate; no_mmc_compat: if mmc_compat_clk_div_g = 0 generate -- SPI clock rising whenever spi_clk_q is '0' spi_clk_rising_q <= spi_clk_q = '0'; -- SPI clock falling whenever spi_clk_q is '1' spi_clk_falling_q <= spi_clk_q = '1'; end generate; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Process ctrl_fsm -- -- Purpose: -- Implements the controller FSM. -- ctrl_fsm: process (ctrl_fsm_q, cmd_finished_s, r1_illcmd_q, r1_idle_q, start_i, start_q, mode_i, cfg_init_n_i) variable mmc_compat_v : boolean; begin -- default assignments ctrl_fsm_s <= POWER_UP1; config_n_o <= '1'; cnt_en_img_s <= false; spi_cs_n_s <= '0'; mmc_compat_v := false; en_outs_s <= true; case ctrl_fsm_q is -- Let card finish power up, step 1 ------------------------------------- when POWER_UP1 => mmc_compat_v := true; spi_cs_n_s <= '1'; if cmd_finished_s then ctrl_fsm_s <= POWER_UP2; else ctrl_fsm_s <= POWER_UP1; end if; -- Let card finish power up, step 2 ------------------------------------- when POWER_UP2 => mmc_compat_v := true; if cmd_finished_s then ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD0; else spi_cs_n_s <= '1'; ctrl_fsm_s <= POWER_UP2; end if; -- Issue CMD0: GO_IDLE_STATE -------------------------------------------- when CMD0 => mmc_compat_v := true; if cmd_finished_s then if sd_init_g = 1 then ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD55; else ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD1; end if; else ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD0; end if; -- Issue CMD55: APP_CMD ------------------------------------------------- when CMD55 => if sd_init_g = 1 then mmc_compat_v := true; if cmd_finished_s then if r1_illcmd_q = '0' then -- command accepted, continue with ACMD41 ctrl_fsm_s <= ACMD41; else -- command rejected, it's an MMC card ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD1; end if; else ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD55; end if; end if; -- Issue ACMD41: SEND_OP_COND ------------------------------------------- when ACMD41 => if sd_init_g = 1 then mmc_compat_v := true; if cmd_finished_s then if r1_illcmd_q = '0' then -- ok, that's an SD card if r1_idle_q = '0' then ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD16; else ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD55; end if; else -- command rejected, though it accepted CMD55 -> it's an MMC ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD1; end if; else ctrl_fsm_s <= ACMD41; end if; end if; -- Issue CMD1: SEND_OP_COND --------------------------------------------- when CMD1 => mmc_compat_v := true; if cmd_finished_s then if r1_idle_q = '0' then ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD16; else ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD1; end if; else ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD1; end if; -- Issue CMD16: SET_BLOCKLEN -------------------------------------------- when CMD16 => if cmd_finished_s then ctrl_fsm_s <= WAIT_START; else ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD16; end if; -- Wait for configuration start request --------------------------------- when WAIT_START => spi_cs_n_s <= '1'; -- detect rising edge of start_i if start_i = '1' and start_q = '0' then -- decide which mode is requested if cmd_finished_s then if mode_i = '0' then ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD18; else ctrl_fsm_s <= WAIT_INIT_LOW; end if; else en_outs_s <= false; ctrl_fsm_s <= WAIT_START; end if; else en_outs_s <= false; ctrl_fsm_s <= WAIT_START; end if; -- Wait for INIT to become low ------------------------------------------ when WAIT_INIT_LOW => spi_cs_n_s <= '1'; -- activate FPGA configuration config_n_o <= '0'; if cfg_init_n_i = '0' then ctrl_fsm_s <= WAIT_INIT_HIGH; else ctrl_fsm_s <= WAIT_INIT_LOW; end if; -- Wait for INIT to become high ----------------------------------------- when WAIT_INIT_HIGH => spi_cs_n_s <= '1'; if cfg_init_n_i = '1' and cmd_finished_s then ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD18; else ctrl_fsm_s <= WAIT_INIT_HIGH; end if; -- Issue CMD18: READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCKS ------------------------------------ when CMD18 => if cmd_finished_s then ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD18_DATA; else ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD18; end if; -- -- receive a data block when CMD18_DATA => if cmd_finished_s then ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD12; else ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD18_DATA; end if; -- Issued CMD12: STOP_TRANSMISSION ------------------------------------- when CMD12 => if cmd_finished_s then ctrl_fsm_s <= INC_IMG_CNT; else ctrl_fsm_s <= CMD12; end if; -- Increment Image Counter ---------------------------------------------- when INC_IMG_CNT => spi_cs_n_s <= '1'; ctrl_fsm_s <= WAIT_START; cnt_en_img_s <= true; when others => null; end case; -- mmc_compat_s is suppressed if MMC clock compatibility is not required if mmc_compat_clk_div_g > 0 then mmc_compat_s <= mmc_compat_v; else mmc_compat_s <= false; end if; end process ctrl_fsm; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Process cmd_fsm -- -- Purpose: -- Implements the command FSM. -- cmd_fsm: process (spi_clk_rising_q, spi_data_in_i, bit_cnt_q, ctrl_fsm_q, cmd_fsm_q, send_cmd12_q) variable cnt_zero_v : boolean; variable spi_data_low_v : boolean; variable no_startbit_v : boolean; begin -- default assignments cmd_finished_s <= false; cmd_fsm_s <= CMD; res_bc_s <= NONE; cnt_zero_v := spi_clk_rising_q and bit_cnt_q = 0; spi_data_low_v := spi_clk_rising_q and spi_data_in_i = '0'; -- these are no real commands thus there will be no startbit case ctrl_fsm_q is when POWER_UP1 | POWER_UP2 | WAIT_START | WAIT_INIT_HIGH | WAIT_INIT_LOW => no_startbit_v := true; when others => no_startbit_v := false; end case; case cmd_fsm_q is -- Send the command ----------------------------------------------------- when CMD => if cnt_zero_v then if ctrl_fsm_q /= CMD18_DATA then -- normal commands including CMD12 require startbit of R1 response cmd_fsm_s <= START; else if not send_cmd12_q then -- CMD18_DATA needs to read CRC cmd_fsm_s <= R1; res_bc_s <= RES_15; else -- CMD18_DATA finished, scan for startbit of response cmd_finished_s <= true; cmd_fsm_s <= START; end if; end if; else cmd_fsm_s <= CMD; end if; -- Wait for startbit of response ---------------------------------------- when START => -- startbit detection or skip of this check if no_startbit_v and spi_clk_rising_q then cmd_fsm_s <= R1; res_bc_s <= RES_7; elsif spi_data_low_v then if ctrl_fsm_q /= CMD18_DATA then cmd_fsm_s <= R1; else -- CMD18_DATA startbit detected, read payload cmd_fsm_s <= CMD; res_bc_s <= RES_MAX; end if; else cmd_fsm_s <= START; res_bc_s <= RES_7; end if; -- Read R1 response ----------------------------------------------------- when R1 => if cnt_zero_v then res_bc_s <= RES_7; if not (ctrl_fsm_q = CMD18 or ctrl_fsm_q = CMD18_DATA) then cmd_fsm_s <= PAUSE; else -- CMD18 needs another startbit detection for the data token. -- CMD18_DATA needs a startbit after having received the CRC, either -- * next data token -- * R1 response of CMD12 cmd_fsm_s <= START; if ctrl_fsm_q = CMD18 then -- CMD18 response received -> advance to CMD18_DATA cmd_finished_s <= true; end if; end if; else cmd_fsm_s <= R1; end if; -- PAUSE state -> required for Nrc, card response to host command ------- when PAUSE => if cnt_zero_v then cmd_fsm_s <= CMD; res_bc_s <= RES_47; cmd_finished_s <= true; else cmd_fsm_s <= PAUSE; end if; when others => null; end case; end process cmd_fsm; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Process transmit -- -- Purpose: -- Generates the serial data output values based on the current FSM state -- -- The local variable cmd_v is 64 bits wide in contrast to an SPI command -- with 48 bits. There are two reasons for this: -- * During "overlaid" sending of CMD12 in FSM state CMD18_DATA, the bit -- counter will start from 3F on its lowest 6 bits. Therefore, it is -- necessary to provide all 64 positions in cmd_v. -- * Reduces logic. -- transmit: process (ctrl_fsm_q, cmd_fsm_q, bit_cnt_q, img_cnt_s, send_cmd12_q, set_sel_i, upper_bitcnt_zero_s) subtype cmd_r is natural range 47 downto 0; subtype cmd_t is std_logic_vector(cmd_r); subtype ext_cmd_t is std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); -- STCCCCCCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcccccccS constant cmd0_c : cmd_t := "010000000000000000000000000000000000000010010101"; constant cmd1_c : cmd_t := "0100000100000000000000000000000000000000-------1"; constant cmd12_c : cmd_t := "0100110000000000000000000000000000000000-------1"; constant cmd16_c : cmd_t := "0101000000000000000000000000000000000000-------1"; constant cmd18_c : cmd_t := "0101001000000000000000000000000000000000-------1"; constant cmd55_c : cmd_t := "0111011100000000000000000000000000000000-------1"; constant acmd41_c : cmd_t := "0110100100000000000000000000000000000000-------1"; variable cmd_v : ext_cmd_t; variable tx_v : boolean; begin -- default assignments spi_dat_s <= '1'; cmd_v := (others => '1'); tx_v := false; if cmd_fsm_q = CMD then case ctrl_fsm_q is when CMD0 => cmd_v(cmd_r) := cmd0_c; tx_v := true; when CMD1 => cmd_v(cmd_r) := cmd1_c; tx_v := true; when CMD16 => cmd_v(cmd_r) := cmd16_c; cmd_v(8 + width_bit_cnt_g-3) := '1'; tx_v := true; when CMD18 => cmd_v(cmd_r) := cmd18_c; -- insert image counter cmd_v(8 + num_bits_per_img_g + width_img_cnt_g downto 8 + num_bits_per_img_g) := img_cnt_s; -- insert set selection cmd_v(8 + 31 downto 8 + num_bits_per_img_g + width_img_cnt_g) := set_sel_i; tx_v := true; when CMD18_DATA => cmd_v(cmd_r) := cmd12_c; if send_cmd12_q and upper_bitcnt_zero_s then tx_v := true; end if; when CMD55 => cmd_v(cmd_r) := cmd55_c; tx_v := true; when ACMD41 => cmd_v(cmd_r) := acmd41_c; tx_v := true; when others => null; end case; end if; if tx_v then spi_dat_s <= cmd_v(to_integer(bit_cnt_q(5 downto 0))); end if; end process transmit; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Optional Image Counter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- img_cnt: if width_img_cnt_g > 0 generate img_cnt_b : spi_counter generic map ( cnt_width_g => width_img_cnt_g, cnt_max_g => 2**width_img_cnt_g - 1 ) port map ( clk_i => clk_i, reset_i => reset_s, cnt_en_i => cnt_en_img_s, cnt_o => img_cnt_s(width_img_cnt_g-1 downto 0), cnt_ovfl_o => open ); img_cnt_s(width_img_cnt_g) <= '0'; end generate; no_img_cnt: if width_img_cnt_g = 0 generate img_cnt_s <= (others => '0'); end generate; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Optional MMC compatibility counter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mmc_cnt: if mmc_compat_clk_div_g > 0 generate mmc_cnt_b : spi_counter generic map ( cnt_width_g => width_mmc_clk_div_g, cnt_max_g => mmc_compat_clk_div_g ) port map ( clk_i => clk_i, reset_i => reset_s, cnt_en_i => true_s, cnt_o => open, cnt_ovfl_o => mmc_cnt_ovfl_s ); end generate; no_mmc_cnt: if mmc_compat_clk_div_g = 0 generate mmc_cnt_ovfl_s <= true; end generate; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Output Mapping ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- spi_clk_o <= spi_clk_q; spi_cs_n_o <= spi_cs_n_q; spi_data_out_o <= spi_dat_q; spi_en_outs_o <= '1' when en_outs_q else '0'; cfg_clk_o <= cfg_clk_q; cfg_dat_o <= cfg_dat_q; detached_o <= '0' when en_outs_q else '1'; end rtl;