-- -- Project: Aurora Module Generator version 2.4 -- -- Date: $Date: 2005/11/07 21:30:56 $ -- Tag: $Name: i+IP+98818 $ -- File: $RCSfile: tx_ll_datapath_vhd.ejava,v $ -- Rev: $Revision: $ -- -- Company: Xilinx -- Contributors: R. K. Awalt, B. L. Woodard, N. Gulstone -- -- Disclaimer: XILINX IS PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR -- INFORMATION "AS IS" SOLELY FOR USE IN DEVELOPING -- PROGRAMS AND SOLUTIONS FOR XILINX DEVICES. BY -- PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR INFORMATION AS -- ONE POSSIBLE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS FEATURE, -- APPLICATION OR STANDARD, XILINX IS MAKING NO -- REPRESENTATION THAT THIS IMPLEMENTATION IS FREE -- FROM ANY CLAIMS OF INFRINGEMENT, AND YOU ARE -- RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ANY RIGHTS YOU MAY -- REQUIRE FOR YOUR IMPLEMENTATION. XILINX -- EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER WITH -- RESPECT TO THE ADEQUACY OF THE IMPLEMENTATION, -- INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTIES OR -- REPRESENTATIONS THAT THIS IMPLEMENTATION IS FREE -- FROM CLAIMS OF INFRINGEMENT, IMPLIED WARRANTIES -- OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE. -- -- (c) Copyright 2004 Xilinx, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- -- -- TX_LL_DATAPATH -- -- Author: Nigel Gulstone -- Xilinx - Embedded Networking System Engineering Group -- -- Description: This module pipelines the data path while handling the PAD -- character placement and valid data flags. -- -- This module supports 1 2-byte lane designs -- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; entity TX_LL_DATAPATH is port ( -- LocalLink PDU Interface TX_D : in std_logic_vector(0 to 15); TX_REM : in std_logic; TX_SRC_RDY_N : in std_logic; TX_SOF_N : in std_logic; TX_EOF_N : in std_logic; -- Aurora Lane Interface TX_PE_DATA_V : out std_logic; GEN_PAD : out std_logic; TX_PE_DATA : out std_logic_vector(0 to 15); -- TX_LL Control Module Interface HALT_C : in std_logic; TX_DST_RDY_N : in std_logic; -- System Interface CHANNEL_UP : in std_logic; USER_CLK : in std_logic ); end TX_LL_DATAPATH; architecture RTL of TX_LL_DATAPATH is -- Parameter Declarations -- constant DLY : time := 1 ns; -- External Register Declarations -- signal TX_PE_DATA_V_Buffer : std_logic; signal GEN_PAD_Buffer : std_logic; signal TX_PE_DATA_Buffer : std_logic_vector(0 to 15); -- Internal Register Declarations -- signal in_frame_r : std_logic; signal storage_r : std_logic_vector(0 to 15); signal storage_v_r : std_logic; signal storage_pad_r : std_logic; signal tx_pe_data_r : std_logic_vector(0 to 15); signal valid_c : std_logic; signal tx_pe_data_v_r : std_logic; signal gen_pad_c : std_logic; signal gen_pad_r : std_logic; -- Internal Wire Declarations -- signal ll_valid_c : std_logic; signal in_frame_c : std_logic; begin TX_PE_DATA_V <= TX_PE_DATA_V_Buffer; GEN_PAD <= GEN_PAD_Buffer; TX_PE_DATA <= TX_PE_DATA_Buffer; -- Main Body of Code -- -- LocalLink input is only valid when TX_SRC_RDY_N and TX_DST_RDY_N are both asserted ll_valid_c <= not TX_SRC_RDY_N and not TX_DST_RDY_N; -- Data must only be read if it is within a frame. If a frame will last multiple cycles -- we assert in_frame_r as long as the frame is open. process(USER_CLK) begin if(USER_CLK'event and USER_CLK = '1') then if(CHANNEL_UP = '0') then in_frame_r <= '0' after DLY; elsif(ll_valid_c = '1') then if( (TX_SOF_N = '0') and (TX_EOF_N = '1') ) then in_frame_r <= '1' after DLY; elsif( TX_EOF_N = '0') then in_frame_r <= '0' after DLY; end if; end if; end if; end process; in_frame_c <= ll_valid_c and (in_frame_r or not TX_SOF_N); -- The data from the LocalLink interface must be delayed one cycle to -- make room for the SCP code group in the channel. process (USER_CLK) begin if (USER_CLK 'event and USER_CLK = '1') then if (HALT_C = '0') then storage_r <= TX_D after DLY; end if; end if; end process; -- This pipeline register aligns the data with the control path. process (USER_CLK) begin if (USER_CLK 'event and USER_CLK = '1') then if (HALT_C = '0') then tx_pe_data_r <= storage_r after DLY; end if; end if; end process; -- We generate the valid_c signal based on the REM signal and the EOF signal. process (TX_EOF_N, TX_REM) begin if (TX_EOF_N = '1') then valid_c <= '1'; else case TX_REM is when '0' => valid_c <= '1'; when '1' => valid_c <= '1'; when others => valid_c <= '1'; end case; end if; end process; -- If the word is valid, it is placed in the storage register and storage_v_r is -- asserted to indicate the data is valid. Note that data is only moved to storage -- if the PDU datapath is not halted, the data is valid and both TX_SRC_RDY_N and -- TX_DST_RDY_N are asserted. process (USER_CLK) begin if (USER_CLK 'event and USER_CLK = '1') then if (HALT_C = '0') then storage_v_r <= valid_c and in_frame_c after DLY; end if; end if; end process; -- Register the tx_pe_data_valid signal. All data is moved from the storage register -- to the tx_pe_data register for transmission when the datapath is not halted. If the -- storage register contains valid PDU data, the tx_pe_data register is marked as -- containing valid PDU data process (USER_CLK) begin if (USER_CLK 'event and USER_CLK = '1') then if (HALT_C = '0') then tx_pe_data_v_r <= storage_v_r after DLY; end if; end if; end process; -- We generate the gen_pad_c signal based on the REM signal and the EOF signal. process (TX_EOF_N, TX_REM) begin if (TX_EOF_N = '1') then gen_pad_c <= '0'; else case TX_REM is when '0' => gen_pad_c <= '1'; when '1' => gen_pad_c <= '0'; when others => gen_pad_c <= '0'; end case; end if; end process; -- Store padded data when padded and TX_SRC_RDY_N and TX_DST_RDY_N are both asserted. process (USER_CLK) begin if (USER_CLK 'event and USER_CLK = '1') then if (HALT_C = '0') then storage_pad_r <= gen_pad_c and in_frame_c after DLY; end if; end if; end process; -- Register the gen_pad signal. process (USER_CLK) begin if (USER_CLK 'event and USER_CLK = '1') then if (HALT_C = '0') then gen_pad_r <= storage_pad_r after DLY; end if; end if; end process; -- Implement the data out register. process (USER_CLK) begin if (USER_CLK 'event and USER_CLK = '1') then TX_PE_DATA_Buffer <= tx_pe_data_r after DLY; TX_PE_DATA_V_Buffer <= tx_pe_data_v_r and not HALT_C after DLY; GEN_PAD_Buffer <= gen_pad_r and not HALT_C after DLY; end if; end process; end RTL;