/***************************************************************** * File: w3_clock_controller.c * Copyright (c) 2012 Mango Communications, all rights reseved * Released under the WARP License * See http://warp.rice.edu/license for details *****************************************************************/ /** \file w3_clock_controller.c \mainpage This is the driver for the w3_clock_controller core, which implements an SPI master for controlling the AD9512 clock buffers on the WARP v3 board. Refer to the WARP v3 user guide for more details on the clock options and connections. @version 3.01.b @author Patrick Murphy @copyright (c) 2012 Mango Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
Released under the WARP open source license (see http://warp.rice.edu/license) */ #include "w3_clock_controller.h" /** \defgroup user_functions Functions \brief Functions to call from user code \addtogroup user_functions Example: \code{.c} //Assumes user code sets CLK_BASEADDR to base address of w3_clock_controller core, as set in xparameters.h //Initialize the AD9512 clock buffers ad_init(CLK_BASEADDR, 3); //Enable clock outputs to FMC slot clk_config_outputs(CLK_BASEADDR, CLK_OUTPUT_ON, (CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_FMC | CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_FMC)); //Disable clock outputs to clock module header clk_config_outputs(CLK_BASEADDR, CLK_OUTPUT_OFF, (CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_CLKMODHDR | CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_CLKMODHDR)); //Set clock to AD chips to 40MHz (80MHz source divided by 2) clk_config_dividers(CLK_BASEADDR, 2, (CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_AD_RFA | CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_AD_RFB)); \endcode @{ */ /** \brief Initializes the clock controller. This function must be called once at boot before any AD or RF operations will work. Default config is: - On board 80MHz TCXO used as source for sampling and RF ref clock buffers - 80MHz clock driven to FPGA, RF A and RF B ADC/DACs - 40MHz clock driven to RF A and B transceivers - FMC and clock module header clocks disabled \param baseaddr Base memory address of w3_clock_controller pcore \param clkDiv Clock divider for SPI serial clock (set to 3 for 160MHz bus) */ int clk_init(u32 baseaddr, u8 clkDiv) { u32 x; Xil_Out32(baseaddr + CLKCTRL_REG_CONFIG, (clkDiv & CLKCTRL_REG_CONFIG_MASK_CLKDIV)); //Toggle AD9512 resets (active low) //Currently bypased-buffers auto-reset on power up, and resetting here can stop clock to FPGA (damn causality) //Xil_Out32(CLKCTRL_REG_CONFIG, 0); //Also sets clk_div = 0 //Xil_Out32(CLKCTRL_REG_CONFIG, CLKCTRL_REG_CONFIG_MASK_SAMP_FUNC | CLKCTRL_REG_CONFIG_MASK_RFREF_FUNC); //Confirm the SPI interfaces are working x = clk_spi_read(baseaddr, (CLK_SAMP_CS|CLK_RFREF_CS), 0x0); if(x != 0x1010) { xil_printf("First CLK SPI readback was wrong: addr[0]=0x%04x (should be 0x1010)\n", x); return -1; } /* Samping Clock Buffer Config Samp clock AD9512 outputs on WARP v3 board: OUT0: AD2 (LVPECL) OUT1: Clock module header (LVPECL) OUT2: AD1 (LVPECL) OUT3: FPGA col2 SRCC (LVDS) OUT4: FMC (LVDS) Default config: -Select CLK1 as input -Disable: -Outputs OUT1, OUT4 -All output dividers -CLK2 input */ /* reg 0x45: CLK1/CLK2 config: 0: 1=Use CLK1 input 1: 0=Enable CLK1 circuits 2: 1=Disable CLK2 circuits */ //Now hanlded by at-boot logic; C code shouldn't touch this register if the host processor // is clocked by the sampling clock //clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x45, 0x05); //Enable OUT0, OUT2, OUT3; disable OUT1, OUT4; all outputs are on after powerup/reset clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x3E, 0x02); //OUT1 = off (PD2 mode, because OUT1 has load resistors) clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x41, 0x01); //OUT4 = off //Power down divider logic- all active outputs at 80MHz clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x4B, 0x80); //OUT0 divider off clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x4D, 0x80); //OUT1 divider off clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x4F, 0x80); //OUT2 divider off clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x51, 0x80); //OUT3 divider off clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x53, 0x80); //OUT4 divider off //Alternate config: 40MHz clock for AD1, AD2 // clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x4B, 0x00); //OUT0 divider on // clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x4A, 0x00); //OUT0 divide by 2 // clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x4F, 0x00); //OUT2 divider on // clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x4E, 0x00); //OUT2 divide by 2 //Trigger register update clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x5A, 0x01); //Self-clearing register update flag /* RF Reference Clock Buffer Config RF ref clock AD9512 outputs on WARP v3 board: OUT0: Clock module header (LVPECL) OUT1: NC OUT2: NC OUT3: Both MAX2829 ref (RFA=CMOSp, RFB=CMOSn; must be 20 or 40 MHz) OUT4: FMC (LVDS) Default config: -Select CLK1 as input -Enable + and - CMOS outputs on OUT3 -Set OUT3 divider to 2 (produces 40MHz clock at OUT3) -Disable: -Outputs OUT0, OUT1, OUT2, OUT4 -Dividers for OUT0, OUT1, OUT2, OUT4 -CLK2 input */ //Enable OUT3; Disable OUT0, OUT1, OUT2, OUT4; all outputs are on after reset clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x3D, 0x02); //OUT0 = off, has load resistors clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x3E, 0x03); //OUT1 = off, has no load resistors clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x3F, 0x03); //OUT2 = off, has no load resistors clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x41, 0x01); //OUT4 = off //Enable inverted CMOS output on OUT3 clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x40, 0x18); //OUT3 = CMOS, +/- both on //Power down CLK2 input clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x45, 0x05); //CLK1 on, CLK2 off, CLK1 drives distribution //Power down divider logic on disabled ports clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x4B, 0x80); //OUT0 divider off clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x4D, 0x80); //OUT1 divider off clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x4F, 0x80); //OUT2 divider off clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x53, 0x80); //OUT4 divider off //Set divider to 2 on OUT3 clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x50, 0x00); //OUT3 40MHz (1 cycle down) //Alternate config: 20MHz RF reference clock, OUT3 divider=4 // clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x50, 0x11); //OUT3 20MHz (2 cycle down) //Trigger register update clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x5A, 0x01); //Self-clearing register update flag return 0; } /** \brief Configures which outputs are en/disabled in both AD9512 clock buffers \param baseaddr Base memory address of w3_clock_controller pcore \param clkOutMode New mode for selected clock outputs; must be CLK_OUTPUT_ON or CLK_OUTPUT_OFF \param clkOutSel Masks to select which clock outputs to affect; must be OR'd combination of: Mask | Selected Output ---- | ---- CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_FMC | Sampling clock buffer to FMC slot CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_CLKMODHDR | Sampling clock buffer to clock module header CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_FPGA | Sampling clock buffer to FPGA CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_AD_RFA | Sampling clock buffer to RF A AD9963 (ADC/DAC ref clock) CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_AD_RFB | Sampling clock buffer to RF B AD9963 (ADC/DAC ref clock) CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_FMC | RF ref clock buffer to FMC CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_CLKMODHDR | RF ref clock buffer to clock module header CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_RFAB | RF ref clock buffer to RF A and B transceivers \return Returns 0 on success, -1 for invalid parameters */ int clk_config_outputs(u32 baseaddr, u8 clkOutMode, u32 clkOutSel) { if((clkOutMode != CLK_OUTPUT_ON) && (clkOutMode != CLK_OUTPUT_OFF)) return -1; /* Samp clock AD9512 outputs on WARP v3 board: OUT0: AD2 (LVPECL) OUT1: Clock module header (LVPECL) OUT2: AD1 (LVPECL) OUT3: FPGA col2 SRCC (LVDS) OUT4: FMC (LVDS) RF ref clock AD9512 outputs on WARP v3 board: OUT0: Clock module header (LVPECL) OUT1: NC OUT2: NC OUT3: Both MAX2829 ref (RFA=CMOSp, RFB=CMOSn; must be 20 or 40 MHz) OUT4: FMC (LVDS) */ u8 lvpecl_cfg, lvds_cfg, cmos_cfg; //Set the register values to write, based on output type and user ON/OFF param if(clkOutMode == CLK_OUTPUT_ON) lvpecl_cfg = 0x8; //LVPECL output on, 805mV drive else lvpecl_cfg = 0x2; //output off (for outputs w/ load resistors) if(clkOutMode == CLK_OUTPUT_ON) lvds_cfg = 0x2; //output on, LVDS logic, 3.5mA drive else lvds_cfg = 0x1; //output off if(clkOutMode == CLK_OUTPUT_ON) cmos_cfg = 0x18; //+/- outputs on, CMOS logic else cmos_cfg = 0x1; //output off /***** Sampling Clock Buffer Config ******/ //reg 0x3D, 0x3E, 0x3F: CLKOUT[0,1,2] config // [1:0] LVPECL power down // (0x0=on, 0x2=PD2 (power down outputs w/ load resistors), 0x3=PD3 (power down outputs w/out load resistors) // [3:2] LVPECL output drive (set to 0x2 for default 805mv) if(clkOutSel & CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_AD_RFB) clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x3D, lvpecl_cfg); //CLKOUT0 if(clkOutSel & CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_CLKMODHDR) clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x3E, lvpecl_cfg); //CLKOUT1 if(clkOutSel & CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_AD_RFA) clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x3F, lvpecl_cfg); //CLKOUT2 //reg 0x40, 0x41: CLKOUT[3,4] config // [0] 0=output on, 1=output off // [2:1] LVDS output current (set to 0x1 for 3.5mA default) // [3] Logic (0=LVDS, 1=CMOS) // [4] CMOS- (0=Disable CMOS inverted output; 1=enable) if(clkOutSel & CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_FPGA) clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x40, lvds_cfg); //CLKOUT3 (LVDS) if(clkOutSel & CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_FMC) clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x41, lvds_cfg); //CLKOUT4 (LVDS) //Trigger register update clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x5A, 0x01); //Self-clearing register update flag /***** RF Ref Clock Buffer Config ******/ //reg 0x3D: CLKOUT0 config // [1:0] LVPECL power down // (0x0=on, 0x2=PD2 (power down outputs w/ load resistors), 0x3=PD3 (power down outputs w/out load resistors) // [3:2] LVPECL output drive (set to 0x2 for default 805mv) //CLKOUT1, CLKOUT2 are unused and are disabled in clk_init if(clkOutSel & CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_CLKMODHDR) clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x3D, lvpecl_cfg); //CLKOUT0 //reg 0x40, 0x41: CLKOUT[3,4] config // [0] 0=output on, 1=output off // [2:1] LVDS output current (set to 0x1 for 3.5mA default) // [3] Logic (0=LVDS, 1=CMOS) // [4] CMOS- (0=Disable CMOS inverted output; 1=enable) if(clkOutSel & CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_RFAB) clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x40, cmos_cfg); //CLKOUT3 (CMOS +/-) if(clkOutSel & CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_FMC) clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x41, lvds_cfg); //CLKOUT4 (LVDS) //Trigger register update clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x5A, 0x01); //Self-clearing register update flag return 0; } /** \brief Configures whether the RF Reference Buffer uses the on-board or off-board clock source \param baseaddr Base memory address of w3_clock_controller pcore \param clkInSel Clock source mask, must be either CLK_INSEL_ONBOARD (for on-board oscillator) or CLK_INSEL_CLKMOD (for off-board clock via clock module header) Mask | Selected Input ---- | ---- CLK_INSEL_ONBOARD | Selects on-board TCXO as RF Reference clock source (AD9512 CLK1/CLK1B port) CLK_INSEL_CLKMOD | Selects off-board clock from clock module header as RF Reference clock source (AD9512 CLK2/CLK2B port) \return Returns 0 on success, -1 for invalid parameters */ int clk_config_input_rf_ref(u32 baseaddr, u8 clkInSel) { if((clkInSel != CLK_INSEL_ONBOARD) && (clkInSel != CLK_INSEL_CLKMOD)) return -1; /* Samp clock AD9512 inputs on WARP v3 board: CLK1: On-board TCXO CLK2: Clock module header */ /***** Sampling Clock Buffer Config ******/ //reg 0x45 // [0] Input sel (0=CLK2, 1=CLK1) // [1] 1=Power down CLK1 input circuit // [2] 1=Power down CLK2 input circuit // [3:4] Reserved // [5] Power down both input circuits // [6:7] Reserved if(clkInSel == CLK_INSEL_ONBOARD) clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x45, 0x05); //Select CLK1, power down CLK2 if(clkInSel == CLK_INSEL_CLKMOD) clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x45, 0x02); //Select CLK2, power down CLK1 //Trigger register update clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x5A, 0x01); //Self-clearing register update flag return 0; } /** \brief Reads the status pins of the currently installed clock module \param baseaddr Base memory address of w3_clock_controller pcore \return Returns a 16-bit value for the clock module status; the meaning of the status bits depends on the currently installed module. For CM-MMCX the 2 LSB of the return are set by the 2-bit SIP switch, where an asserted switch (actuator down, towards the mounting bolt) returns 0. Reading the SIP switch when no CM-MMCX is installed will return 0x3 (both switches = 1). */ u16 clk_config_read_clkmod_status(u32 baseaddr) { u16 status; status = (Xil_In32(baseaddr + CLKCTRL_REG_CONFIG)) >> 16; return status; } /** \brief Configures output dividers in both AD9512 clock buffers \param baseaddr Base memory address of w3_clock_controller pcore \param clkDiv Divider value to set; must be 1 or even integer in [2,32] \param clkOutSel Masks to select which clock outputs to affect; must be OR'd combination of: Mask | Selected Output ---- | ---- CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_FMC | Sampling clock buffer to FMC slot CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_CLKMODHDR | Sampling clock buffer to clock module header CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_FPGA | Sampling clock buffer to FPGA CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_AD_RFA | Sampling clock buffer to RF A AD9963 (ADC/DAC ref clock) CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_AD_RFB | Sampling clock buffer to RF B AD9963 (ADC/DAC ref clock) CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_FMC | RF ref clock buffer to FMC CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_CLKMODHDR | RF ref clock buffer to clock module header CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_RFAB | RF ref clock buffer to RF A and B transceivers \return Returns 0 on success, -1 for invalid parameters */ int clk_config_dividers(u32 baseaddr, u8 clkDiv, u32 clkOutSel) { /* AD9512 reg 0x[4A,4C,4E,50,52]: Divider config high/low for CLKOUT[0,1,2,3,4] [3:0] Divider high cycles [7:4] Divider low cycles Clock freq divided by ((high+1)+(low+1)) 50% duty cycle requkired; only possible with 1 or even division ratios (high==low) AD9512 reg 0x[4B,4D,4F,51,53]: Divider power down & sync for CLKOUT[0,1,2,3,4] [7] 1=disable and bypass divider logic, 0=use divider [6:0] Divider sync setup (not currently used) */ u8 div_pd, div_cfg; //Check for invalid clkDiv value (any odd value besides 1, greater than 32, or 0) if( ((clkDiv != 1) && (clkDiv & 0x1)) || clkDiv > 32 || clkDiv == 0) return -1; if(clkDiv == 1) { div_pd = 0x80; //divide-by-1 requires bypassing divider entirely div_cfg = 0x00; } else { div_pd = 0x00; //enable divider //Calculate number of high/low cycles div_cfg = (clkDiv>>1)-1; //Set high=low div_cfg = (div_cfg<<4) | div_cfg; } //Sampling clock buffer if(clkOutSel & CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_AD_RFB) { //CLKOUT0 clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x4A, div_cfg); clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x4B, div_pd); } if(clkOutSel & CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_CLKMODHDR) { //CLKOUT1 clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x4C, div_cfg); clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x4D, div_pd); } if(clkOutSel & CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_AD_RFA) { //CLKOUT2 clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x4E, div_cfg); clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x4F, div_pd); } if(clkOutSel & CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_FPGA) { //CLKOUT3 clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x50, div_cfg); clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x51, div_pd); } if(clkOutSel & CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_FMC) { //CLKOUT4 clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x52, div_cfg); clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x53, div_pd); } //Trigger register update clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_SAMP_CS, 0x5A, 0x01); //Self-clearing register update flag //RF reference clock buffer if(clkOutSel & CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_CLKMODHDR) { //CLKOUT0 clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x4A, div_cfg); clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x4B, div_pd); } //CLKOUT1, CLKOUT2 are unused; dividers are disabled in clk_init if(clkOutSel & CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_RFAB) { //CLKOUT3 clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x50, div_cfg); clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x51, div_pd); } if(clkOutSel & CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_FMC) { //CLKOUT4 clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x52, div_cfg); clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x53, div_pd); } //Trigger register update clk_spi_write(baseaddr, CLK_RFREF_CS, 0x5A, 0x01); //Self-clearing register update flag return 0; } /** \brief Reads the specified register from both AD9963s \param baseaddr Base memory address of w3_clock_controller pcore \param csMask OR'd combination of CLK_SAMP_CS and CLK_RFREF_CS \param regAddr Address of register to read, in [0x00, 0x5A] \return Returns concatenation of current values of the specified register for both AD9512s (if selected); samp clock buffer is LSB */ u32 clk_spi_read(u32 baseaddr, u32 csMask, u8 regAddr) { u32 txWord, rxWord; //SPI Tx register is 4 bytes: // [3]: chip selects (bitwise OR'd ADCTRL_REG_SPITX_ADx_CS) // [2]: {rnw n1 n0 5'b0}, rnw=1 for SPI write, n1=n0=0 for 1 byte write // [1]: reg addr[7:0] // [0]: ignored for read (read value captured in Rx register) txWord = (csMask & (CLK_SAMP_CS | CLK_RFREF_CS)) | //chip selects (CLKCTRL_REG_SPITX_RNW) | //spi_tx_byte[2] = {rnw n1 n0 5'b0} ((regAddr & 0x7F)<<8) | //spi_tx_byte[1] = addr[7:0] (0x00); //spi_tx_byte[0] = ignored for read (AD drives data pin during this byte) Xil_Out32(baseaddr + CLKCTRL_REG_SPITX, txWord); rxWord = Xil_In32(baseaddr + CLKCTRL_REG_SPIRX); return(rxWord); } /** \brief Writes the specified register value to the selected AD9512 clock buffers \param baseaddr Base memory address of w3_clock_controller pcore \param csMask OR'd combination of CLK_SAMP_CS and CLK_RFREF_CS \param regAddr Address of register to write, in [0x00, 0x5A] \param txByte 8-bit value to write */ void clk_spi_write(u32 baseaddr, u32 csMask, u8 regAddr, u8 txByte) { u32 txWord; //SPI read process: // -Write full SPI word with RNW=1 and address of desired register // -Capture register value in last byte of SPI write process (handled automatically in logic) //SPI Tx register is 4 bytes: // [3]: chip selects (bitwise OR'd ADCTRL_REG_SPITX_ADx_CS) // [2]: {rnw n1 n0 5'b0}, rnw=0 for SPI write, n1=n0=0 for 1 byte write // [1]: reg addr[7:0] // [0]: reg data[7:0] txWord = (csMask & (CLK_SAMP_CS | CLK_RFREF_CS)) | //chip selects (0x00) | //spi_tx_byte[2] = {rnw n1 n0 5'b0} ((regAddr & 0xFF)<<8) | //spi_tx_byte[1] = addr[7:0] (txByte & 0xFF); //spi_tx_byte[0] = data byte to write Xil_Out32(baseaddr + CLKCTRL_REG_SPITX, txWord); return; } /** @}*/ //END group user_functions