################################################################### ## ## Name : clock_board_config ## Desc : Microprocessor Peripheral Description ## : Automatically generated by PsfUtility ## ################################################################### BEGIN clock_board_config ## Peripheral Options OPTION IPTYPE = PERIPHERAL OPTION IMP_NETLIST = TRUE OPTION HDL = VERILOG OPTION ARCH_SUPPORT_MAP = (virtex2p=PREFERRED, virtex4=PREFERRED, others=AVAILABLE) OPTION IP_GROUP = USER OPTION USAGE_LEVEL = BASE_USER IO_INTERFACE IO_IF = CLKBRDCONFIG, IO_TYPE = WARP_CLKBRD_CONFIG_V1 ## Bus Interfaces # This core is not attached to any busses ## Generics for VHDL or Parameters for Verilog #platgen will infer these hex values and defparam them in the Verilog like "defparam clkbrdconfig_0.fpga_radio_clk_source = 'h1AFF;" #since they're 16 bits anyway, the ambiguous bit length in the defparam'd value is no problem PARAMETER fpga_radio_clk_source = 0x1AFF, DT = std_logic_vector, DESC = Selects radio reference clock source, VALUES = (0x1AFF=Oscillator, 0x1DFF=External Coax), PERMIT = BASE_USER PARAMETER fpga_logic_clk_source = 0x1AFF, DT = std_logic_vector, DESC = Selects FPGA/sampling clock source, VALUES = (0x1AFF=Oscillator, 0x1DFF=External Coax), PERMIT = BASE_USER PARAMETER sys_clk_freq_hz = 0x05f5e100, DT = std_logic_vector, DESC = Frequency of clock at sys_clk input, VALUES = (0x05f5e100=100MHz, 0x1F78A40=33MHz), PERMIT = BASE_USER PARAMETER scp_min_freq_hz = 0x002625a0, DT = std_logic_vector, DESC = Minimum serial I/O frequency, VALUES = (0x002625a0=25MHz), PERMIT = BASE_USER PARAMETER scp_cyc_leng_a = 0x00000028, DT = std_logic_vector, DESC = Length of serial I/O write cycle, VALUES = (0x00000028=40), PERMIT = BASE_USER PARAMETER scp_cyc_leng_b = 0x00000028, DT = std_logic_vector, DESC = Length of serial I/O write cycle, VALUES = (0x00000028=40), PERMIT = BASE_USER PARAMETER scp_cyc_leng = 0x00000028, DT = std_logic_vector, DESC = Length of serial I/O write cycle, VALUES = (0x00000028=40), PERMIT = BASE_USER ## Ports PORT sys_clk = "", DIR = I, SIGIS = CLK PORT sys_rst = "net_gnd", DIR = I, SIGIS = RST PORT cfg_radio_dat_out = "", DIR = O PORT cfg_radio_csb_out = "", DIR = O PORT cfg_radio_en_out = "", DIR = O PORT cfg_radio_clk_out = "", DIR = O PORT cfg_logic_dat_out = "", DIR = O PORT cfg_logic_csb_out = "", DIR = O PORT cfg_logic_en_out = "", DIR = O PORT cfg_logic_clk_out = "", DIR = O PORT config_invalid = "", DIR = O END