/*! \file hopMacServer.h \brief Hop MAC Workshop Exercise. @version 12 @author Chris Hunter This exercise is an extension of the previous HALFMAC exercise. In fact, you are welcome top copy and paste the parts of the code you completed in that exercise for the similar tasks here. The twist in this lab is that the server will periodically hop to a new part of the spectrum. Before doing so, it will transmit a special control packet (HOPPACKET) that contains the destination frequency band. If the packet is missed, your receiver will be stuck until the transmitter randomly hops back onto the channel you were sitting at. This can potentially be a very long time. An advanced extension to this lab is to scan for packets in various channels when no good packet is received for a certain amount of time. For our purposes, let this timeout be around 200ms. */ void up(); void middle(); void right(); void left(); void phyRx_goodHeader_callback(Macframe* packet); void phyRx_badHeader_callback(); void emacRx_callback(Xuint32 length); void timer_callback(unsigned char timerType); int main();