# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mango 802.11 Reference Design Experiments Framework - Network / Node Configurations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ License: Copyright 2019 Mango Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Use and distribution subject to terms in LICENSE.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This module provides class definitions to manage the Network and Nodes configurations. Functions (see below for more information): NetworkConfiguration() -- Specifies Network information for setup NodesConfiguration() -- Specifies Node information for setup """ import os try: # Python 3 import configparser except ImportError: # Python 2 import ConfigParser as configparser from . import defaults from . import util from . import exception as ex __all__ = ['NetworkConfiguration', 'NodesConfiguration'] class NetworkConfiguration(object): """Class for Network configuration. This class contains a network configuration using default values in defaults.py combined with parameters that are passed in. Config Structure: { 'network' str, 'host_id' int, 'unicast_port' int, 'broadcast_port' int, 'tx_buf_size' int, 'rx_buf_size' int, 'transport_type' str, 'jumbo_frame_support' bool, 'mtu' int} """ config = None def __init__(self, network=None, host_id=None, unicast_port=None, broadcast_port=None, tx_buffer_size=None, rx_buffer_size=None, transport_type=None, jumbo_frame_support=None, mtu=None): """Initialize a NetworkConfiguration Attributes: network -- Network interface host_id -- Host ID unicast_port -- Port for unicast traffic broadcast_port -- Port for broadcast traffic tx_buf_size -- TX buffer size rx_buf_size -- RX buffer size transport_type -- Transport type jumbo_frame_support -- Support for Jumbo Ethernet frames mtu -- Maximum Ethernet payload size supported by host The network configuration assumes a netmask of for all networks. """ # Set initial config values self.config = {} self.config['network'] = defaults.NETWORK self.config['broadcast_address'] = util._get_broadcast_address(self.config['network']) self.config['tx_buffer_size'] = defaults.TX_BUFFER_SIZE self.config['rx_buffer_size'] = defaults.RX_BUFFER_SIZE self.config['host_id'] = defaults.HOST_ID self.config['unicast_port'] = defaults.UNICAST_PORT self.config['broadcast_port'] = defaults.BROADCAST_PORT self.config['transport_type'] = defaults.TRANSPORT_TYPE self.config['jumbo_frame_support'] = defaults.JUMBO_FRAME_SUPPORT # Process input arguments, override default config as needed # Cast numeric arguments to ints here so any ValueError exceptions # assert in this constructor, not deep in the stack when these # config fields are actually used to handle network I/O if host_id is not None: self.config['host_id'] = int(host_id) if unicast_port is not None: self.config['unicast_port'] = int(unicast_port) if broadcast_port is not None: self.config['broadcast_port'] = int(broadcast_port) if tx_buffer_size is not None: self.config['tx_buffer_size'] = int(tx_buffer_size) if rx_buffer_size is not None: self.config['rx_buffer_size'] = int(rx_buffer_size) if transport_type is not None: self.config['transport_type'] = transport_type # Apply and verify the socket buffer sizes via the OS socket interface # This util method will raise an exception if the requested buffer sizes # are not supported by the OS (self.config['tx_buffer_size'], self.config['rx_buffer_size']) = util._get_os_socket_buffer_size(self.config['tx_buffer_size'], self.config['rx_buffer_size']) # Verify the user-supplied network address matches the IP address for # a NIC on the host system if network is not None: self.config['network'] = util._check_network_interface(network) self.config['broadcast_address'] = util._get_broadcast_address(self.config['network']) # Set default MTU based on jumbo boolean argument if jumbo_frame_support: self.config['mtu'] = 9000 else: self.config['mtu'] = 1500 # Override the default MTU if user supplied the mtu argument if mtu is not None: # Sanity-check the user-supplied MTU if(mtu < 500) or (mtu > 9000): raise Exception('ERROR: NetworkConfiguration mtu argument {0} out of range [500,9000]'.format(mtu)) # Adopt the user-supplied MTU self.config['mtu'] = mtu def get_param(self, parameter): """Returns the value of the parameter within the section.""" if (parameter in self.config.keys()): return self.config[parameter] else: print("Parameter {0} does not exist.".format(parameter)) return None def set_param(self, parameter, value): """Sets the parameter to the given value.""" if (parameter in self.config.keys()): self.config[parameter] = value else: print("Parameter {0} does not exist.".format(parameter)) def __str__(self): msg = "" if self.config is not None: msg += "Network Configuration contains: \n" for parameter in self.config.keys(): msg += " {0:20s} = ".format(parameter) msg += "{0}\n".format(self.config[parameter]) else: msg += "Network Configuration not intialized.\n" return msg # End Class class NodesConfiguration(object): """Class for Nodes Configuration. This class can load and store Nodes configuration Attributes of a node: Node serial number node_id -- Node ID node_name -- Node Name ip_address -- IP address of the Node unicast_port -- Unicast port of the Node broadcast_port -- Broadcast port of the Node use_node -- Is this node part of the network Any parameter can be overridden by including it in the INI file. When the configuration is read in, both a config and a shadow_config are created. The config has values that will be written to the INI file, while the shadow_config has all values populated. If values are not specified in the INI, they will get auto-populated defaults: node_id - Monotonic counter starting at 0 node_name - None (unless specified by the user) ip_address - config.ini get_param('network', 'host_address') for the first three octets and "node_id + 1" for the last octet unicast_port - config.ini get_param('network', 'unicast_port') broadcast_port - config.ini get_param('network', 'broadcast_port') use_node - "True" In order to be as consistent as possible, all nodes in the configuration file get a node id regardless of whether they are used. Also, while it seems like the nodes are initialized in the order they appear in the config, that is not guaranteed. """ network_config = None config = None config_file = None node_id_counter = None used_node_ids = None used_node_ips = None shadow_config = None def __init__(self, ini_file=None, serial_numbers=None, network_config=None): """Initialize a NodesConfiguration Attributes: ini_file -- An INI file name that specified a nodes configuration serial_numbers -- A list of node serial numbers network_config -- A NetworkConfiguration There are multiple ways to initialize a NodesConfiguration: 1) List of serial_numbers 2) INI file name Serial numbers are parsed based on the formats defined by each available waln_exp_platform. For an INI file, you can create an INI file using the nodes_setup() method in transport.util. In the INI file, you can specify as little as the serial numbers, up to a fully explicit configuration. If neither an ini_file nor serial_numbers are provided, the method will check for the NODES_CONFIG_INI_FILE specified in transport.defaults If both serial_numbers and an ini_file are provided, the ini_file will be ignored. If not provided, the class will use the default NetworkConfiguration specified in defaults. Since there can be multiple network interfaces as part of the NetworkConfiguration, the NodesConfiguration will only auto-populate IP address on the first network interface, ie network interface 0. Therefore, if only serial_numbers are provided then all of those nodes will receive IP addresses on network interface 0. """ self.node_id_counter = 0 self.shadow_config = {} self.used_node_ids = [] self.used_node_ips = [] # Initialize the Shadow Config from Host data if network_config is None: network_config = NetworkConfiguration() network_addr = network_config.get_param('network') u_port = network_config.get_param('unicast_port') b_port = network_config.get_param('broadcast_port') # Compute the base IP address to auto-assign IP addresses base_ip_address = util._get_ip_address_subnet(network_addr) + ".{0}" # Initialize the shadow config self.init_shadow_config(base_ip_address, u_port, b_port) # Initialize the config based on rules documented above. # - This can raise exceptions if there are issues. if serial_numbers is None: if ini_file is None: ini_file = defaults.NODES_CONFIG_INI_FILE self.load_config(ini_file) else: self.set_default_config() for sn in serial_numbers: self.add_node(sn) # try: # self.add_node(sn) # except TypeError as err: # print(err) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Methods for Config # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_default_config(self): """Set the default config.""" self.config = configparser.ConfigParser() self.init_used_node_lists() def add_node(self, serial_number, ip_address=None, node_id=None, unicast_port=None, broadcast_port=None, node_name=None, use_node=None): """Add a node to the NodesConfiguration structure. Only serial_number and ip_address are required in the ini file. Other fields will not be populated in the ini file unless they require a non-default value. """ (_, sn_str) = util.get_serial_number(serial_number) if (sn_str in self.config.sections()): print("Node {0} exists. Please use set_param to modify the node.".format(sn_str)) else: self.config.add_section(sn_str) # Populate optional parameters if ip_address is not None: self.config.set(sn_str, 'ip_address', ip_address) if node_id is not None: self.config.set(sn_str, 'node_id', node_id) if unicast_port is not None: self.config.set(sn_str, 'unicast_port', unicast_port) if broadcast_port is not None: self.config.set(sn_str, 'broadcast_port', broadcast_port) if node_name is not None: self.config.set(sn_str, 'node_name', node_name) if use_node is not None: self.config.set(sn_str, 'use_node', use_node) # Add node to shadow_config self.add_shadow_node(sn_str) def remove_node(self, serial_number): """Remove a node from the NodesConfiguration structure.""" (_, sn_str) = util.get_serial_number(serial_number) if (not self.config.remove_section(sn_str)): print("Node {0} not in nodes configuration.".format(sn_str)) else: self.remove_shadow_node(sn_str) def get_param(self, section, parameter): """Returns the value of the parameter within the configuration for the node.""" (_, sn_str) = util.get_serial_number(section) return self.get_param_helper(sn_str, parameter) def get_param_helper(self, section, parameter): """Returns the value of the parameter within the configuration section.""" if (section in self.config.sections()): if (parameter in self.config.options(section)): return self._get_param_hack(section, parameter) else: return self._get_shadow_param(section, parameter) else: print("Node '{}' does not exist.".format(section)) return "" def set_param(self, section, parameter, value): """Sets the parameter to the given value.""" (_, sn_str) = util.get_serial_number(section) if (sn_str in self.config.sections()): if (parameter in self.config.options(sn_str)): self._set_param_hack(sn_str, parameter, value) self.update_shadow_config(sn_str, parameter, value) else: if (parameter in self.shadow_config['default'].keys()): self._set_param_hack(sn_str, parameter, value) self.update_shadow_config(sn_str, parameter, value) else: print("Parameter {} does not exist in node '{}'.".format(parameter, sn_str)) else: print("Section '{}' does not exist.".format(sn_str)) def remove_param(self, section, parameter): """Removes the parameter from the config.""" (_, sn_str) = util.get_serial_number(section) if (sn_str in self.config.sections()): if (parameter in self.config.options(sn_str)): self.config.remove_option(sn_str, parameter) # Re-populate the shadow_config self.remove_shadow_node(sn_str) self.add_shadow_node(sn_str) else: # Fail silently so there are no issues when a user tries to # remove a shadow_config parameter pass else: print("Section '{}' does not exist.".format(sn_str)) def get_nodes_dict(self): """Returns a list of dictionaries that contain the parameters of each WlanExpTransportNode specified in the config.""" output = [] if not self.config.sections(): raise ex.ConfigError("No Nodes in {0}".format(self.config_file)) for node_config in self.config.sections(): if (self.get_param_helper(node_config, 'use_node')): add_node = True try: (_, sn_str) = util.get_serial_number(node_config) except TypeError as err: print(err) add_node = False if add_node: node_dict = { 'serial_number': sn_str, #PLATFORM-HACK: keep track of canonical sn string as long as possible 'node_id' : self.get_param_helper(node_config, 'node_id'), 'node_name' : self.get_param_helper(node_config, 'node_name'), 'ip_address' : self.get_param_helper(node_config, 'ip_address'), 'unicast_port' : self.get_param_helper(node_config, 'unicast_port'), 'broadcast_port' : self.get_param_helper(node_config, 'broadcast_port') } output.append(node_dict) return output def load_config(self, config_file): """Loads the nodes configuration from the provided file.""" self.config_file = os.path.normpath(config_file) # TODO: allow relative paths self.clear_shadow_config() self.config = configparser.ConfigParser() dataset = self.config.read(self.config_file) if len(dataset) != 1: msg = str("Error reading config file:\n" + self.config_file) raise ex.ConfigError(msg) else: self.init_used_node_lists() self.load_shadow_config() def save_config(self, config_file=None, output=False): """Saves the nodes configuration to the provided file.""" if config_file is not None: self.config_file = os.path.normpath(config_file) else: self.config_file = defaults.NODES_CONFIG_INI_FILE if output: print("Saving config to: \n {0}".format(self.config_file)) try: with open(self.config_file, 'w') as configfile: self.config.write(configfile) except IOError as err: print("Error writing config file: {0}".format(err)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Methods for Shadow Config # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def init_shadow_config(self, ip_addr_base, unicast_port, broadcast_port): """Initialize the 'default' section of the shadow_config.""" self.shadow_config['default'] = {'node_id' : 'auto', 'node_name' : None, 'ip_address' : ip_addr_base, 'unicast_port' : unicast_port, 'broadcast_port' : broadcast_port, 'use_node' : True} def init_used_node_lists(self): """Initialize the lists used to keep track of fields that must be unique.""" self.used_node_ids = [] self.used_node_ips = util._get_all_host_ip_addrs() if self.config is not None: for section in self.config.sections(): if ('node_id' in self.config.options(section)): self.used_node_ids.append(self._get_param_hack(section, 'node_id')) if ('ip_address' in self.config.options(section)): self.used_node_ips.append(self._get_param_hack(section, 'ip_address')) def clear_shadow_config(self): """Clear everything in the shadow config except 'default' section.""" for section in self.shadow_config.keys(): if (section != 'default'): del self.shadow_config[section] self.init_used_node_lists() def load_shadow_config(self): """For each node in the config, populate the shadow_config.""" sections = self.config.sections() # Sort the config by serial number so there is consistent numbering # sections.sort() # Mirror any fields in the config and populate any missing fields # with default values for section in sections: my_node_id = self._get_node_id(section) my_node_name = self._get_node_name(section, my_node_id) my_ip_address = self._get_ip_address(section, my_node_id) my_unicast_port = self._get_unicast_port(section) my_broadcast_port = self._get_broadcast_port(section) my_use_node = self._get_use_node(section) # Set the node in the shadow_config self.set_shadow_node(section, my_ip_address, my_node_id, my_unicast_port, my_broadcast_port, my_node_name, my_use_node) # TODO: Sanity check to make sure there a no duplicate Node IDs or IP Addresses def update_shadow_config(self, section, parameter, value): """Update the shadow_config with the given value.""" self.shadow_config[section][parameter] = value def add_shadow_node(self, serial_number): """Add the given node to the shadow_config.""" my_node_id = self._get_node_id(serial_number) my_node_name = self._get_node_name(serial_number, my_node_id) my_ip_address = self._get_ip_address(serial_number, my_node_id) my_unicast_port = self._get_unicast_port(serial_number) my_broadcast_port = self._get_broadcast_port(serial_number) my_use_node = self._get_use_node(serial_number) # Set the node in the shadow_config self.set_shadow_node(serial_number, my_ip_address, my_node_id, my_unicast_port, my_broadcast_port, my_node_name, my_use_node) def set_shadow_node(self, serial_number, ip_address, node_id, unicast_port, broadcast_port, node_name, use_node): """Set the given node in the shadow_config.""" self.shadow_config[serial_number] = { 'node_id' : node_id, 'node_name' : node_name, 'ip_address' : ip_address, 'unicast_port' : unicast_port, 'broadcast_port' : broadcast_port, 'use_node' : use_node} self.used_node_ids.append(node_id) self.used_node_ips.append(ip_address) def remove_shadow_node(self, serial_number): """Remove the given node from the shadow_config.""" self.used_node_ids.remove(self._get_shadow_param(serial_number, 'node_id')) self.used_node_ips.remove(self._get_shadow_param(serial_number, 'ip_address')) del self.shadow_config[serial_number] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal Methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_next_node_id(self): next_node_id = self.node_id_counter while (next_node_id in self.used_node_ids): self.node_id_counter += 1 next_node_id = self.node_id_counter return next_node_id def _get_next_node_ip(self, node_id): ip_addr_base = self.shadow_config['default']['ip_address'] last_octet = self._inc_node_ip(node_id) next_ip_addr = ip_addr_base.format(last_octet) while (next_ip_addr in self.used_node_ips): last_octet = self._inc_node_ip(last_octet) next_ip_addr = ip_addr_base.format(last_octet) return next_ip_addr def _inc_node_ip(self, node_ip): my_node_ip = node_ip + 1 if (my_node_ip > 254): my_node_ip = 1 return my_node_ip def _get_node_id(self, section): if ('node_id' in self.config.options(section)): return self._get_param_hack(section, 'node_id') else: return self._get_next_node_id() def _get_node_name(self, section, node_id): if ('node_name' in self.config.options(section)): return self._get_param_hack(section, 'node_name') else: # We are not going to give the node a name unless explicitly told to do so # return "Node {0}".format(node_id) return None def _get_ip_address(self, section, node_id): if ('ip_address' in self.config.options(section)): return self._get_param_hack(section, 'ip_address') else: return self._get_next_node_ip(node_id) def _get_unicast_port(self, section): if ('unicast_port' in self.config.options(section)): return self._get_param_hack(section, 'unicast_port') else: return self.shadow_config['default']['unicast_port'] def _get_broadcast_port(self, section): if ('broadcast_port' in self.config.options(section)): return self._get_param_hack(section, 'broadcast_port') else: return self.shadow_config['default']['broadcast_port'] def _get_use_node(self, section): if ('use_node' in self.config.options(section)): return self._get_param_hack(section, 'use_node') else: return True def _get_shadow_param(self, section, parameter): """Internal method to get shadow parameters. This is where to implement any per node defaults. """ if (parameter in self.shadow_config[section].keys()): return self.shadow_config[section][parameter] else: print("Parameter {} does not exist in node '{}'.".format(parameter, section)) return "" def _get_param_hack(self, section, parameter): """Internal method to work around differences in Python 2 vs 3""" if ((parameter == 'ip_address') or (parameter == 'node_name')): return self.config.get(section, parameter) else: return eval(self.config.get(section, parameter)) def _set_param_hack(self, section, parameter, value): """Internal method to work around differences in Python 2 vs 3""" my_value = str(value) self.config.set(section, parameter, my_value) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Printing / Debug Methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def print_shadow_config(self): for section in self.shadow_config.keys(): print("{0}".format(section)) for parameter in self.shadow_config[section].keys(): print(" {0} = {1}".format(parameter, self.shadow_config[section][parameter])) print("") def print_config(self): for section in self.config.sections(): print("{0}".format(section)) for parameter in self.config.options(section): print(" {0} = {1}".format(parameter, self.config.get(section, parameter))) print("") def print_nodes(self): return_val = {} print("Current Nodes:") if (len(self.config.sections()) == 0): print(" None") sections = self.config.sections() # sections.sort() for idx, val in enumerate(sections): node_id = self.get_param_helper(val, 'node_id') ip_addr = self.get_param_helper(val, 'ip_address') use_node = self.get_param_helper(val, 'use_node') msg = " [{0}] {1} - Node {2:3d} at {3:10s}".format(idx, val, node_id, ip_addr) if (use_node): print(str(msg + " active")) else: print(str(msg + " inactive")) return_val[idx] = val return return_val def __str__(self): section_str = "" if self.config is not None: section_str += "contains parameters: \n" for section in self.config.sections(): section_str = str(section_str + " Section '" + str(section) + "':\n" + " " + str(self.config.options(section)) + "\n") else: section_str += "not initialized. \n" if not self.config_file: return str("Default config " + section_str) else: return str(self.config_file + ": \n" + section_str) # End Class