function [report servrep report_port] = matperfServer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % usage: matperfServer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % initialize all variables pnet('closeall'); yes = 1; t1 = []; t2 = []; b1 = []; b2 = []; j1 = []; j2 = []; l1 = []; l2 = []; tp1= []; t3 = []; t4 = []; b3 = []; b4 = []; j3 = []; j4 = []; l3 = []; l4 = []; tp3= []; oisup = 0; ti = []; ti2 = []; req_band = []; leng = []; times = []; reqports = []; repnum = 0; portadd = 0; numexp = 1; data_old = 0; windows = []; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% disp('%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'); disp('server quits when matperfClient_complete with specific address is called'); disp('%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This is the server that receives signals from the client and execute % the commands client demands. Different from the client, server will % execute the commands and parse and collect the outputs into vectors and % structs. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % To check if this program is running properly, check the struct values % with the iperf results recorded in checkresult.txt %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% udp = pnet('udpsocket', 3333); while 1, pnet(udp,'setreadtimeout',15); len = pnet(udp,'readpacket'); if len > 0, [ip] = pnet(udp,'gethost'); % receives the address of the responded client address = strcat(num2str(ip(1)),{'.'},num2str(ip(2)),{'.'},num2str(ip(3)),{'.'},num2str(ip(4))); data = pnet(udp,'read',1000,'double'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % mode 1 -> single % mode 2 -> double % mode 3 -> tradeoff % UdpTcp = 1 ->> UDP % UdpTcp = 2 ->> TCP % experiment request => 0 % trial request => 1 % asking success/failure => 4 % asking to parse & collect the data => 6 % complete exp => 7 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % when the server receives 0, it should also have received % % information of whether the client is UDP or TCP and % % its mode. % % [req; UDP/TCP ; mode] <- do not change during the exp. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % when the server receives 1, it also receives length, bandwidth, % % window size, port # the client wants to access on server and % % prepare the iperf command line to be executed. Then it % % executes the command and send the client a signal that allows the % client to execute its iperf command. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if data(1) == 0, if exist('checkresult.txt','file') == 2, system('rm checkresult.txt'); end data_old = data; servrep = 0; report = 0; report_port = 0; disp('experiment request submitted'); clear_set; % delete all the temporary files being used in previous trial. req = 0; UdpTcp = data(2); % collects info if UDP/TCP test mode = data(3); % collects info if single/dual/tradeoff pnet(udp,'write',req); pnet(udp,'setwritetimeout',1.2); pnet(udp,'writepacket',char(address),3333); % this sends to client that server recognized the client oisup = 1; continue; elseif data(1) ==1, if oisup == 0, disp('experiment not initialized'); return end clear_set; data_old = data(1); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % WARNING: only one iperf should run during the test % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% pac = data; if pac(2) == 1 %if UDP, length = pac(3); % these pac variables are from the received packet from the client reqband = pac(4); timeb = pac(5); reqport = pac(6); systemcall = 'iperf -s -u -P 1 -f B -f b'; systemcall = strcat(systemcall,{' -p '},num2str(reqport),{' > tempo_result.txt &'}); elseif pac(2) ==2, % if TCP, window = pac(3); timeb = pac(4); reqport = pac(5); systemcall = 'iperf -s -P 1 -f B -f b'; systemcall = strcat(systemcall,{' -p '},num2str(reqport),{' > tempo_result.txt &'}); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % based on received data, above two if statements build a % command line to be used to call iperf %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% system('ps -a > jobs_l'); system('python weird'); jobs_l = load('check_jobs'); if jobs_l == 1, system('killall iperf'); end disp('trial request submitted'); % call iperf system(char(systemcall)); pnet(udp,'write',1); pnet(udp,'setwritetimeout',.6); pnet(udp,'writepacket',char(address),3333); % server tells client to begin the iperf trial continue elseif data == 5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % when the server receives 5, matlab begins to check the iperf % results written on the specified file. In our case it % is tempo_reult.txt. First matlab uses python to call pint.txt. % pint.txt is a python script that gets rid of all unnecessary % lines in the iperf output s othat all the outputs have the same % structures. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if oisup == 0, disp('experiment not initialized'); return end data_old = data; system('python pint.txt'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % below serverudpsingle/dual/tradeoff are the scripts that % parse the output to the vectors saved into different files so % that matlab can call each of them in order to use them as % variables. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if mode == 1, if UdpTcp == 1, system('python serverudpsingle'); elseif UdpTcp == 2, system('python servertcpsingle'); end elseif mode ==2, if UdpTcp == 1, system('python serverudpdual'); elseif UdpTcp ==2, system('python servertcpdual'); end elseif mode == 3, if UdpTcp == 1, system('python serverudptradeoff'); end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % below script lines will load the results saved in separate % files into matlab workspace. They will also check if the % server got stuck or not by checking whether there were % outputs or not. If the server gets stuck, there are no lines % to parse and save into files. So If files don't exist, that % means there are no outputs and also means the server was % stuck. If the matlab determines that server is stuck, then it % will kill the running iperf and send client 3, which means % the trial failed and client has to execute the same command again. % But if those lines successively parse and save them into % separate files then it will send client 2, which means the % trial has succeeded. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if exist('repnum.txt','file') == 2 && exist('portadd.txt','file') == 2, temp_repnum = textread('repnum.txt','%s') ; temp_portadd = textread('portadd.txt','%s'); sf = 2; if mode == 2, if exist('dual_repnum.txt','file') ==2 && exist('dual_portadd.txt','file') == 2, tempd_repnum = textread('dual_repnum.txt','%s'); tempd_portadd = textread('dual_portadd.txt','%s'); else disp('server stuck') system('killall iperf'); % kills iperf sf = 3; %fail end elseif mode == 3, if exist('tradeoff_repnum.txt','file') ==2 && exist('tradeoff_portadd.txt','file') == 2, t_repnum = textread('tradeoff_repnum.txt','%s'); t_portadd = textread('tradeoff_portadd.txt','%s'); else disp('server stuck') system('killall iperf'); %klls iperf sf = 3; %fail end end else disp('server stuck'); system('killall iperf'); sf = 3; %fail end clear_set; pnet(udp,'write',sf); %success pnet(udp,'setwritetimeout',.5); pnet(udp,'writepacket',char(address),3333); % server tells client whether trial succeeded or failed continue; elseif data == 6, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % below if statement prevents the results are presented twice % at the same time. data_old is the copied version of data and % if signal 6 is sent twice at the same time, server jumps back % to the start. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if data_old == data, pnet(udp,'write',yes); pnet(udp,'setwritetimeout',1.5); pnet(udp,'writepacket',char(address),3333); continue; end if mode == 2, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % first, portadd, the vector that carries information about % the port numbers has been examined. It checks if that % line tells whether server connected to client back or % client connected to server. Then portadd becomes the % vector consist of line that contains the data of client % connected to server, and d_portadd becomes the vector that % consist of line that contains the data of server % connected to client. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% porter = cell2mat(temp_portadd(7)); if num2str(reqport) == porter, portadd = temp_portadd; d_portadd = tempd_portadd; else portadd = tempd_portadd; d_portadd = temp_portadd; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % these below liines are to check if the results are sorted % correctly or not. I checked if the results are correctly % sorted by checking the ID in every lines. For example [3] % is sorted with all [3] lines and [142] lines are all % sorted with [142]. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% numer = cell2mat(portadd(2)); if numer == cell2mat(temp_repnum(2)), repnum = temp_repnum; d_repnum = tempd_repnum; else repnum = tempd_repnum; d_repnum = temp_repnum; end elseif mode == 3, repnum = temp_repnum; portadd = temp_portadd; elseif mode == 1, repnum = temp_repnum; portadd = temp_portadd; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % repnum contains info about the jitter, totalpacket,loss, etc. % and portadd contains info about the port and address of % client and server. d_repnum and d_portadd contain info of the % client's server report. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % These are the algorithms that create the struct that will be % shown as a result. First, I loaded a file that contains % information about the bandwidth, jitter, lost, % totalpackets, and port numbers of client and server into work % space. Then, I just picked up a number from that vector by % giving a matlab a location of those necessary values. number % in below box is the row # of the vectors that contain the % answers i need. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if UdpTcp == 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % for UDP results % j ==> Transfer => 7; Bandwidth => 9; Jitter => 12; % Lost => 14; Total => 15; time => 5; % k ==> s.add => 5 s.port => 7 c.add => 10 c.port => 12 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for i = 1: size(repnum) % change rem(i,j) j to the # of lines of one report. j = rem(i,18); if (j == 5) Ti = str2double(cell2mat(repnum(i))); ti = [ti;Ti]; elseif (j == 7) T1 = str2double(cell2mat(repnum(i))); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % conversion.m % this conversion function changes the size of the % values for example from Bytes to GBytes or % KBytes. inputs are what size you want, the value, % and the current size. % e.g. conversion('Bytes',T1,'KBytes') % first one is what size you want, second one is % the value, and the third one is the current size. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% T1 = conversion('Bytes',T1,repnum(i+1)); % it creates saves the value as vectors. t1 = [t1;T1]; elseif (j == 9) B1 = str2double(cell2mat(repnum(i))); B1 = conversion('bits',B1,repnum(i+1)); b1 = [b1;B1]; elseif (j == 12) J1 = str2double(cell2mat(repnum(i))); j1 = [j1;J1]; elseif (j == 14) L1 = str2double(cell2mat(repnum(i))); l1 = [l1;L1]; elseif (j == 15) TP1 = str2double(cell2mat(repnum(i))); tp1 = [tp1; TP1]; end end for k = 1:size(portadd) % change rem(k,l) l to the # of lines of one report. l = rem(k,12); if (l == 5) T2 = (cell2mat(portadd(k))); t2 = [t2; T2]; elseif (l == 7) B2 = (cell2mat(portadd(k))); b2 = [b2;B2]; elseif (l == 10) J2 = (cell2mat(portadd(k))); j2 = [j2; J2]; elseif (l == 0) L2 = (cell2mat(portadd(k))); l2 = [l2; L2]; end end if(mode == 2) for i1 = 1: size(d_repnum) % change rem(i,j) j to the # of lines of one report. j = rem(i1,18); if (j == 5) Ti2 = str2double(cell2mat(d_repnum(i1))); ti2 = [ti2;Ti2]; elseif (j == 7) T3 = str2double(cell2mat(d_repnum(i1))); T3 = conversion('Bytes',T3,d_repnum(i1+1)); t3 = [t3;T3]; elseif (j == 9) B3 = str2double(cell2mat(d_repnum(i1))); B3 = conversion('bits',B3,d_repnum(i1+1)); b3 = [b3;B3]; elseif (j == 12) J3 = str2double(cell2mat(d_repnum(i1))); j3 = [j3;J3]; elseif (j == 14) L3 = str2double(cell2mat(d_repnum(i1))); l3 = [l3;L3]; elseif (j == 15) TP3 = str2double(cell2mat(d_repnum(i1))); tp3 = [tp3; TP3]; end end for k1 = 1:size(d_portadd) % change rem(k,l) l to the # of lines of one report. l = rem(k1,12); if (l == 5) T4 = (cell2mat(d_portadd(k1))); t4 = [t4; T4]; elseif (l == 7) B4 = (cell2mat(d_portadd(k1))); b4 = [b4;B4]; elseif (l == 10) J4 = (cell2mat(d_portadd(k1))); j4 = [j4; J4]; elseif (l == 0) L4 = (cell2mat(d_portadd(k1))); l4 = [l4; L4]; end end elseif mode == 3, for i1 = 1: size(t_repnum) % change rem(i,j) j to the # of lines of one report. j = rem(i1,18); if (j == 5) Ti2 = str2double(cell2mat(t_repnum(i1))); ti2 = [ti2;Ti2]; elseif (j == 7) T3 = str2double(cell2mat(t_repnum(i1))); T3 = conversion('Bytes',T3,t_repnum(i1+1)); t3 = [t3;T3]; elseif (j == 9) B3 = str2double(cell2mat(t_repnum(i1))); B3 = conversion('bits',B3,t_repnum(i1+1)); b3 = [b3;B3]; elseif (j == 12) J3 = str2double(cell2mat(t_repnum(i1))); j3 = [j3;J3]; elseif (j == 14) L3 = str2double(cell2mat(t_repnum(i1))); l3 = [l3;L3]; elseif (j == 15) TP3 = str2double(cell2mat(t_repnum(i1))); tp3 = [tp3; TP3]; end end for k1 = 1:size(t_portadd) % change rem(k,l) l to the # of lines of one report. l = rem(k1,12); if (l == 5) T4 = (cell2mat(t_portadd(k1))); t4 = [t4; T4]; elseif (l == 7) B4 = (cell2mat(t_portadd(k1))); b4 = [b4;B4]; elseif (l == 10) J4 = (cell2mat(t_portadd(k1))); j4 = [j4; J4]; elseif (l == 0) L4 = (cell2mat(t_portadd(k1))); l4 = [l4; L4]; end end end leng = [leng; length]; req_band = [req_band;reqband]; elseif UdpTcp == 2, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % for TCP results: % j ==> Throughput = 7; Bandwidth = 9; Jitter = 12; % Lost = 14; Total 15; time => 5; % k ==> s.add 5 s.port 7 c.add 10 c.port 12 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for i = 1: size(repnum) % change rem(i,j) j to the # of lines of one report. j = rem(i,11); if (j == 5) Ti = str2double(cell2mat(repnum(i))); ti = [ti;Ti]; elseif (j == 7) T1 = str2double(cell2mat(repnum(i))); T1 = conversion('Bytes',T1,repnum(i+1)); t1 = [t1;T1]; elseif (j == 9) B1 = str2double(cell2mat(repnum(i))); B1 = conversion('bits',B1,repnum(i+1)); b1 = [b1;B1]; end end for k = 1:size(portadd) % change rem(k,l) l to the # of lines of one report. l = rem(k,12); if (l == 5) T2 = (cell2mat(portadd(k))); t2 = [t2; T2]; elseif (l == 7) B2 = (cell2mat(portadd(k))); b2 = [b2;B2]; elseif (l == 10) J2 = (cell2mat(portadd(k))); j2 = [j2; J2]; elseif (l == 0) L2 = (cell2mat(portadd(k))); l2 = [l2; L2]; end end if mode == 2, for i1 = 1: size(d_repnum) % change rem(i,j) j to the # of lines of one report. j = rem(i1,11); if (j == 5) Ti2 = str2double(cell2mat(d_repnum(i1))); ti2 = [ti2;Ti2]; elseif (j == 7) T3 = str2double(cell2mat(d_repnum(i1))); T3 = conversion('Bytes',T3,d_repnum(i1+1)); t3 = [t3;T3]; elseif (j == 9) B3 = str2double(cell2mat(d_repnum(i1))); B3 = conversion('bits',B3,d_repnum(i1+1)); b3 = [b3;B3]; end end for k1 = 1:size(d_portadd) % change rem(k,l) l to the # of lines of one report. l = rem(k1,12); if (l == 5) T4 = (cell2mat(d_portadd(k1))); t4 = [t4; T4]; elseif (l == 7) B4 = (cell2mat(d_portadd(k1))); b4 = [b4;B4]; elseif (l == 10) J4 = (cell2mat(d_portadd(k1))); j4 = [j4; J4]; elseif (l == 0) L4 = (cell2mat(d_portadd(k1))); l4 = [l4; L4]; end end end % requested window size windows = [windows;window]; end % create and save the requested time & port values as vectors times = [times;timeb]; reqports = [reqports; reqport]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % based on the created vectors, below command lines create % structs that will be out as results. % report carries information from the server report. Servrep % carries info from the client server report when dualtest or % tradeoff test was ran. report_port carries the used port % numbers of client and server. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if UdpTcp == 1, report = struct('Transfer',t1','length',leng','req_bandwidth',req_band','bandwidth',b1','jitter',j1','losses',l1','totalpackets',tp1','requested_time_int',times','actual_time_int',ti','used_ports',reqports'); if mode == 2 || mode == 3, servrep = struct('Transfer',t3','length',leng','req_bandwidth',req_band','bandwidth',b3','jitter',j3','losses',l3','totalpackets', tp3','requested_time_int',times','actual_time_int',ti2','used_ports',reqports'); end elseif UdpTcp == 2, report = struct('Transfer',t1','bandwidth',b1','window',windows','requested_time_int',times','actual_time_int',ti','used_ports',reqports'); if mode == 2 || mode == 3, servrep = struct('Transfer',t3','bandwidth',b3,'window',windows','requested_time_int',times','actual_time_int',ti2','used_ports',reqports'); end end report_port = struct('s_address',t2,'s_port',b2,'c_address',j2,'c_port',l2); pnet(udp,'write',yes); pnet(udp,'writepacket',char(address),3333); nmep = sprintf('%d trial is done',numexp); disp(nmep); numexp = numexp + 1; data_old = data; save temp_matperf_data continue elseif data == 7, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % when 7 is received from client, the server returns the result % to the matlab. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% disp('experiment done'); return else disp('no such code'); continue end else % give server time to prepare pnet('closeall'); udp = pnet('udpsocket',3333); continue; end end pnet('closeall'); return