//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // user_logic.vhd - module //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // *************************************************************************** // ** Copyright (c) 1995-2011 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. ** // ** ** // ** Xilinx, Inc. ** // ** XILINX IS PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR INFORMATION "AS IS" ** // ** AS A COURTESY TO YOU, SOLELY FOR USE IN DEVELOPING PROGRAMS AND ** // ** SOLUTIONS FOR XILINX DEVICES. BY PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, ** // ** OR INFORMATION AS ONE POSSIBLE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS FEATURE, ** // ** APPLICATION OR STANDARD, XILINX IS MAKING NO REPRESENTATION ** // ** THAT THIS IMPLEMENTATION IS FREE FROM ANY CLAIMS OF INFRINGEMENT, ** // ** AND YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ANY RIGHTS YOU MAY REQUIRE ** // ** FOR YOUR IMPLEMENTATION. XILINX EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY ** // ** WARRANTY WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THE ADEQUACY OF THE ** // ** IMPLEMENTATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTIES OR ** // ** REPRESENTATIONS THAT THIS IMPLEMENTATION IS FREE FROM CLAIMS OF ** // ** INFRINGEMENT, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS ** // ** FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** // ** ** // *************************************************************************** // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Filename: user_logic.vhd // Version: 3.00.a // Description: User logic module. // Date: Wed Jul 04 20:55:56 2012 (by Create and Import Peripheral Wizard) // Verilog Standard: Verilog-2001 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Naming Conventions: // active low signals: "*_n" // clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" // reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" // generics: "C_*" // user defined types: "*_TYPE" // state machine next state: "*_ns" // state machine current state: "*_cs" // combinatorial signals: "*_com" // pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" // counter signals: "*cnt*" // clock enable signals: "*_ce" // internal version of output port: "*_i" // device pins: "*_pin" // ports: "- Names begin with Uppercase" // processes: "*_PROCESS" // component instantiations: "I_<#|FUNC>" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- module user_logic ( // -- ADD USER PORTS BELOW THIS LINE --------------- //I/O for MAX2829 pins output RFA_TxEn, output RFB_TxEn, output RFC_TxEn, output RFD_TxEn, output RFA_RxEn, output RFB_RxEn, output RFC_RxEn, output RFD_RxEn, output RFA_RxHP, output RFB_RxHP, output RFC_RxHP, output RFD_RxHP, output RFA_SHDN, output RFB_SHDN, output RFC_SHDN, output RFD_SHDN, output RFA_SPI_SCLK, output RFB_SPI_SCLK, output RFC_SPI_SCLK, output RFD_SPI_SCLK, output RFA_SPI_MOSI, output RFB_SPI_MOSI, output RFC_SPI_MOSI, output RFD_SPI_MOSI, output RFA_SPI_CSn, output RFB_SPI_CSn, output RFC_SPI_CSn, output RFD_SPI_CSn, output [0:6] RFA_B, output [0:6] RFB_B, output [0:6] RFC_B, output [0:6] RFD_B, input RFA_LD, input RFB_LD, input RFC_LD, input RFD_LD, //Outputs to PA and ant switch pins output RFA_PAEn_24, output RFB_PAEn_24, output RFC_PAEn_24, output RFD_PAEn_24, output RFA_PAEn_5, output RFB_PAEn_5, output RFC_PAEn_5, output RFD_PAEn_5, output [0:1] RFA_AntSw, output [0:1] RFB_AntSw, output [0:1] RFC_AntSw, output [0:1] RFD_AntSw, //I/O for user logic to control state from hardware input usr_RFA_TxEn, input usr_RFB_TxEn, input usr_RFC_TxEn, input usr_RFD_TxEn, input usr_RFA_RxEn, input usr_RFB_RxEn, input usr_RFC_RxEn, input usr_RFD_RxEn, input usr_RFA_RxHP, input usr_RFB_RxHP, input usr_RFC_RxHP, input usr_RFD_RxHP, input usr_RFA_SHDN, input usr_RFB_SHDN, input usr_RFC_SHDN, input usr_RFD_SHDN, input [0:1] usr_RFA_RxGainRF, input [0:1] usr_RFB_RxGainRF, input [0:1] usr_RFC_RxGainRF, input [0:1] usr_RFD_RxGainRF, input [0:4] usr_RFA_RxGainBB, input [0:4] usr_RFB_RxGainBB, input [0:4] usr_RFC_RxGainBB, input [0:4] usr_RFD_RxGainBB, input [0:5] usr_RFA_TxGain, input [0:5] usr_RFB_TxGain, input [0:5] usr_RFC_TxGain, input [0:5] usr_RFD_TxGain, input usr_SPI_ctrlSrc, input usr_SPI_go, output usr_SPI_active, input [0: 3] usr_SPI_rfsel, input [0: 3] usr_SPI_regaddr, input [0:13] usr_SPI_regdata, output usr_RFA_PHYStart, output usr_RFB_PHYStart, output usr_RFC_PHYStart, output usr_RFD_PHYStart, output usr_any_PHYStart, output usr_RFA_statLED_Tx, output usr_RFA_statLED_Rx, output usr_RFB_statLED_Tx, output usr_RFB_statLED_Rx, output usr_RFC_statLED_Tx, output usr_RFC_statLED_Rx, output usr_RFD_statLED_Tx, output usr_RFD_statLED_Rx, // -- ADD USER PORTS ABOVE THIS LINE --------------- // -- DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ------------------ // -- Bus protocol ports, do not add to or delete input Bus2IP_Clk, input Bus2IP_Reset, input [0 : C_SLV_DWIDTH-1] Bus2IP_Data, input [0 : C_SLV_DWIDTH/8-1] Bus2IP_BE, input [0 : C_NUM_REG-1] Bus2IP_RdCE, input [0 : C_NUM_REG-1] Bus2IP_WrCE, output [0 : C_SLV_DWIDTH-1] IP2Bus_Data, output IP2Bus_RdAck, output IP2Bus_WrAck, output IP2Bus_Error // -- DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE ------------------ ); // user_logic // -- ADD USER PARAMETERS BELOW THIS LINE ------------ // --USER parameters added here // -- ADD USER PARAMETERS ABOVE THIS LINE ------------ // -- DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE -------------------- // -- Bus protocol parameters, do not add to or delete parameter C_SLV_DWIDTH = 32; parameter C_NUM_REG = 64; // -- DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE -------------------- // -- ADD USER PORTS BELOW THIS LINE ----------------- // -- ADD USER PORTS ABOVE THIS LINE ----------------- // -- DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE -------------------- // -- Bus protocol ports, do not add to or delete /* input Bus2IP_Clk; input Bus2IP_Reset; input [0 : C_SLV_DWIDTH-1] Bus2IP_Data; input [0 : C_SLV_DWIDTH/8-1] Bus2IP_BE; input [0 : C_NUM_REG-1] Bus2IP_RdCE; input [0 : C_NUM_REG-1] Bus2IP_WrCE; output [0 : C_SLV_DWIDTH-1] IP2Bus_Data; output IP2Bus_RdAck; output IP2Bus_WrAck; output IP2Bus_Error; */ // -- DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE -------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --USER nets declarations added here, as needed for user logic `define MAX2829_REG0_ON_RESET 14'b01000101000000 `define MAX2829_REG1_ON_RESET 14'b00000011001010 `define MAX2829_REG2_ON_RESET 14'b01000000000111 `define MAX2829_REG3_ON_RESET 14'b11000010100010 `define MAX2829_REG4_ON_RESET 14'b01110111011101 `define MAX2829_REG5_ON_RESET 14'b01100000100100 `define MAX2829_REG6_ON_RESET 14'b01110000000000 `define MAX2829_REG7_ON_RESET 14'b00000000101010 `define MAX2829_REG8_ON_RESET 14'b00000000100101 `define MAX2829_REG9_ON_RESET 14'b00001000000000 `define MAX2829_REGA_ON_RESET 14'b00001111000000 `define MAX2829_REGB_ON_RESET 14'b00000001111111 `define MAX2829_REGC_ON_RESET 14'b00000000000000 `define TXTIMING_REG_ON_RESET 32'h401000F0 //Sane default Tx Timing values `define TXGAINS_REG_ON_RESET 32'h32323232 //Tx Gain targets = 50 `define CLKDIV_GAINTIMING_REG_ON_RESET 32'h00004F22 //Gain step=0xF, time step=4, clk divs = 2 // Nets for user logic slave model s/w accessible register example reg [0 : C_SLV_DWIDTH-1] slv_reg0; reg [0 : C_SLV_DWIDTH-1] slv_reg1; reg [0 : C_SLV_DWIDTH-1] slv_reg2; reg [0 : C_SLV_DWIDTH-1] slv_reg3; reg [0 : C_SLV_DWIDTH-1] slv_reg4; reg [0 : C_SLV_DWIDTH-1] slv_reg5; reg [0 : C_SLV_DWIDTH-1] slv_reg6; reg [0 : C_SLV_DWIDTH-1] slv_reg7; reg [0 : C_SLV_DWIDTH-1] slv_reg8; reg [0 : C_SLV_DWIDTH-1] slv_reg9; reg [0 : C_SLV_DWIDTH-1] slv_reg10; wire [0 : 10] slv_reg_write_sel; wire [0 : 63] slv_reg_read_sel; reg [0 : C_SLV_DWIDTH-1] slv_ip2bus_data; wire slv_read_ack; wire slv_write_ack; integer byte_index, bit_index; wire slv_write_ack_normalRegisters; wire [0:31] status_reg; //Use Verilog array-of-arrays syntax for the register banks to mirror MAX2829 internal registers // RFx_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[N] maps to MAX2829 reg N, for N=[0x0, 0xC] // All registers are 14 bits in the MAX2829 reg [0:13] RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs [0:12]; reg [0:13] RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs [0:12]; reg [0:13] RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs [0:12]; reg [0:13] RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs [0:12]; wire RFA_TxEn_ctrlSrc, RFB_TxEn_ctrlSrc, RFC_TxEn_ctrlSrc, RFD_TxEn_ctrlSrc; wire RFA_RxEn_ctrlSrc, RFB_RxEn_ctrlSrc, RFC_RxEn_ctrlSrc, RFD_RxEn_ctrlSrc; wire RFA_RxHP_ctrlSrc, RFB_RxHP_ctrlSrc, RFC_RxHP_ctrlSrc, RFD_RxHP_ctrlSrc; wire RFA_SHDN_ctrlSrc, RFB_SHDN_ctrlSrc, RFC_SHDN_ctrlSrc, RFD_SHDN_ctrlSrc; wire RFA_TxGain_ctrlSrc, RFB_TxGain_ctrlSrc, RFC_TxGain_ctrlSrc, RFD_TxGain_ctrlSrc; wire RFA_RxGain_ctrlSrc, RFB_RxGain_ctrlSrc, RFC_RxGain_ctrlSrc, RFD_RxGain_ctrlSrc; wire RFA_TxEn_sw, RFB_TxEn_sw, RFC_TxEn_sw, RFD_TxEn_sw; wire RFA_RxEn_sw, RFB_RxEn_sw, RFC_RxEn_sw, RFD_RxEn_sw; wire RFA_RxHP_sw, RFB_RxHP_sw, RFC_RxHP_sw, RFD_RxHP_sw; wire RFA_SHDN_sw, RFB_SHDN_sw, RFC_SHDN_sw, RFD_SHDN_sw; wire RFA_PAEn, RFB_PAEn, RFC_PAEn, RFD_PAEn; wire [0:7] TxTiming_dly_TxGainRamp, TxTiming_dly_PowerAmpEn, TxTiming_dly_TxEn, TxTiming_dly_startPHY; wire [0:3] TxGainRamp_gainStep, TxGainRamp_timeStep; wire [0:5] RFA_TxGain_sw, RFB_TxGain_sw, RFC_TxGain_sw, RFD_TxGain_sw; wire [0:4] RFA_RxGainBB_sw, RFB_RxGainBB_sw, RFC_RxGainBB_sw, RFD_RxGainBB_sw; wire [0:1] RFA_RxGainRF_sw, RFB_RxGainRF_sw, RFC_RxGainRF_sw, RFD_RxGainRF_sw; wire [0:5] RFA_TxGain_target, RFB_TxGain_target, RFC_TxGain_target, RFD_TxGain_target; wire [0:5] RFA_TxGain_ramped, RFB_TxGain_ramped, RFC_TxGain_ramped, RFD_TxGain_ramped; wire [0:4] RFA_RxGainBB, RFB_RxGainBB, RFC_RxGainBB, RFD_RxGainBB; wire [0:1] RFA_RxGainRF, RFB_RxGainRF, RFC_RxGainRF, RFD_RxGainRF; wire [0:2] spi_clk_div_sel; wire [0:1] txTiming_clk_div_sel; wire [0: 3] spi_rfsel_mask_sw; wire [0: 3] spi_rfsel_mask; wire [0:13] spi_tx_regdata; wire [0: 3] spi_tx_regaddr; wire spi_go; wire spi_tx_reg_write; wire spi_xfer_done; wire RFA_txStart, RFB_txStart, RFC_txStart, RFD_txStart; wire RFA_MAX2829_Reset, RFB_MAX2829_Reset, RFC_MAX2829_Reset, RFD_MAX2829_Reset; // Slave register write process; only implemented for RW and WO registers always @( posedge Bus2IP_Clk ) begin: SLAVE_REG_WRITE_PROC if ( Bus2IP_Reset == 1 ) begin slv_reg0 <= 0; //All zeros on reset- Tx/Rx disabled, SHDN (active low) enabled slv_reg1 <= `TXTIMING_REG_ON_RESET; slv_reg2 <= `TXGAINS_REG_ON_RESET; slv_reg3 <= 0; slv_reg4 <= `CLKDIV_GAINTIMING_REG_ON_RESET; slv_reg5 <= 0; slv_reg6 <= 0; slv_reg7 <= 0; slv_reg8 <= 0; slv_reg9 <= 0; slv_reg10 <= 0; end else case ( slv_reg_write_sel ) 11'b10000000000 : for ( byte_index = 0; byte_index <= (C_SLV_DWIDTH/8)-1; byte_index = byte_index+1 ) if ( Bus2IP_BE[byte_index] == 1 ) for ( bit_index = byte_index*8; bit_index <= byte_index*8+7; bit_index = bit_index+1 ) slv_reg0[bit_index] <= Bus2IP_Data[bit_index]; 11'b01000000000 : for ( byte_index = 0; byte_index <= (C_SLV_DWIDTH/8)-1; byte_index = byte_index+1 ) if ( Bus2IP_BE[byte_index] == 1 ) for ( bit_index = byte_index*8; bit_index <= byte_index*8+7; bit_index = bit_index+1 ) slv_reg1[bit_index] <= Bus2IP_Data[bit_index]; 11'b00100000000 : for ( byte_index = 0; byte_index <= (C_SLV_DWIDTH/8)-1; byte_index = byte_index+1 ) if ( Bus2IP_BE[byte_index] == 1 ) for ( bit_index = byte_index*8; bit_index <= byte_index*8+7; bit_index = bit_index+1 ) slv_reg2[bit_index] <= Bus2IP_Data[bit_index]; 11'b00010000000 : for ( byte_index = 0; byte_index <= (C_SLV_DWIDTH/8)-1; byte_index = byte_index+1 ) if ( Bus2IP_BE[byte_index] == 1 ) for ( bit_index = byte_index*8; bit_index <= byte_index*8+7; bit_index = bit_index+1 ) slv_reg3[bit_index] <= Bus2IP_Data[bit_index]; 11'b00001000000 : for ( byte_index = 0; byte_index <= (C_SLV_DWIDTH/8)-1; byte_index = byte_index+1 ) if ( Bus2IP_BE[byte_index] == 1 ) for ( bit_index = byte_index*8; bit_index <= byte_index*8+7; bit_index = bit_index+1 ) slv_reg4[bit_index] <= Bus2IP_Data[bit_index]; 11'b00000100000 : for ( byte_index = 0; byte_index <= (C_SLV_DWIDTH/8)-1; byte_index = byte_index+1 ) if ( Bus2IP_BE[byte_index] == 1 ) for ( bit_index = byte_index*8; bit_index <= byte_index*8+7; bit_index = bit_index+1 ) slv_reg5[bit_index] <= Bus2IP_Data[bit_index]; 11'b00000010000 : for ( byte_index = 0; byte_index <= (C_SLV_DWIDTH/8)-1; byte_index = byte_index+1 ) if ( Bus2IP_BE[byte_index] == 1 ) for ( bit_index = byte_index*8; bit_index <= byte_index*8+7; bit_index = bit_index+1 ) slv_reg6[bit_index] <= Bus2IP_Data[bit_index]; 11'b00000001000 : for ( byte_index = 0; byte_index <= (C_SLV_DWIDTH/8)-1; byte_index = byte_index+1 ) if ( Bus2IP_BE[byte_index] == 1 ) for ( bit_index = byte_index*8; bit_index <= byte_index*8+7; bit_index = bit_index+1 ) slv_reg7[bit_index] <= Bus2IP_Data[bit_index]; 11'b00000000100 : for ( byte_index = 0; byte_index <= (C_SLV_DWIDTH/8)-1; byte_index = byte_index+1 ) if ( Bus2IP_BE[byte_index] == 1 ) for ( bit_index = byte_index*8; bit_index <= byte_index*8+7; bit_index = bit_index+1 ) slv_reg8[bit_index] <= Bus2IP_Data[bit_index]; 11'b00000000010 : for ( byte_index = 0; byte_index <= (C_SLV_DWIDTH/8)-1; byte_index = byte_index+1 ) if ( Bus2IP_BE[byte_index] == 1 ) for ( bit_index = byte_index*8; bit_index <= byte_index*8+7; bit_index = bit_index+1 ) slv_reg9[bit_index] <= Bus2IP_Data[bit_index]; 11'b00000000001 : for ( byte_index = 0; byte_index <= (C_SLV_DWIDTH/8)-1; byte_index = byte_index+1 ) if ( Bus2IP_BE[byte_index] == 1 ) for ( bit_index = byte_index*8; bit_index <= byte_index*8+7; bit_index = bit_index+1 ) slv_reg10[bit_index] <= Bus2IP_Data[bit_index]; default : ; endcase end // SLAVE_REG_WRITE_PROC // Slave model register read mux // All registers can be read always @* begin: SLAVE_REG_READ_PROC case ( slv_reg_read_sel ) 64'b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= slv_reg0; 64'b0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= slv_reg1; 64'b0010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= slv_reg2; 64'b0001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= slv_reg3; 64'b0000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= slv_reg4; 64'b0000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= slv_reg5; 64'b0000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= slv_reg6; 64'b0000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= slv_reg7; 64'b0000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= slv_reg8; 64'b0000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= slv_reg9; 64'b0000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= slv_reg10; 64'b0000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= status_reg; 64'b0000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[0]}; 64'b0000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[1]}; 64'b0000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[2]}; 64'b0000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[3]}; 64'b0000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[4]}; 64'b0000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[5]}; 64'b0000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[6]}; 64'b0000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[7]}; 64'b0000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[8]}; 64'b0000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[9]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[10]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[11]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[12]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[0]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[1]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[2]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[3]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[4]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[5]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[6]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[7]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[8]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[9]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[10]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[11]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[12]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[0]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[1]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[2]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[3]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[4]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[5]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[6]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[7]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[8]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[9]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[10]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[11]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[12]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[0]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[1]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[2]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[3]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[4]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[5]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[6]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[7]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[8]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[9]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[10]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[11]}; 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 : slv_ip2bus_data <= {18'b0, RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[12]}; default : slv_ip2bus_data <= 0; endcase end // SLAVE_REG_READ_PROC /* Address map: HDL is coded [MSB:LSB] = [0:31] regX[ 0] maps to 0x80000000 in C driver regX[31] maps to 0x00000001 in C driver 0: RW: MAX2829 control signals and control source (sw vs. hw) Mask for RFA: 0x000000FF Mask for RFB: 0x0000FF00 Mask for RFC: 0x00FF0000 Mask for RFD: 0xFF000000 [ 0: 3] = RFD Control: {TxEn, RxEn, RxHP, SHDN} [ 4: 7] = RFD Control Source: {TxEn, RxEn, RxHP, SHDN} (0=register, 1=usr_ port) [ 8:11] = RFC Control: {TxEn, RxEn, RxHP, SHDN} [12:15] = RFC Control Source: {TxEn, RxEn, RxHP, SHDN} (0=register, 1=usr_ port) [16:19] = RFB Control: {TxEn, RxEn, RxHP, SHDN} [20:23] = RFB Control Source: {TxEn, RxEn, RxHP, SHDN} (0=register, 1=usr_ port) [24:27] = RFA Control: {TxEn, RxEn, RxHP, SHDN} [28:31] = RFA Control Source: {TxEn, RxEn, RxHP, SHDN} (0=register, 1=usr_ port) 1: RW: Tx Timing Shared by all RF interfaces [ 0: 7] = Delay before Tx VGA ramp start 0xFF000000 [ 8:15] = Delay before PA enable 0x00FF0000 [16:23] = Delay before MAX2829 TxEn assertion 0x0000FF00 [24:31] = Delay before usr_startPHY assertion 0x000000FF 2: RW: Tx Gains [ 0] = RF D Tx Gain ctrl soruce (0=register, 1=usr_ port) 0x80000000 [ 1] = Reserved [ 2: 7] = RF D Tx Gain 0x3F000000 [ 8] = RF C Tx Gain ctrl soruce (0=register, 1=usr_ port) 0x00800000 [ 9] = Reserved [10:15] = RF C Tx Gain 0x003F0000 [ 16] = RF B Tx Gain ctrl soruce (0=register, 1=usr_ port) 0x00008000 [ 17] = Reserved [18:23] = RF B Tx Gain 0x00003F00 [ 24] = RF A Tx Gain ctrl soruce (0=register, 1=usr_ port) 0x00000080 [ 25] = Reserved [26:31] = RF A Tx Gain 0x0000003F 3: RW: Rx gains [ 0] = RFD Rx gain ctrl source (0=register values, 1=usr_ ports) [ 1: 2] = RFD Rx RF Gain [ 3: 7] = RFD Rx BB Gain [ 8] = RFC Rx gain ctrl source (0=register values, 1=usr_ ports) [ 9:10] = RFC Rx RF Gain [11:15] = RFC Rx BB Gain [ 16] = RFB Rx gain ctrl source (0=register values, 1=usr_ ports) [17:18] = RFB Rx RF Gain [19:23] = RFB Rx BB Gain [ 24] = RFA Rx gain ctrl source (0=register values, 1=usr_ ports) [25:26] = RFA Rx RF Gain [27:31] = RFA Rx BB Gain 4: RW: Clock dividers & Tx gain ramp config [16:19] = Tx VGA ramp time step 0x0000F000 [20:23] = Tx VGA ramp gain step 0x00000F00 [ 24] = Reserved 0x00000080 [25:27] = SPI clock divider 0x00000070 [28:29] = Reserved 0x0000000C [30:31] = TxTiming clock divider 0x00000003 5: WO: SPI write register Special register: * Write from software triggers SPI transaction * IPIF WrACK delayed until SPI is done (i.e. software doesn't have to poll; Xil_Out32 blocks until SPI is done) * Reads of this register return last SPI word transferred by software (might be stale, if usr_ SPI ports are also used) [ 0: 3] SPI chip select mask RF[D:A] 0x80000000=RFD, 0x40000000=RFC, 0x20000000=RFB, 0x10000000=RFA [ 4:11] Reserved 0x0FF00000 [12:15] Register address to write 0x000F0000 [16:17] Reserved 0x0000C000 [18:31] Register value to write 0x00003FFF 6 to 10: Reserved (RW 32-bit registers implemented; no connection to external hardware) 11: RO: Status bits Same per-RF masks as reg[0], same control signal masks as reg[0] [ 0: 3] = RFD control status {TxEn, RxEn, RxHP, SHDN} [ 4] = RFD MAX2829 PLL locked (1=locked) [ 5] = RFD SPI transfer in progress [ 6: 7] = Reserved [ 8:11] = RFC control status {TxEn, RxEn, RxHP, SHDN} [ 12] = RFC MAX2829 PLL locked (1=locked) [ 13] = RFC SPI transfer in progress [14:15] = Reserved [16:19] = RFB control status {TxEn, RxEn, RxHP, SHDN} [ 20] = RFB MAX2829 PLL locked (1=locked) [ 21] = RFB SPI transfer in progress [22:23] = Reserved [24:27] = RFA control status {TxEn, RxEn, RxHP, SHDN} [ 28] = RFA MAX2829 PLL locked (1=locked) [ 29] = RFA SPI transfer in progress [30:31] = Reserved 12 to 63: RO: Read-only registers which mirror state of MAX2829 internal registers (since MAX2829 SPI is write-only) * Registers are initialized (on FPGA config and MAX2829 reset) to MAX2829 defaults, to match MAX2829 reset state * Register values are updated automatically by SPI writes (via reg4 or via usr_ SPI port use) * Every register is: [ 0:17] Reserved; returns 0 on read [18:31] Register value (14 bits) 12...24: RO: Local copies of MAX2829 registers for RFA 12: RFA MAX2829 reg0 ... 24: RFA MAX2829 regC 25...37: RO: Local copies of MAX2829 registers for RFB 25: RFB MAX2829 reg0 ... 37: RFB MAX2829 regC 38...50: RO: Local copies of MAX2829 registers for RFC 38: RFC MAX2829 reg0 ... 50: RFC MAX2829 regC 51...63: RO: Local copies of MAX2829 registers for RFD 51: RFD MAX2829 reg0 ... 63: RFD MAX2829 regC */ //User logic -> IPIF signals assign IP2Bus_Data = slv_ip2bus_data; assign IP2Bus_RdAck = slv_read_ack; assign IP2Bus_Error = 0; //spi_tx_reg_write (Bus2IP_WrCE[x]) de-asserts as soon as transaction is ACK'd // so this mux switches back to the generic ACK as soon as the SPI xfer is done //Thus, the duration of assertion for spi_xfer_done doesn't really matter //A bit fast-n-loose, but works ok assign IP2Bus_WrAck = spi_tx_reg_write ? spi_xfer_done : slv_write_ack_normalRegisters; //Original definitions (wizard assumes all registers are RW) //slv_reg_write_sel = Bus2IP_WrCE[0:63], //slv_reg_read_sel = Bus2IP_RdCE[0:63], //slv_read_ack = Bus2IP_RdCE[0] || Bus2IP_RdCE[1] || Bus2IP_RdCE[2] || Bus2IP_RdCE[3] || Bus2IP_RdCE[4] || Bus2IP_RdCE[5] || Bus2IP_RdCE[6] || Bus2IP_RdCE[7] || Bus2IP_RdCE[8] || Bus2IP_RdCE[9] || Bus2IP_RdCE[10] || Bus2IP_RdCE[11] || Bus2IP_RdCE[12] || Bus2IP_RdCE[13] || Bus2IP_RdCE[14] || Bus2IP_RdCE[15] || Bus2IP_RdCE[16] || Bus2IP_RdCE[17] || Bus2IP_RdCE[18] || Bus2IP_RdCE[19] || Bus2IP_RdCE[20] || Bus2IP_RdCE[21] || Bus2IP_RdCE[22] || Bus2IP_RdCE[23] || Bus2IP_RdCE[24] || Bus2IP_RdCE[25] || Bus2IP_RdCE[26] || Bus2IP_RdCE[27] || Bus2IP_RdCE[28] || Bus2IP_RdCE[29] || Bus2IP_RdCE[30] || Bus2IP_RdCE[31] || Bus2IP_RdCE[32] || Bus2IP_RdCE[33] || Bus2IP_RdCE[34] || Bus2IP_RdCE[35] || Bus2IP_RdCE[36] || Bus2IP_RdCE[37] || Bus2IP_RdCE[38] || Bus2IP_RdCE[39] || Bus2IP_RdCE[40] || Bus2IP_RdCE[41] || Bus2IP_RdCE[42] || Bus2IP_RdCE[43] || Bus2IP_RdCE[44] || Bus2IP_RdCE[45] || Bus2IP_RdCE[46] || Bus2IP_RdCE[47] || Bus2IP_RdCE[48] || Bus2IP_RdCE[49] || Bus2IP_RdCE[50] || Bus2IP_RdCE[51] || Bus2IP_RdCE[52] || Bus2IP_RdCE[53] || Bus2IP_RdCE[54] || Bus2IP_RdCE[55] || Bus2IP_RdCE[56] || Bus2IP_RdCE[57] || Bus2IP_RdCE[58] || Bus2IP_RdCE[59] || Bus2IP_RdCE[60] || Bus2IP_RdCE[61] || Bus2IP_RdCE[62] || Bus2IP_RdCE[63]; //slv_write_ack = Bus2IP_WrCE[0] || Bus2IP_WrCE[1] || Bus2IP_WrCE[2] || Bus2IP_WrCE[3] || Bus2IP_WrCE[4] || Bus2IP_WrCE[5] || Bus2IP_WrCE[6] || Bus2IP_WrCE[7] || Bus2IP_WrCE[8] || Bus2IP_WrCE[9] || Bus2IP_WrCE[10] || Bus2IP_WrCE[11] || Bus2IP_WrCE[12] || Bus2IP_WrCE[13] || Bus2IP_WrCE[14] || Bus2IP_WrCE[15] || Bus2IP_WrCE[16] || Bus2IP_WrCE[17] || Bus2IP_WrCE[18] || Bus2IP_WrCE[19] || Bus2IP_WrCE[20] || Bus2IP_WrCE[21] || Bus2IP_WrCE[22] || Bus2IP_WrCE[23] || Bus2IP_WrCE[24] || Bus2IP_WrCE[25] || Bus2IP_WrCE[26] || Bus2IP_WrCE[27] || Bus2IP_WrCE[28] || Bus2IP_WrCE[29] || Bus2IP_WrCE[30] || Bus2IP_WrCE[31] || Bus2IP_WrCE[32] || Bus2IP_WrCE[33] || Bus2IP_WrCE[34] || Bus2IP_WrCE[35] || Bus2IP_WrCE[36] || Bus2IP_WrCE[37] || Bus2IP_WrCE[38] || Bus2IP_WrCE[39] || Bus2IP_WrCE[40] || Bus2IP_WrCE[41] || Bus2IP_WrCE[42] || Bus2IP_WrCE[43] || Bus2IP_WrCE[44] || Bus2IP_WrCE[45] || Bus2IP_WrCE[46] || Bus2IP_WrCE[47] || Bus2IP_WrCE[48] || Bus2IP_WrCE[49] || Bus2IP_WrCE[50] || Bus2IP_WrCE[51] || Bus2IP_WrCE[52] || Bus2IP_WrCE[53] || Bus2IP_WrCE[54] || Bus2IP_WrCE[55] || Bus2IP_WrCE[56] || Bus2IP_WrCE[57] || Bus2IP_WrCE[58] || Bus2IP_WrCE[59] || Bus2IP_WrCE[60] || Bus2IP_WrCE[61] || Bus2IP_WrCE[62] || Bus2IP_WrCE[63], //All registers can be read assign slv_reg_read_sel = Bus2IP_RdCE[0:63]; assign slv_read_ack = |Bus2IP_RdCE[0:63]; //Only regs 0 to 10 can be written; 12 to 63 are RO assign slv_reg_write_sel = Bus2IP_WrCE[0:10]; //Write ack for reg5 is delayed by SPI transfer assign slv_write_ack_normalRegisters = |{Bus2IP_WrCE[0:4], Bus2IP_WrCE[6:10]}; //Register 0: MAX2829 control assign RFD_TxEn_sw = slv_reg0[ 0]; assign RFC_TxEn_sw = slv_reg0[ 8]; assign RFB_TxEn_sw = slv_reg0[16]; assign RFA_TxEn_sw = slv_reg0[24]; assign RFD_RxEn_sw = slv_reg0[ 1]; assign RFC_RxEn_sw = slv_reg0[ 9]; assign RFB_RxEn_sw = slv_reg0[17]; assign RFA_RxEn_sw = slv_reg0[25]; assign RFD_RxHP_sw = slv_reg0[ 2]; assign RFC_RxHP_sw = slv_reg0[10]; assign RFB_RxHP_sw = slv_reg0[18]; assign RFA_RxHP_sw = slv_reg0[26]; assign RFD_SHDN_sw = slv_reg0[ 3]; assign RFC_SHDN_sw = slv_reg0[11]; assign RFB_SHDN_sw = slv_reg0[19]; assign RFA_SHDN_sw = slv_reg0[27]; assign RFD_TxEn_ctrlSrc = slv_reg0[ 4]; assign RFC_TxEn_ctrlSrc = slv_reg0[12]; assign RFB_TxEn_ctrlSrc = slv_reg0[20]; assign RFA_TxEn_ctrlSrc = slv_reg0[28]; assign RFD_RxEn_ctrlSrc = slv_reg0[ 5]; assign RFC_RxEn_ctrlSrc = slv_reg0[13]; assign RFB_RxEn_ctrlSrc = slv_reg0[21]; assign RFA_RxEn_ctrlSrc = slv_reg0[29]; assign RFD_RxHP_ctrlSrc = slv_reg0[ 6]; assign RFC_RxHP_ctrlSrc = slv_reg0[14]; assign RFB_RxHP_ctrlSrc = slv_reg0[22]; assign RFA_RxHP_ctrlSrc = slv_reg0[30]; assign RFD_SHDN_ctrlSrc = slv_reg0[ 7]; assign RFC_SHDN_ctrlSrc = slv_reg0[15]; assign RFB_SHDN_ctrlSrc = slv_reg0[23]; assign RFA_SHDN_ctrlSrc = slv_reg0[31]; //Register 1: Tx timing assign TxTiming_dly_TxGainRamp = slv_reg1[ 0: 7]; assign TxTiming_dly_PowerAmpEn = slv_reg1[ 8:15]; assign TxTiming_dly_TxEn = slv_reg1[16:23]; assign TxTiming_dly_startPHY = slv_reg1[24:31]; //Register 2: Tx gains assign RFD_TxGain_sw = slv_reg2[ 2: 7]; assign RFC_TxGain_sw = slv_reg2[10:15]; assign RFB_TxGain_sw = slv_reg2[18:23]; assign RFA_TxGain_sw = slv_reg2[26:31]; assign RFD_TxGain_ctrlSrc = slv_reg2[ 0]; assign RFC_TxGain_ctrlSrc = slv_reg2[ 8]; assign RFB_TxGain_ctrlSrc = slv_reg2[16]; assign RFA_TxGain_ctrlSrc = slv_reg2[24]; //Register 3: Rx gains assign RFD_RxGainBB_sw = slv_reg3[ 3: 7]; assign RFC_RxGainBB_sw = slv_reg3[11:15]; assign RFB_RxGainBB_sw = slv_reg3[19:23]; assign RFA_RxGainBB_sw = slv_reg3[27:31]; assign RFD_RxGainRF_sw = slv_reg3[ 1: 2]; assign RFC_RxGainRF_sw = slv_reg3[ 9:10]; assign RFB_RxGainRF_sw = slv_reg3[17:18]; assign RFA_RxGainRF_sw = slv_reg3[25:26]; assign RFD_RxGain_ctrlSrc = slv_reg3[ 0]; assign RFC_RxGain_ctrlSrc = slv_reg3[ 8]; assign RFB_RxGain_ctrlSrc = slv_reg3[16]; assign RFA_RxGain_ctrlSrc = slv_reg3[24]; //Register 4: Clock dividers & Tx gain ramp config assign TxGainRamp_timeStep = slv_reg4[16:19]; assign TxGainRamp_gainStep = slv_reg4[20:23]; assign spi_clk_div_sel = slv_reg4[25:27]; assign txTiming_clk_div_sel = slv_reg4[30:31]; //Register 5: SPI write assign spi_rfsel_mask_sw = slv_reg5[0:3]; assign spi_tx_regdata = slv_reg5[18:31]; assign spi_tx_regaddr = slv_reg5[12:15]; //Use the IPIF write-enable for the SPI Tx register as the SPI go // The bus will be paused until the SPI transfer is finished assign spi_tx_reg_write = Bus2IP_WrCE[5]; //Register 11: Read-only status bits assign status_reg[ 0: 3] = {RFD_TxEn, RFD_RxEn, RFD_RxHP, RFD_SHDN}; assign status_reg[ 4: 7] = {RFD_LD, ~RFD_SPI_CSn, RFD_PAEn_24, RFD_PAEn_5}; assign status_reg[ 8:11] = {RFC_TxEn, RFC_RxEn, RFC_RxHP, RFC_SHDN}; assign status_reg[12:15] = {RFC_LD, ~RFC_SPI_CSn, RFC_PAEn_24, RFC_PAEn_5}; assign status_reg[16:19] = {RFB_TxEn, RFB_RxEn, RFB_RxHP, RFB_SHDN}; assign status_reg[20:23] = {RFB_LD, ~RFB_SPI_CSn, RFB_PAEn_24, RFB_PAEn_5}; assign status_reg[24:27] = {RFA_TxEn, RFA_RxEn, RFA_RxHP, RFA_SHDN}; assign status_reg[28:31] = {RFA_LD, ~RFA_SPI_CSn, RFA_PAEn_24, RFA_PAEn_5}; //Mux the various control signals between software and hardware control assign RFA_txStart = RFA_TxEn_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFA_TxEn : RFA_TxEn_sw; assign RFB_txStart = RFB_TxEn_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFB_TxEn : RFB_TxEn_sw; assign RFC_txStart = RFC_TxEn_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFC_TxEn : RFC_TxEn_sw; assign RFD_txStart = RFD_TxEn_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFD_TxEn : RFD_TxEn_sw; assign RFA_RxEn = RFA_RxEn_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFA_RxEn : RFA_RxEn_sw; assign RFB_RxEn = RFB_RxEn_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFB_RxEn : RFB_RxEn_sw; assign RFC_RxEn = RFC_RxEn_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFC_RxEn : RFC_RxEn_sw; assign RFD_RxEn = RFD_RxEn_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFD_RxEn : RFD_RxEn_sw; assign RFA_RxHP = RFA_RxHP_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFA_RxHP : RFA_RxHP_sw; assign RFB_RxHP = RFB_RxHP_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFB_RxHP : RFB_RxHP_sw; assign RFC_RxHP = RFC_RxHP_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFC_RxHP : RFC_RxHP_sw; assign RFD_RxHP = RFD_RxHP_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFD_RxHP : RFD_RxHP_sw; assign RFA_SHDN = RFA_SHDN_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFA_SHDN : RFA_SHDN_sw; assign RFB_SHDN = RFB_SHDN_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFB_SHDN : RFB_SHDN_sw; assign RFC_SHDN = RFC_SHDN_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFC_SHDN : RFC_SHDN_sw; assign RFD_SHDN = RFD_SHDN_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFD_SHDN : RFD_SHDN_sw; assign RFA_TxGain_target = RFA_TxGain_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFA_TxGain : RFA_TxGain_sw; assign RFB_TxGain_target = RFB_TxGain_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFB_TxGain : RFB_TxGain_sw; assign RFC_TxGain_target = RFC_TxGain_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFC_TxGain : RFC_TxGain_sw; assign RFD_TxGain_target = RFD_TxGain_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFD_TxGain : RFD_TxGain_sw; assign RFA_RxGainBB = RFA_RxGain_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFA_RxGainBB : RFA_RxGainBB_sw; assign RFB_RxGainBB = RFB_RxGain_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFB_RxGainBB : RFB_RxGainBB_sw; assign RFC_RxGainBB = RFC_RxGain_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFC_RxGainBB : RFC_RxGainBB_sw; assign RFD_RxGainBB = RFD_RxGain_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFD_RxGainBB : RFD_RxGainBB_sw; assign RFA_RxGainRF = RFA_RxGain_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFA_RxGainRF : RFA_RxGainRF_sw; assign RFB_RxGainRF = RFB_RxGain_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFB_RxGainRF : RFB_RxGainRF_sw; assign RFC_RxGainRF = RFC_RxGain_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFC_RxGainRF : RFC_RxGainRF_sw; assign RFD_RxGainRF = RFD_RxGain_ctrlSrc ? usr_RFD_RxGainRF : RFD_RxGainRF_sw; //Output OR'd PHYStart signal (most PHYs use this, so any TxEnable will start the PHY) // Individual PHYStarts are provided in case user has multiple PHYs connected to different RF paths assign usr_any_PHYStart = usr_RFA_PHYStart || usr_RFB_PHYStart || usr_RFC_PHYStart || usr_RFD_PHYStart; //SKY13370 needs 100-250nsec to settle, so make the switch as soon as we know Tx process is starting //2-bit control signal in hardware, but only two valid states: // [V1 V2] = [1 0] => Rx path connected to SMA, Tx path terminated to 50 ohms (PA must be off!) // [V1 V2] = [0 1] => Tx path connected to SMA, Rx path terminated to 50 ohms //RFx_AntSw[0] = SKY13370.V1, RFx_AntSw[1] = SKY13370.V2 assign RFA_AntSw[0:1] = {~RFA_txStart, RFA_txStart}; assign RFB_AntSw[0:1] = {~RFB_txStart, RFB_txStart}; assign RFC_AntSw[0:1] = {~RFC_txStart, RFC_txStart}; assign RFD_AntSw[0:1] = {~RFD_txStart, RFD_txStart}; //PAs are enabled by single wire per band // One path's 2.4 and 5GHz PAs should never be enabled simultaneously //2.4GHz PA is on when: // TxTiming state machine asserts PAEn AND // MAX2829.reg5[0] == 0 (indicating MAX2829 is tuned to 2.4GHz band) //5GHz PA is on when: // TxTiming state machine asserts PAEn AND // MAX2829.reg5[0] == 1 (indicating MAX2829 is tuned to 5GHz band) //RFx_MAX2829_mirrorRegs are indexed [MSB:LSB]=[0:13] to match other busses in this core, // so the LSB (bit [0] in MAX2829 datasheet) is RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[x][13] here assign RFA_PAEn_24 = (RFA_PAEn & ~(RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[5][13])); assign RFB_PAEn_24 = (RFB_PAEn & ~(RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[5][13])); assign RFC_PAEn_24 = (RFC_PAEn & ~(RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[5][13])); assign RFD_PAEn_24 = (RFD_PAEn & ~(RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[5][13])); assign RFA_PAEn_5 = (RFA_PAEn & (RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[5][13])); assign RFB_PAEn_5 = (RFB_PAEn & (RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[5][13])); assign RFC_PAEn_5 = (RFC_PAEn & (RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[5][13])); assign RFD_PAEn_5 = (RFD_PAEn & (RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[5][13])); //MAX2829 gain control bus // radio_controller.RFx_B[6:0] maps to MAX2829.B[7:1] // radio_controller.RFx_B[6] is MSB, radio_controller.RFx_B[0] is LSB // MAX2829.B7 is MSB, MAX2829.B1 is LSB // Note the RFx_B port is endian swapped relative to other busses in this core // to match the MAX2829 B port //When SPI gain control is disabled: // In Tx mode: // MAX2829.B[7] is don't care // MAX2829.B[6:1] = Tx RF VGA (6'd63 is max gain, 6'd0 is min gain (approx max-30dB)) // In Rx mode: // MAX2829.B[7:6] = Rx RF LNA (2'd3 is max gain (30dB), 2'd1 is min gain (0dB), 2'd0 is invalid) // MAX2829.B[5:1] = Rx BB VGA (5'd31 is max gain (approx 62dB), 5'd0 is min gain (approx 0dB) assign {RFA_B[6], RFA_B[5], RFA_B[4], RFA_B[3], RFA_B[2], RFA_B[1], RFA_B[0]} = RFA_txStart ? {1'b0, RFA_TxGain_ramped} : {RFA_RxGainRF, RFA_RxGainBB}; assign {RFB_B[6], RFB_B[5], RFB_B[4], RFB_B[3], RFB_B[2], RFB_B[1], RFB_B[0]} = RFB_txStart ? {1'b0, RFB_TxGain_ramped} : {RFB_RxGainRF, RFB_RxGainBB}; assign {RFC_B[6], RFC_B[5], RFC_B[4], RFC_B[3], RFC_B[2], RFC_B[1], RFC_B[0]} = RFC_txStart ? {1'b0, RFC_TxGain_ramped} : {RFC_RxGainRF, RFC_RxGainBB}; assign {RFD_B[6], RFD_B[5], RFD_B[4], RFD_B[3], RFD_B[2], RFD_B[1], RFD_B[0]} = RFD_txStart ? {1'b0, RFD_TxGain_ramped} : {RFD_RxGainRF, RFD_RxGainBB}; //Simple state machines for fixed timing of Tx events (MAX2829 TxEn, PA enable and PHY start) // One per RF path, to handle case of user designs which do Tx/Rx asychronously across paths // All use same timing values, as these are really tuned to the hardware, not the Tx signal radio_controller_TxTiming RFA_txTiming ( .clk(Bus2IP_Clk), .reset(Bus2IP_Reset), .clk_div(txTiming_clk_div_sel), .sw_start(RFA_txStart), .dly_GainRamp(TxTiming_dly_TxGainRamp), .dly_TxEn(TxTiming_dly_TxEn), .dly_PHYStart(TxTiming_dly_startPHY), .dly_PowerAmpEn(TxTiming_dly_PowerAmpEn), .gainRamp_TxGainTarget(RFA_TxGain_target), .gainRamp_GainStep(TxGainRamp_gainStep), .gainRamp_TimeStep(TxGainRamp_timeStep), .gainRamp_TxGainOut(RFA_TxGain_ramped), .TxEn(RFA_TxEn), .PAEn(RFA_PAEn), .PHYStart(usr_RFA_PHYStart) ); radio_controller_TxTiming RFB_txTiming ( .clk(Bus2IP_Clk), .reset(Bus2IP_Reset), .clk_div(txTiming_clk_div_sel), .sw_start(RFB_txStart), .dly_GainRamp(TxTiming_dly_TxGainRamp), .dly_TxEn(TxTiming_dly_TxEn), .dly_PHYStart(TxTiming_dly_startPHY), .dly_PowerAmpEn(TxTiming_dly_PowerAmpEn), .gainRamp_TxGainTarget(RFB_TxGain_target), .gainRamp_GainStep(TxGainRamp_gainStep), .gainRamp_TimeStep(TxGainRamp_timeStep), .gainRamp_TxGainOut(RFB_TxGain_ramped), .TxEn(RFB_TxEn), .PAEn(RFB_PAEn), .PHYStart(usr_RFB_PHYStart) ); radio_controller_TxTiming RFC_txTiming ( .clk(Bus2IP_Clk), .reset(Bus2IP_Reset), .clk_div(txTiming_clk_div_sel), .sw_start(RFC_txStart), .dly_GainRamp(TxTiming_dly_TxGainRamp), .dly_TxEn(TxTiming_dly_TxEn), .dly_PHYStart(TxTiming_dly_startPHY), .dly_PowerAmpEn(TxTiming_dly_PowerAmpEn), .gainRamp_TxGainTarget(RFC_TxGain_target), .gainRamp_GainStep(TxGainRamp_gainStep), .gainRamp_TimeStep(TxGainRamp_timeStep), .gainRamp_TxGainOut(RFC_TxGain_ramped), .TxEn(RFC_TxEn), .PAEn(RFC_PAEn), .PHYStart(usr_RFC_PHYStart) ); radio_controller_TxTiming RFD_txTiming ( .clk(Bus2IP_Clk), .reset(Bus2IP_Reset), .clk_div(txTiming_clk_div_sel), .sw_start(RFD_txStart), .dly_GainRamp(TxTiming_dly_TxGainRamp), .dly_TxEn(TxTiming_dly_TxEn), .dly_PHYStart(TxTiming_dly_startPHY), .dly_PowerAmpEn(TxTiming_dly_PowerAmpEn), .gainRamp_TxGainTarget(RFD_TxGain_target), .gainRamp_GainStep(TxGainRamp_gainStep), .gainRamp_TimeStep(TxGainRamp_timeStep), .gainRamp_TxGainOut(RFD_TxGain_ramped), .TxEn(RFD_TxEn), .PAEn(RFD_PAEn), .PHYStart(usr_RFD_PHYStart) ); //Signals to detect when MAX2829 hardware reset occurs (TxEn=1, RxEn=1, SHDN=0) // Reset can be triggered by hardware or software, depending on the user config assign RFA_MAX2829_Reset = (RFA_TxEn & RFA_RxEn & ~RFA_SHDN); assign RFB_MAX2829_Reset = (RFB_TxEn & RFB_RxEn & ~RFB_SHDN); assign RFC_MAX2829_Reset = (RFC_TxEn & RFC_RxEn & ~RFC_SHDN); assign RFD_MAX2829_Reset = (RFD_TxEn & RFD_RxEn & ~RFD_SHDN); //Use a counter to generate a blinking error signal to indicate a radio in standby that hasn't yet locked reg [23:0] error_blink_counter = 24'b0; always @(posedge Bus2IP_Clk) error_blink_counter <= error_blink_counter + 1; assign usr_RFA_statLED_Tx = RFA_SHDN ? (RFA_TxEn | ((~RFA_LD) & error_blink_counter[23])) : 1'b0; assign usr_RFA_statLED_Rx = RFA_SHDN ? (RFA_RxEn | ((~RFA_LD) & error_blink_counter[23])) : 1'b0;; assign usr_RFB_statLED_Tx = RFB_SHDN ? (RFB_TxEn | ((~RFB_LD) & error_blink_counter[23])) : 1'b0; assign usr_RFB_statLED_Rx = RFB_SHDN ? (RFB_RxEn | ((~RFB_LD) & error_blink_counter[23])) : 1'b0;; assign usr_RFC_statLED_Tx = RFC_SHDN ? (RFC_TxEn | ((~RFC_LD) & error_blink_counter[23])) : 1'b0; assign usr_RFC_statLED_Rx = RFC_SHDN ? (RFC_RxEn | ((~RFC_LD) & error_blink_counter[23])) : 1'b0;; assign usr_RFD_statLED_Tx = RFD_SHDN ? (RFD_TxEn | ((~RFD_LD) & error_blink_counter[23])) : 1'b0; assign usr_RFD_statLED_Rx = RFD_SHDN ? (RFD_RxEn | ((~RFD_LD) & error_blink_counter[23])) : 1'b0;; //Mask per-RF path to enable SPI transactions // Driven by register for software control, usr_ port for hardware control assign spi_rfsel_mask = usr_SPI_ctrlSrc ? usr_SPI_rfsel : spi_rfsel_mask_sw; //Processes to update mirror registers following SPI write // Note these registers are *not* changed by a software reset // The only reset condition is the MAX2829 hardware reset (TxEn=1, RxEn=1, SHDN=0) always @(posedge Bus2IP_Clk) begin if(RFA_MAX2829_Reset) begin RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[0] <= `MAX2829_REG0_ON_RESET; RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[1] <= `MAX2829_REG1_ON_RESET; RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[2] <= `MAX2829_REG2_ON_RESET; RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[3] <= `MAX2829_REG3_ON_RESET; RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[4] <= `MAX2829_REG4_ON_RESET; RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[5] <= `MAX2829_REG5_ON_RESET; RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[6] <= `MAX2829_REG6_ON_RESET; RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[7] <= `MAX2829_REG7_ON_RESET; RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[8] <= `MAX2829_REG8_ON_RESET; RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[9] <= `MAX2829_REG9_ON_RESET; RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[10] <= `MAX2829_REGA_ON_RESET; RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[11] <= `MAX2829_REGB_ON_RESET; RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[12] <= `MAX2829_REGC_ON_RESET; end else if(spi_go) begin if(spi_rfsel_mask & 4'b0001) //RFA selected RFA_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[spi_tx_regaddr] <= spi_tx_regdata; end end always @(posedge Bus2IP_Clk) begin if(RFB_MAX2829_Reset) begin RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[0] <= `MAX2829_REG0_ON_RESET; RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[1] <= `MAX2829_REG1_ON_RESET; RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[2] <= `MAX2829_REG2_ON_RESET; RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[3] <= `MAX2829_REG3_ON_RESET; RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[4] <= `MAX2829_REG4_ON_RESET; RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[5] <= `MAX2829_REG5_ON_RESET; RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[6] <= `MAX2829_REG6_ON_RESET; RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[7] <= `MAX2829_REG7_ON_RESET; RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[8] <= `MAX2829_REG8_ON_RESET; RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[9] <= `MAX2829_REG9_ON_RESET; RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[10] <= `MAX2829_REGA_ON_RESET; RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[11] <= `MAX2829_REGB_ON_RESET; RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[12] <= `MAX2829_REGC_ON_RESET; end else if(spi_go) begin if(spi_rfsel_mask & 4'b0010) //RFB selected RFB_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[spi_tx_regaddr] <= spi_tx_regdata; end end always @(posedge Bus2IP_Clk) begin if(RFC_MAX2829_Reset) begin RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[0] <= `MAX2829_REG0_ON_RESET; RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[1] <= `MAX2829_REG1_ON_RESET; RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[2] <= `MAX2829_REG2_ON_RESET; RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[3] <= `MAX2829_REG3_ON_RESET; RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[4] <= `MAX2829_REG4_ON_RESET; RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[5] <= `MAX2829_REG5_ON_RESET; RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[6] <= `MAX2829_REG6_ON_RESET; RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[7] <= `MAX2829_REG7_ON_RESET; RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[8] <= `MAX2829_REG8_ON_RESET; RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[9] <= `MAX2829_REG9_ON_RESET; RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[10] <= `MAX2829_REGA_ON_RESET; RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[11] <= `MAX2829_REGB_ON_RESET; RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[12] <= `MAX2829_REGC_ON_RESET; end else if(spi_go) begin if(spi_rfsel_mask & 4'b0100) //RFC selected RFC_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[spi_tx_regaddr] <= spi_tx_regdata; end end always @(posedge Bus2IP_Clk) begin if(RFD_MAX2829_Reset) begin RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[0] <= `MAX2829_REG0_ON_RESET; RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[1] <= `MAX2829_REG1_ON_RESET; RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[2] <= `MAX2829_REG2_ON_RESET; RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[3] <= `MAX2829_REG3_ON_RESET; RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[4] <= `MAX2829_REG4_ON_RESET; RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[5] <= `MAX2829_REG5_ON_RESET; RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[6] <= `MAX2829_REG6_ON_RESET; RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[7] <= `MAX2829_REG7_ON_RESET; RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[8] <= `MAX2829_REG8_ON_RESET; RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[9] <= `MAX2829_REG9_ON_RESET; RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[10] <= `MAX2829_REGA_ON_RESET; RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[11] <= `MAX2829_REGB_ON_RESET; RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[12] <= `MAX2829_REGC_ON_RESET; end else if(spi_go) begin if(spi_rfsel_mask & 4'b1000) //RFD selected RFD_MAX2829_mirrorRegs[spi_tx_regaddr] <= spi_tx_regdata; end end //MAX2829 CS is active-low; warp_spi_io.spi_cs is active high assign RFA_SPI_CSn = ~(spi_rfsel_mask[3] & spi_cs); assign RFB_SPI_CSn = ~(spi_rfsel_mask[2] & spi_cs); assign RFC_SPI_CSn = ~(spi_rfsel_mask[1] & spi_cs); assign RFD_SPI_CSn = ~(spi_rfsel_mask[0] & spi_cs); assign RFA_SPI_MOSI = spi_mosi; assign RFB_SPI_MOSI = spi_mosi; assign RFC_SPI_MOSI = spi_mosi; assign RFD_SPI_MOSI = spi_mosi; //Mask each SCLK output by the corresponding CS // No point toggling SCLKs that will be ignored assign RFA_SPI_SCLK = (spi_sclk & spi_rfsel_mask[3]); assign RFB_SPI_SCLK = (spi_sclk & spi_rfsel_mask[2]); assign RFC_SPI_SCLK = (spi_sclk & spi_rfsel_mask[1]); assign RFD_SPI_SCLK = (spi_sclk & spi_rfsel_mask[0]); //MAX2829 SPI uses 18-bit transfers, formatted as {regData[0:13] regAddr[0:3]}, data and addr both transfer MSB first wire [0:17] spi_tx_data_word; assign spi_tx_data_word[0:17] = usr_SPI_ctrlSrc ? {usr_SPI_regdata, usr_SPI_regaddr} : {spi_tx_regdata, spi_tx_regaddr}; assign spi_go = usr_SPI_ctrlSrc ? usr_SPI_go : spi_tx_reg_write; assign usr_SPI_active = spi_cs; warp_spi_io #(.SPI_XFER_LEN(18)) spi_io ( .sys_clk(Bus2IP_Clk), .reset(Bus2IP_Reset), .go(spi_go), .done(spi_xfer_done), .clkDiv(spi_clk_div_sel), .currBitNum(), .txData({14'b0, spi_tx_data_word}), .rxData1(), .rxData2(), .rxData3(), .rxData4(), .spi_cs(spi_cs), .spi_sclk(spi_sclk), .spi_mosi(spi_mosi), .spi_miso1(1'b0), .spi_miso2(1'b0), .spi_miso3(1'b0), .spi_miso4(1'b0) ); endmodule