import sys import os import datetime import numpy as np import wlan_exp.util as wlan_exp_util import wlan_exp.log.util as log_util import wlan_exp.log.util_hdf as hdf_util import wlan_exp.log.util_sample_data as sample_data_util DEFAULT_LOGFILE = 'ap_one_node_capture.hdf5' logfile_error = False # Use log file given as command line argument, if present if(len(sys.argv) > 1): LOGFILE = str(sys.argv[1]) # Check if the string argument matchs a local file if not os.path.isfile(LOGFILE): # User specified non-existant file - give up and exit logfile_error = True else: # No command line argument - check if default file name exists locally LOGFILE = DEFAULT_LOGFILE if not os.path.isfile(LOGFILE): # No local file specified or found - check for matching sample data file try: LOGFILE = sample_data_util.get_sample_data_file(DEFAULT_LOGFILE) print("Local log file not found - Using sample data file!") except IOError as e: logfile_error = True if logfile_error: print("ERROR: Logfile {0} not found".format(LOGFILE)) sys.exit() else: print("Reading log file '{0}' ({1:5.1f} MB)\n".format(LOGFILE, (os.path.getsize(LOGFILE)/2**20))) if len(sys.argv) == 3: HDF5_FILE_OUT = str(sys.argv[2]) else: HDF5_FILE_OUT = 'np_rx_ofdm_entries.hdf5' print("WLAN Exp Log Example: OFDM Rx Entry Exporter") # Extract the raw log data and log index from the HDF5 file log_data = hdf_util.hdf5_to_log_data(filename=LOGFILE) raw_log_index = hdf_util.hdf5_to_log_index(filename=LOGFILE) # Generate indexes with only Rx_OFDM events log_index_rx = log_util.filter_log_index(raw_log_index, include_only=['RX_OFDM'], merge={'RX_OFDM': ['RX_OFDM', 'RX_OFDM_LTG']}) # Generate numpy array of all OFDM Rx entries log_np = log_util.log_data_to_np_arrays(log_data, log_index_rx) log_rx_ofdm = log_np['RX_OFDM'] ################################################################# # Filter the OFDM Rx Entries # Find the source address for the most receptions # Extract unique values for address 2 (transmitting address in received MAC headers) uniq_addrs = np.unique(log_rx_ofdm['addr2']) # Count the number of receptions per source address num_rx = list() for ii,ua in enumerate(uniq_addrs): num_rx.append(np.sum(log_rx_ofdm['addr2'] == ua)) # Find the source address responsible for the most receptions most_rx = max(num_rx) most_common_addr = uniq_addrs[num_rx.index(most_rx)] print("Found {0} receptions from {1}".format(most_rx, wlan_exp_util.mac_addr_to_str(most_common_addr))) # Create new numpy array of all receptions from most-common source arr_rx_one_src = np.empty(most_rx, dtype=log_rx_ofdm.dtype) arr_rx_one_src[:] = log_rx_ofdm[(log_rx_ofdm['addr2'] == most_common_addr)] # Create some strings to use as attributes in the HDF5 file # - attributes are only for convenience - they aren't required for writing or reading HDF5 files root_desc = 'Source Log file: {0}\n'.format(LOGFILE) root_desc += 'HDF5 file written at {0}\n'.format( ds_desc = 'All Rx OFDM entries from addr {0}\n'.format(wlan_exp_util.mac_addr_to_str(most_common_addr)) # Construct dictionaries to feed the HDF5 exporter # - The dict key names are used as HDF5 dataset names log_dict = {'RX_OFDM': arr_rx_one_src} attr_dict = {'/': root_desc, 'RX_OFDM': ds_desc} print('Generating HDF5 file {0}'.format(HDF5_FILE_OUT)) hdf_util.np_arrays_to_hdf5(HDF5_FILE_OUT, np_log_dict=log_dict, attr_dict=attr_dict)