//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -- // OneWireMaster -- // A synthesizable 1-wire master peripheral -- // Copyright 1999-2005 Dallas Semiconductor Corporation -- // -- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -- // Purpose: Provides timing and control of Dallas 1-wire bus -- // through a memory-mapped peripheral -- // File: OneWireMaster.v -- // Date: February 1, 2005 -- // Version: v2.100 -- // Authors: Rick Downs and Charles Hill, -- // Dallas Semiconductor Corporation -- // -- // Note: This source code is available for use without license. -- // Dallas Semiconductor is not responsible for the -- // functionality or utility of this product. -- // -- // REV: Updated 1-Wire timings to match App Note 126 - SKH -- // Added in Async MR of DQ_CONTROL - GAG -- // Changed WriteZero TimeSlotCnt to 60 instead of only 30 to -- // match OneWire Spec. - GAG -- // Added in bit control mode, left dqz for other function - GAG-- // Added strong pullup enable signal - GAG -- // Modified pd so it will not fire until the entire PD routine -- // has completed - GAG -- // Added OW_LOW interrupt and OW_SHORT interrupt - GAG -- // Added PPM and LLM for long line situations - GAG -- // Changed logic for rsrf and rbf int flags - GAG -- // Significant changes to improve synthesis - English -- // Ported to Verilog - Sandelin -- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- module onewiremaster ( BIT_CTL, clk_1us, clr_activate_intr, DQ_IN, EN_FOW, EOWL, EOWSH, epd, erbf, ersf, etbe, etmt, FOW, ias, LLM, MR, OD, owr, pd, PPM, rbf_reset, sr_a, STP_SPLY, STPEN, tbe, xmit_buffer, clear_interrupts, DQ_CONTROL, FSM_CLK, INTR, OneWireIO_eq_Load, OW_LOW, OW_SHORT, pdr, rbf, rcvr_buffer, reset_owr, rsrf, STPZ, temt); input BIT_CTL; // enable only single bit transmitions input clk_1us; // 1us reference clock input clr_activate_intr; input DQ_IN; // OW data input input EN_FOW; // enable force OW functionality input EOWL; // enable One wire bus low interrupt input EOWSH; // enable One Wire bus short interrupt input epd; // enable presence detect interrupt input erbf; // enable receive buffer full interrupt input ersf; // enable receive shift register full int. input etbe; // enable transmit buffer empty interrupt input etmt; // enable transmit shift inputister empty int. input FOW; // Force OW value low input ias; // INTR active state input LLM; // long line mode enable input MR; // master reset input OD; // enable overdrive input owr; // one wire reset ??? input pd; // presence detect interrupt input PPM; // presence pulse masking enable input rbf_reset; // clear for receive buffer full interrupt input sr_a; // search rom accelorator enable input STP_SPLY; // enable strong pull up supply mode input STPEN; // enable strong pull up output input tbe; // transmit buffer empty interrupt input [7:0] xmit_buffer; // transmit buffer output clear_interrupts; output DQ_CONTROL; // OW pulldown control output FSM_CLK; // state machine clk output INTR; // One wire master interrupt output signal output OneWireIO_eq_Load; output OW_LOW; // One wire low interrupt output OW_SHORT; // One wire short interrupt output pdr; // presence detect result output rbf; // receive buffer full int output [7:0] rcvr_buffer; // receive register output reset_owr; // output rsrf; // receive shift reg full interrupt output STPZ; // Strong pullup control (active low) output temt; // transmit shift reg empty interrupt // // Define the states // parameter [2:0] Idle = 3'b000, // Idle CheckOWR = 3'b001, // Check for shorted OW Reset_Low = 3'b010, // Start reset PD_Wait = 3'b011, // release line for 1T PD_Sample = 3'b100, // sample line after slowest 1T over Reset_High = 3'b101, // recover OW line level PD_Force = 3'b110, // mask the presence pulse PD_Release = 3'b111; // recover OW line level parameter [4:0] IdleS= 5'b00000, // Idle state Load= 5'b00001, // Load byte CheckOW= 5'b00010, // Check for shorted line DQLOW= 5'b00011, // Start of timeslot WriteZero= 5'b00100, // Write a zero to the 1-wire WriteOne= 5'b00101, // Write a one to the 1-wire ReadBit= 5'b00110, // Search Rom Accelerator read bit FirstPassSR=5'b00111, // Used by SRA WriteBitSR= 5'b01000, // Decide what bit value to write in SRA WriteBit= 5'b01001, // Writes the chosen bit in SRA WaitTS= 5'b01010, // Wait for end of time slot IndexInc= 5'b01011, // Increments bit index UpdateBuff= 5'b01100, // Updates states of rbf ODWriteZero=5'b01101, // Write a zero @ OD speed to OW ODWriteOne= 5'b01110, // Write a one @ OD speed to OW ClrLowDone= 5'b01111; // disable stpupz before pulldown // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // micro-second count for bit transitions and sample parameter [6:0] // Standard speed bit_ts_writeone_high = 7'b0000110, // release-1 @6 us bit_ts_writeone_high_ll = 7'b0001000, // rel-1-LLM @8 us bit_ts_sample = 7'b0001111, // sample @15 us bit_ts_sample_ll = 7'b0011000, // sample/llm @24 us bit_ts_writezero_high = 7'b0111100, // release-0 @60 us bit_ts_end = 7'b1000110, // end @70 us bit_ts_end_ll = 7'b1010000, // end @80 us // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // Overdrive speed // note that due to the state machine architecture, the // writeone_high_od and sample_od must be 1 and 2 us. // writezero_high_od and end_od are adjustable, so long // as writezero_high_od does not exceed a particular // 1-Wire device max low time. bit_ts_writeone_high_od = 7'b0000001, // release-1 @1 us bit_ts_sample_od = 7'b0000010, // sample @2 us bit_ts_writezero_high_od = 7'b0001000, // release-0 @8 us bit_ts_end_od = 7'b0001001; // end @10 us // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // micro-second count for reset transitions parameter [10:0] // Standard speed reset_ts_release = 11'b01001011000, // release @600 us reset_ts_no_stpz = 11'b01001100010, // stpz=1 @610 us reset_ts_ppm = 11'b01001101100, // pp-mask @620 us reset_ts_sample = 11'b01010011110, // sample @670 us reset_ts_llsample= 11'b01010101101, // sample @685 us reset_ts_ppm_end = 11'b01010110010, // ppm-end @690 us reset_ts_stpz = 11'b01110110110, // stpz @950 us reset_ts_recover = 11'b01111000000, // recover @960 us reset_ts_end = 11'b10000111000, // end @1080 us // Overdrive speed reset_ts_release_od = 11'b00001000110, // release @70 us reset_ts_no_stpz_od = 11'b00001001011, // stpz=1 @75 us reset_ts_sample_od = 11'b00001001111, // sample @79 us reset_ts_stpz_od = 11'b00001101001, // stpz @105 us reset_ts_recover_od = 11'b00001110011, // recover @115 us reset_ts_end_od = 11'b00010000000; // end @128 us // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - wire owr; // 1W reset command wire sr_a; // search ROM accelerator command // interrupt register wire pd; // presence detect done flag reg pdr; // presence detect result wire tbe; // transmit buffer empty flag reg temt; // transmit shift register empty flag wire temt_ext; // temt extended flag reg rbf; // receive buffer full flag reg rsrf; // receive shift register full flag reg OW_SHORT; // OW line shorted interrupt reg OW_LOW; // OW line low interrupt reg INTR; //wire rsrf_reset; // clear signal for rsrf reg set_rbf; // set signal for rbf // interrupt enable register wire epd; // enable presence detect interrupt wire ias; // INTR active state wire etbe; // enable transmit buffer empty interrupt wire etmt; // enable transmit shift register empty int. wire erbf; // enable receive buffer full interrupt wire ersf; // enable receive shift register full int. wire EOWSH; // enable ow shorted interrupt wire EOWL; // enable ow low interrupt wire clr_activate_intr; reg reset_owr; reg activate_intr; reg dly_clr_activate_intr; reg clear_interrupts; reg SET_RSHRT; // set ow_short prior to ow reset reg SET_IOSHRT; // set ow_short prior to tx a bit wire [7:0] xmit_buffer; // transmit buffer reg [7:0] xmit_shiftreg; // transmit shift register reg [7:0] rcvr_buffer; // receive buffer reg [7:0] rcvr_shiftreg; // receive shift register reg last_rcvr_bit; // active on index = 7 to begin shift to rbe reg byte_done; reg byte_done_flag, bdext1; // signals to stretch byte_done reg First; // for Search ROM accelerator reg BitRead1; reg BitRead2; reg BitWrite; reg [2:0] OneWireReset; reg [4:0] OneWireIO; reg [10:0] count; //reg [4:0] smCnt; reg [3:0] index; reg [6:0] TimeSlotCnt; reg PD_READ; reg LOW_DONE; reg DQ_CONTROL_F; wire DQ_CONTROL; wire STPZ; reg DQ_IN_HIGH; reg OD_DQH; reg rbf_set; reg rsrf_reset; reg ROW; wire FSM_CLK = clk_1us; // // 1 wire control // assign DQ_CONTROL = MR ? 1'b1 : DQ_CONTROL_F; //GAG added in asynch RESET always @(posedge FSM_CLK) //GAG added in ODWriteZero DQ_CONTROL_F <= (EN_FOW == 1) && (FOW == 1)?0: OneWireReset == Reset_Low?0: OneWireReset == PD_Wait?1: OneWireReset == PD_Force?0: OneWireIO == DQLOW?0: OneWireIO == WriteZero?0: OneWireIO == ODWriteZero?0: OneWireIO == WriteBit?0: 1; wire OneWireIO_eq_Load = OneWireIO == Load; // // Strong Pullup control section - GAG // not pulling line low, not checking for pres detect, and // OW has recovered from read // SPLY is only for enabling STP when a slave requires high current // and STP_SPLY is enabled // wire SPLY = (STP_SPLY && (OneWireReset == Idle) && (OneWireIO == IdleS)); assign STPZ = !(STPEN && DQ_CONTROL && DQ_IN_HIGH && (PD_READ || LOW_DONE || SPLY)); always @(posedge MR or posedge FSM_CLK) if (MR) begin DQ_IN_HIGH <= 0; OD_DQH <=0; end else if (OD) if(DQ_IN && !DQ_IN_HIGH && !OD_DQH) begin DQ_IN_HIGH <= 1; OD_DQH <=1; end else if(OD_DQH && DQ_IN) DQ_IN_HIGH <= 0; else begin OD_DQH <=0; DQ_IN_HIGH <= 0; end else begin if(DQ_IN && !DQ_IN_HIGH) DQ_IN_HIGH <= 1; else if (DQ_IN && DQ_IN_HIGH) DQ_IN_HIGH <= DQ_IN_HIGH; else DQ_IN_HIGH <= 0; end // // Update receive buffer and the rsrf and rbf int flags // always @(posedge MR or posedge rbf_reset or posedge rbf_set) if (MR) rbf <= 0; else if (rbf_reset) //note that rbf resets at the beginning of the RX buff read rbf <= 0; else rbf <= 1; always @(posedge MR or posedge FSM_CLK) if (MR) rsrf <= 1'b0; else if (last_rcvr_bit || BIT_CTL) begin if (OneWireIO == IndexInc) rsrf <= 1'b1; else if (rsrf_reset) rsrf <= 1'b0; end else if (rsrf_reset || (OneWireIO == DQLOW)) rsrf <= 1'b0; always @(posedge FSM_CLK or posedge MR) if (MR) begin rcvr_buffer <= 0; rbf_set <= 0; end else if (rsrf && !rbf) begin rcvr_buffer <= rcvr_shiftreg; rbf_set <= 1'b1; rsrf_reset <= 1'b1; end else begin rbf_set <= 1'b0; if (!rsrf) rsrf_reset <= 1'b0; end // // Update OW shorted interrupt // always @(posedge MR or posedge FSM_CLK) begin if(MR) OW_SHORT <= 1'b0; else if (SET_RSHRT || SET_IOSHRT) OW_SHORT <= 1'b1; else if (clr_activate_intr) OW_SHORT <= 1'b0; else OW_SHORT <= OW_SHORT; end // // Update OW bus low interrupt // always @(posedge MR or posedge FSM_CLK) begin if (MR) OW_LOW <= 0; else if (!DQ_IN && (OneWireReset == Idle) && (OneWireIO == IdleS)) OW_LOW <= 1; else if (clr_activate_intr) OW_LOW <= 0; else OW_LOW <= OW_LOW; end /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The following section handles the interrupt itself /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Create clear interrupts // always @(posedge MR or posedge FSM_CLK) if (MR) begin //dly_clr_activate_intr <= 1'b0; clear_interrupts <= 1'b0; end // if (MR) else begin //dly_clr_activate_intr<=clr_activate_intr; clear_interrupts<=clr_activate_intr; //clear_interrupts <= dly_clr_activate_intr ; end wire acint_reset = MR || clr_activate_intr; // // Check for active interrupt // always @(posedge acint_reset or posedge FSM_CLK) if(acint_reset) activate_intr <= 1'b0; else case(1) pd && epd: activate_intr <= 1'b1; tbe && etbe && !temt: activate_intr <= 1'b1; temt_ext && etmt: activate_intr <= 1'b1; rbf && erbf: activate_intr <= 1'b1; rsrf && ersf: activate_intr <= 1'b1; OW_LOW && EOWL: activate_intr <= 1'b1; OW_SHORT && EOWSH: activate_intr <= 1'b1; endcase // case(1) // // Create INTR signal by checking for active interrupt and active // state of INTR // always @(activate_intr or ias) case({activate_intr,ias}) 2'b11: INTR <= 1'b1; 2'b01: INTR <= 1'b0; 2'b10: INTR <= 1'b1; // shughes - 8-16-04 - was 1'b0 default: INTR <= 1'b0; // shughes - 8-16-04 - was 1'b1 endcase // case({activate_intr,ias}) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // OneWireReset // // this state machine performs the 1-wire reset and presence detect // - Added OD for overdrive speed presence detect // - Added PD_LOW bit for strong pullup control // // Idle : OW high - waiting to issue a PD // CheckOWR : OW high - checks for shorted OW line // Reset_Low : OW low - held down for GT8 OW osc periods // PD_Wait : OW high - released and waits for 1T // PD_Sample : OW high - checks to see if a slave is out there pulling // OW low for 4T // Reset_High : OW high - slave, if any, release OW and host lets it recover //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge FSM_CLK or posedge MR) if(MR) begin pdr <= 1'b1; // Added default state to conform to spec - SDS OneWireReset <= Idle; //smCnt <= 0; // added to init simulations count <= 0; PD_READ <= 0; // Added PD_READ - GAG reset_owr <= 0; SET_RSHRT <= 0; // ROW <= 0; end else if(!owr) begin count <= 0; ROW <= 0; reset_owr <= 0; OneWireReset <= Idle; end else case(OneWireReset) Idle: begin if (ROW) reset_owr <= 1; else begin count <= 0; SET_RSHRT <=0; reset_owr <= 0; OneWireReset <= CheckOWR; end end CheckOWR: begin OneWireReset <= Reset_Low; if(!DQ_IN) SET_RSHRT <= 1; end Reset_Low: begin count <= count + 1; PD_READ <= 0; // Added PD_READ - GAG if(OD) // Added OD - GAG begin // tRSTL - OD if(count == reset_ts_release_od) begin OneWireReset <= PD_Wait; PD_READ <= 1; end end // tRSTL - STD else if(count == reset_ts_release) begin OneWireReset <= PD_Wait; PD_READ <= 1; end end PD_Wait: begin SET_RSHRT <= 0; count <= count + 1; if(!DQ_IN & DQ_CONTROL_F) begin OneWireReset <= PD_Sample; //smCnt <= 0; end else if(OD) begin // (tRSTL + pull-up time) - OD if(count==reset_ts_no_stpz_od) // disables stp_sply PD_READ <= 0; // Be sure to turn off 4 MPD mode // tMSP - OD else if(count == reset_ts_sample_od) begin OneWireReset <= PD_Sample; //smCnt <= 0; end end // (tRSTL + pull-up time) - STD else if(count == reset_ts_no_stpz) // disables stp_sply PD_READ <= 0; // Be sure to turn off 4 MPD mode // tPPM1 - STD else if((count == reset_ts_ppm) && PPM) OneWireReset <= PD_Force; // tMSP - STD else if(count == reset_ts_llsample && !LLM) begin OneWireReset <= PD_Sample; //smCnt <= 0; end else if(count == reset_ts_sample && LLM) begin OneWireReset <= PD_Sample; //smCnt <= 0; end end PD_Sample: begin PD_READ <= 0; count <= count + 1; //smCnt <= smCnt + 1; //if (OD) // Added OD - GAG // begin // if(smCnt == 3-1) // begin pdr <= DQ_IN; OneWireReset <= Reset_High; // end // end //else // if(smCnt == 30-1) // begin // pdr <= DQ_IN; // OneWireReset <= Reset_High; // end end Reset_High: begin count <= count + 1; if (OD) // Added OD - GAG begin if (count == reset_ts_stpz_od) begin if (DQ_IN) PD_READ <= 1; end else if (count == reset_ts_recover_od) begin PD_READ <= 0; end else if (count == reset_ts_end_od) begin PD_READ <= 0; OneWireReset <= Idle; ROW <= 1; end end else begin if(count == reset_ts_stpz) begin if (DQ_IN) PD_READ <= 1; end else if (count == reset_ts_recover) begin PD_READ <= 0; end else if (count == reset_ts_end) begin PD_READ <= 0; OneWireReset <= Idle; ROW <= 1; end end end PD_Force: begin count <= count + 1; // tPPM2 if (count == reset_ts_ppm_end) begin OneWireReset <= PD_Release; end end PD_Release: begin count <= count + 1; pdr <= 0; //force valid result if(count == reset_ts_stpz) begin if (DQ_IN) PD_READ <= 1; end else if (count == reset_ts_recover) begin PD_READ <= 0; end else if (count == reset_ts_end) begin PD_READ <= 0; OneWireReset <= Idle; ROW <= 1; end end endcase //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // OneWireIO // // this state machine performs the 1-wire writing and reading // - Added ODWriteZero and ODWriteOne for overdrive timing // // IdleS : Waiting for transmit byte to be loaded // ClrLowDone : Disables strong pullup before pulldown turns on // Load : Loads byte to shift reg // CheckOW : Checks for OW short // DQLOW : Starts time slot with OW = 0 // ODWriteZero : Completes write of 0 bit / read bit in OD speed // ODWriteOne : Completes write of 1 bit / read bit in OD speed // WriteZero : Completes write of 0 bit / read bit in standard speed // WriteOne : Completes write of 1 bit / read bit in standard speed // ReadBit : AutoSearchRom : Reads the first bit value // FirstPassSR : AutoSearchRom : Decides to do another read or the write // WriteBitSR : AutoSearchRom : Determines the bit to write // WriteBit : AutoSearchRom : Writes the bit // WatiTS : Allows OW to recover for the remainder of the time slot // IndexInc : Increment the index to send out next bit (in byte) // UpdateBuff : Allows other signals to update following finished byte/bit //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following 2 registers are to stretch the temt signal to catch the // temt interrupt source - SDS always @(posedge MR or posedge FSM_CLK) if(MR) bdext1 <= 1'b0; else bdext1 <= byte_done; always @(posedge MR or posedge FSM_CLK) if(MR) byte_done_flag <= 1'b0; else byte_done_flag <= bdext1; assign temt_ext = temt && byte_done_flag; // The index variable has been decoded explicitly in this state machine // so that the code would compile on the Cypress warp compiler - SDS always @(posedge FSM_CLK or posedge MR) if(MR) begin index <= 0; TimeSlotCnt <= 0; temt <= 1'b1; last_rcvr_bit <= 1'b0; rcvr_shiftreg <= 0; OneWireIO <= IdleS; BitRead1<=0; BitRead2<=0; BitWrite<=0; First <= 1'b0; byte_done <= 1'b0; xmit_shiftreg<=0; LOW_DONE <= 0; SET_IOSHRT <= 0; end else case(OneWireIO) // IdleS state clears variables and waits for something to be // deposited in the transmit buffer. When something is there, // the next state is Load. IdleS: begin byte_done <= 1'b0; index <= 0; last_rcvr_bit <= 1'b0; First <= 1'b0; TimeSlotCnt <= 0; LOW_DONE <= 0; SET_IOSHRT <= 0; temt <= 1'b1; if(!tbe) begin if(STPEN) OneWireIO <= ClrLowDone; else OneWireIO <= Load; end else OneWireIO <= IdleS; end // New state added to be sure the strong pullup will be disabled // before the OW pulldown turns on ClrLowDone: begin LOW_DONE <= 0; if (!LOW_DONE) OneWireIO <= Load; end // Load transfers the transmit buffer to the transmit shift register, // then clears the transmit shift register empty interrupt. The next // state is then DQLOW. Load: begin xmit_shiftreg <= xmit_buffer; rcvr_shiftreg <= 0; temt <= 1'b0; LOW_DONE <= 0; OneWireIO <= CheckOW; end // Checks OW value before sending out every bit to see if line // was forced low by some other means at an incorrect time CheckOW: begin OneWireIO <= DQLOW; //TimeSlotCnt <= TimeSlotCnt + 1; if (!DQ_IN) SET_IOSHRT <= 1; end // DQLOW pulls the DQ line low for 1us, beginning a timeslot. // If sr_a is 0, it is a normal write/read operation. If sr_a // is a 1, then you must go into Search ROM accelerator mode. // If OD is 1, the part is in overdrive and must perform // ODWrites instead of normal Writes while OD is 0. DQLOW: begin TimeSlotCnt <= TimeSlotCnt + 1; LOW_DONE <= 0; if (OD) begin //if(TimeSlotCnt==bit_ts_writeone_high_od) //begin if(!sr_a) begin case(index) 0: if(!xmit_shiftreg[0]) OneWireIO <= ODWriteZero; else OneWireIO <= ODWriteOne; 1: if(!xmit_shiftreg[1]) OneWireIO <= ODWriteZero; else OneWireIO <= ODWriteOne; 2: if(!xmit_shiftreg[2]) OneWireIO <= ODWriteZero; else OneWireIO <= ODWriteOne; 3: if(!xmit_shiftreg[3]) OneWireIO <= ODWriteZero; else OneWireIO <= ODWriteOne; 4: if(!xmit_shiftreg[4]) OneWireIO <= ODWriteZero; else OneWireIO <= ODWriteOne; 5: if(!xmit_shiftreg[5]) OneWireIO <= ODWriteZero; else OneWireIO <= ODWriteOne; 6: if(!xmit_shiftreg[6]) OneWireIO <= ODWriteZero; else OneWireIO <= ODWriteOne; 7: if(!xmit_shiftreg[7]) OneWireIO <= ODWriteZero; else OneWireIO <= ODWriteOne; endcase // case(index) end else // Search Rom Accelerator mode OneWireIO <= ReadBit; end //end else if(((TimeSlotCnt==bit_ts_writeone_high) && !LLM) || ((TimeSlotCnt==bit_ts_writeone_high_ll) && LLM)) begin if(!sr_a) // Normal write begin case(index) 0: if(!xmit_shiftreg[0]) OneWireIO <= WriteZero; else OneWireIO <= WriteOne; 1: if(!xmit_shiftreg[1]) OneWireIO <= WriteZero; else OneWireIO <= WriteOne; 2: if(!xmit_shiftreg[2]) OneWireIO <= WriteZero; else OneWireIO <= WriteOne; 3: if(!xmit_shiftreg[3]) OneWireIO <= WriteZero; else OneWireIO <= WriteOne; 4: if(!xmit_shiftreg[4]) OneWireIO <= WriteZero; else OneWireIO <= WriteOne; 5: if(!xmit_shiftreg[5]) OneWireIO <= WriteZero; else OneWireIO <= WriteOne; 6: if(!xmit_shiftreg[6]) OneWireIO <= WriteZero; else OneWireIO <= WriteOne; 7: if(!xmit_shiftreg[7]) OneWireIO <= WriteZero; else OneWireIO <= WriteOne; endcase // case(index) end else // Search Rom Accelerator mode OneWireIO <= ReadBit; end end // WriteZero and WriteOne are identical, except for what they do to // DQ (assigned in concurrent assignments). They both read DQ after // 15us, then move on to wait for the end of the timeslot, unless // running in Long Line mode which extends the sample time out to 22 WriteZero: begin TimeSlotCnt <= TimeSlotCnt + 1; if(((TimeSlotCnt==bit_ts_sample) && !sr_a && !LLM) || ((TimeSlotCnt==bit_ts_sample_ll) && !sr_a && LLM)) case(index) 0: rcvr_shiftreg[0] <= DQ_IN; 1: rcvr_shiftreg[1] <= DQ_IN; 2: rcvr_shiftreg[2] <= DQ_IN; 3: rcvr_shiftreg[3] <= DQ_IN; 4: rcvr_shiftreg[4] <= DQ_IN; 5: rcvr_shiftreg[5] <= DQ_IN; 6: rcvr_shiftreg[6] <= DQ_IN; 7: rcvr_shiftreg[7] <= DQ_IN; endcase if(TimeSlotCnt == bit_ts_writezero_high) //62 7_25_01 OneWireIO <= WaitTS; if(DQ_IN) LOW_DONE <= 1; end WriteOne: begin TimeSlotCnt <= TimeSlotCnt + 1; if(((TimeSlotCnt==bit_ts_sample) && !sr_a && !LLM) || ((TimeSlotCnt==bit_ts_sample_ll) && !sr_a && LLM)) case(index) 0: rcvr_shiftreg[0] <= DQ_IN; 1: rcvr_shiftreg[1] <= DQ_IN; 2: rcvr_shiftreg[2] <= DQ_IN; 3: rcvr_shiftreg[3] <= DQ_IN; 4: rcvr_shiftreg[4] <= DQ_IN; 5: rcvr_shiftreg[5] <= DQ_IN; 6: rcvr_shiftreg[6] <= DQ_IN; 7: rcvr_shiftreg[7] <= DQ_IN; endcase if(TimeSlotCnt == bit_ts_writezero_high) //62 7_25_01 OneWireIO <= WaitTS; if(DQ_IN) LOW_DONE <= 1; end // ADDED ODWRITE states here GAG // ODWriteZero and ODWriteOne are identical, except for what they // do to DQ (assigned in concurrent assignments). They both read // DQ after 3us, then move on to wait for the end of the timeslot. ODWriteZero: begin TimeSlotCnt <= TimeSlotCnt + 1; if((TimeSlotCnt == bit_ts_sample_od) && !sr_a) case(index) 0: rcvr_shiftreg[0] <= DQ_IN; 1: rcvr_shiftreg[1] <= DQ_IN; 2: rcvr_shiftreg[2] <= DQ_IN; 3: rcvr_shiftreg[3] <= DQ_IN; 4: rcvr_shiftreg[4] <= DQ_IN; 5: rcvr_shiftreg[5] <= DQ_IN; 6: rcvr_shiftreg[6] <= DQ_IN; 7: rcvr_shiftreg[7] <= DQ_IN; endcase if(TimeSlotCnt == bit_ts_writezero_high_od) OneWireIO <= WaitTS; if(DQ_IN) LOW_DONE <= 1; end ODWriteOne: begin TimeSlotCnt <= TimeSlotCnt + 1; if((TimeSlotCnt == bit_ts_sample_od) && !sr_a) case(index) 0: rcvr_shiftreg[0] <= DQ_IN; 1: rcvr_shiftreg[1] <= DQ_IN; 2: rcvr_shiftreg[2] <= DQ_IN; 3: rcvr_shiftreg[3] <= DQ_IN; 4: rcvr_shiftreg[4] <= DQ_IN; 5: rcvr_shiftreg[5] <= DQ_IN; 6: rcvr_shiftreg[6] <= DQ_IN; 7: rcvr_shiftreg[7] <= DQ_IN; endcase if(TimeSlotCnt == bit_ts_writezero_high_od) OneWireIO <= WaitTS; if(DQ_IN) LOW_DONE <= 1; end // ReadBit used by the SRA to do the required bit reads ReadBit: begin TimeSlotCnt <= TimeSlotCnt + 1; if(DQ_IN) LOW_DONE <= 1; if(OD) begin if(TimeSlotCnt == bit_ts_sample_od) if(!First) BitRead1 <= DQ_IN; else BitRead2 <= DQ_IN; if(TimeSlotCnt == bit_ts_writezero_high_od) //7 7_25_01 OneWireIO <= FirstPassSR; end else begin if(((TimeSlotCnt == bit_ts_sample)&&!LLM) || ((TimeSlotCnt == bit_ts_sample_ll)&&LLM)) if(!First) BitRead1 <= DQ_IN; else BitRead2 <= DQ_IN; if(TimeSlotCnt == bit_ts_writezero_high) OneWireIO <= FirstPassSR; end end // FirstPassSR decides whether to do another read or to do the // bit write. FirstPassSR: begin TimeSlotCnt <= TimeSlotCnt + 1; LOW_DONE <= 0; if(OD) begin if(TimeSlotCnt == bit_ts_end_od) begin TimeSlotCnt <= 0; if(!First) begin First <= 1'b1; OneWireIO <= DQLOW; end else begin OneWireIO <= WriteBitSR; end end end else begin if(((TimeSlotCnt==bit_ts_end) && !LLM) || ((TimeSlotCnt==bit_ts_end_ll) && LLM)) begin TimeSlotCnt <= 0; if(!First) begin First <= 1'b1; OneWireIO <= DQLOW; end else begin OneWireIO <= WriteBitSR; end // else: !if(!First) end end end // WriteBitSR will now determine the bit necessary to write // for the Search ROM to proceed. WriteBitSR: begin case({BitRead1,BitRead2}) 2'b00: begin case(index) 0: begin BitWrite <= xmit_shiftreg[1]; rcvr_shiftreg[0] <= 1'b1; end 1: begin BitWrite <= xmit_shiftreg[2]; rcvr_shiftreg[1] <= 1'b1; end 2: begin BitWrite <= xmit_shiftreg[3]; rcvr_shiftreg[2] <= 1'b1; end 3: begin BitWrite <= xmit_shiftreg[4]; rcvr_shiftreg[3] <= 1'b1; end 4: begin BitWrite <= xmit_shiftreg[5]; rcvr_shiftreg[4] <= 1'b1; end 5: begin BitWrite <= xmit_shiftreg[6]; rcvr_shiftreg[5] <= 1'b1; end 6: begin BitWrite <= xmit_shiftreg[7]; rcvr_shiftreg[6] <= 1'b1; end 7: begin BitWrite <= xmit_shiftreg[0]; rcvr_shiftreg[7] <= 1'b1; end endcase end 2'b01: begin BitWrite <= 1'b0; case(index) 0: rcvr_shiftreg[0] <= 1'b0; 1: rcvr_shiftreg[1] <= 1'b0; 2: rcvr_shiftreg[2] <= 1'b0; 3: rcvr_shiftreg[3] <= 1'b0; 4: rcvr_shiftreg[4] <= 1'b0; 5: rcvr_shiftreg[5] <= 1'b0; 6: rcvr_shiftreg[6] <= 1'b0; 7: rcvr_shiftreg[7] <= 1'b0; endcase end 2'b10: begin BitWrite <= 1'b1; case(index) 0: rcvr_shiftreg[0] <= 1'b0; 1: rcvr_shiftreg[1] <= 1'b0; 2: rcvr_shiftreg[2] <= 1'b0; 3: rcvr_shiftreg[3] <= 1'b0; 4: rcvr_shiftreg[4] <= 1'b0; 5: rcvr_shiftreg[5] <= 1'b0; 6: rcvr_shiftreg[6] <= 1'b0; 7: rcvr_shiftreg[7] <= 1'b0; endcase end 2'b11: begin BitWrite <= 1'b1; case(index) 0: begin rcvr_shiftreg[0] <= 1'b1; rcvr_shiftreg[1] <= 1'b1; end 1: begin rcvr_shiftreg[1] <= 1'b1; rcvr_shiftreg[2] <= 1'b1; end 2: begin rcvr_shiftreg[2] <= 1'b1; rcvr_shiftreg[3] <= 1'b1; end 3: begin rcvr_shiftreg[3] <= 1'b1; rcvr_shiftreg[4] <= 1'b1; end 4: begin rcvr_shiftreg[4] <= 1'b1; rcvr_shiftreg[5] <= 1'b1; end 5: begin rcvr_shiftreg[5] <= 1'b1; rcvr_shiftreg[6] <= 1'b1; end 6: begin rcvr_shiftreg[6] <= 1'b1; rcvr_shiftreg[7] <= 1'b1; end 7: begin rcvr_shiftreg[7] <= 1'b1; rcvr_shiftreg[0] <= 1'b1; end endcase end endcase // case({BitRead1,BitRead2}) OneWireIO <= WriteBit; end // WriteBit actually writes the chosen bit to the One Wire bus. WriteBit: begin TimeSlotCnt <= TimeSlotCnt + 1; case(index) 0: rcvr_shiftreg[1] <= BitWrite; 1: rcvr_shiftreg[2] <= BitWrite; 2: rcvr_shiftreg[3] <= BitWrite; 3: rcvr_shiftreg[4] <= BitWrite; 4: rcvr_shiftreg[5] <= BitWrite; 5: rcvr_shiftreg[6] <= BitWrite; 6: rcvr_shiftreg[7] <= BitWrite; 7: rcvr_shiftreg[0] <= BitWrite; endcase if(!BitWrite) begin if(OD) OneWireIO <= ODWriteZero; else OneWireIO <= WriteZero; end else begin if(OD && (TimeSlotCnt == bit_ts_writeone_high_od)) OneWireIO <= ODWriteOne; else if (!LLM && (TimeSlotCnt == bit_ts_writeone_high)) //5 7_25_01 OneWireIO <= WriteOne; else if (LLM && (TimeSlotCnt == bit_ts_writeone_high_ll)) OneWireIO <= WriteOne; end end // WaitTS waits until the timeslot is completed, 80us. When done with // that timeslot, the index will be incremented. WaitTS: begin SET_IOSHRT <= 0; TimeSlotCnt <= TimeSlotCnt + 1; if(OD) begin if(TimeSlotCnt == bit_ts_end_od) //11 7_25_01 OneWireIO <= IndexInc; end else if(((TimeSlotCnt == bit_ts_end) && !LLM) || ((TimeSlotCnt==bit_ts_end_ll) && LLM)) OneWireIO <= IndexInc; if(DQ_IN) LOW_DONE <= 1; end // IndexInc incs the index by 1 if normal write, by 2 if in SRA IndexInc: begin if(!sr_a) index <= index + 1; else begin index <= index + 2; First <= 1'b0; end if(BIT_CTL || (index == 8-1 && !sr_a) || (index == 8-2 && sr_a) ) begin // Added BIT_CTL - GAG byte_done <= 1'b1; OneWireIO <= UpdateBuff; end else begin if((index == 7-1) && !sr_a) last_rcvr_bit <= 1'b1; else if((index == 6-2) && sr_a) last_rcvr_bit <= 1'b1; OneWireIO <= DQLOW; TimeSlotCnt <= 0; end LOW_DONE <= 0; end UpdateBuff: begin OneWireIO <= IdleS; if(DQ_IN && STP_SPLY) LOW_DONE <= 1; end endcase endmodule