/** @file WARP_ip_udp_ip_udp.c * @brief WARP IP/UDP Library (IP/UDP/ARP/IMCP Processing) * * @copyright Copyright 2015, Mango Communications. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the WARP license (http://warpproject.org/license) * * @author Chris Hunter (chunter [at] mangocomm.com) * @author Patrick Murphy (murphpo [at] mangocomm.com) * @author Erik Welsh (welsh [at] mangocomm.com) */ /***************************** Include Files *********************************/ // Xilinx / Standard library includes #include #include #include #include #include // WARP IP/UDP Library includes #include "WARP_ip_udp.h" #include "WARP_ip_udp_internal.h" /*************************** Constant Definitions ****************************/ /*********************** Global Variable Definitions *************************/ /*************************** Variable Definitions ****************************/ u16 ipv4_id_counter = 0; /*************************** Function Prototypes *****************************/ void arp_reply(u32 eth_dev_num, warp_ip_udp_buffer * arp_request); void imcp_echo_reply(u32 eth_dev_num, warp_ip_udp_buffer * echo_request); /******************************** Functions **********************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /** * @brief IP Functions * **********************************************************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Initialize the IPv4 global variables * * @param None * * @return None * *****************************************************************************/ void ipv4_init() { // Initialize the ID counter ipv4_id_counter = 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Process the IP packet * * @param eth_dev_num - Ethernet device the message came in on * @param packet - WARP UDP IP/UDP Buffer containing the IP packet * * @return int - Number of bytes of data in the processed packet; 0 if the packet could not be processed * * @note This function assumes that both Ethernet device and buffer are valid. * *****************************************************************************/ int ipv4_process_packet(u32 eth_dev_num, warp_ip_udp_buffer * packet) { ipv4_header * header = (ipv4_header *) packet->offset; u32 addr_check = 0; u8 * src_ip_addr = (u8 *)&(header->src_ip_addr); u8 * dest_ip_addr = (u8 *)&(header->dest_ip_addr); u8 * my_ip_addr = eth_device[eth_dev_num].ip_addr; // Get the Ethernet header so we have the source MAC address for the ARP cache ethernet_header * eth_header = (ethernet_header *) packet->data; // Check the address of the IP packet // - If the node has not been initialized (eg the node address is, then accept broadcast packets from 10.0.X.255 // - If the node has been initialized, then accept unicast packets and broadcast packets on the given subnet // // // !!! TBD !!! - Future addition: The address check should really be more configurable (ie it should be a callback // that can be set by the application that uses the library). // // if (my_ip_addr[3] == 0) { // Accept broadcast packets from 10.0.X.255 if ((my_ip_addr[0] == dest_ip_addr[0]) && (my_ip_addr[1] == dest_ip_addr[1]) && (dest_ip_addr[3] == 255)) { addr_check = 1; } } else { // Accept unicast packets and broadcast packets on the given subnet if ((my_ip_addr[0] == dest_ip_addr[0]) && (my_ip_addr[1] == dest_ip_addr[1]) && (my_ip_addr[2] == dest_ip_addr[2]) && ((my_ip_addr[3] == dest_ip_addr[3]) || (dest_ip_addr[3] == 255))) { addr_check = 1; } } // // // !!! TBD !!! - Future consideration: Additional packet checks - Length & Checksum // u16 packet_length = packet->length; // u16 ip_length = Xil_Ntohs(header->total_length); // // if (addr_check == 1) { // The Xilinx Ethernet / DMA hardware does not support fragmented Ethernet packets. However, the // library will still pass the first fragment of a packet up to the higher level transport for // processing so that the host that sent the fragmented packet does not have a transport timeout // (This is important when trying to determine the maximum packet size supported by the transport). // If this behavior needs to change the below code will cause the WARP IP/UDP Library to discard // packet fragments. // // The 'fragment offset field' is 16 bits (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4#Packet_structure // for more information). The 'DF' flag can be legitimately set to '1' so we need to mask that // bit before we decide if we can discard the packet. This means that the frag_off field can // have valid values of either 0x0000 or 0x4000 (big endian). However, we have to convert to // little endian so the valid values are 0x0000 and 0x0040 (ie byte swapped). // // if ((header->fragment_offset & 0xFFBF) != 0x0000) { // xil_printf("ERROR: Library does not support fragmented packets.\n"); // return 0; // } // Update ARP table (Maps IP address to MAC address) arp_update_cache(eth_dev_num, eth_header->src_mac_addr, src_ip_addr); // Update the offset within the buffer to after the IP header packet->offset += IP_HEADER_LEN_BYTES; packet->length -= IP_HEADER_LEN_BYTES; // Process the IP packet switch (header->protocol) { // UDP packets case IP_PROTOCOL_UDP: return udp_process_packet(eth_dev_num, packet); break; // IMCP packets case IP_PROTOCOL_IMCP: return imcp_process_packet(eth_dev_num, packet); break; // If a packet has made it here, the it is destined for the node but cannot be processed // by the library. Therefore, we need to print an error message. default: xil_printf("ERROR: Unknown IP protocol: %d\n", header->protocol); break; } } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Initialize the IP Header * * @param header - Pointer to the IP header * @param src_ip_addr - Source IP address for IP packet ( * * @return None * *****************************************************************************/ void ipv4_init_header(ipv4_header * header, u8 * src_ip_addr) { u32 ip_addr; // Update the following fields because they are static for the header: // - Version / Internet Header Length // - DSCP / ECN // - TTL // - Fragmentation offset // - Source IP address // header->version_ihl = (IP_VERSION_4 << 4) + IP_HEADER_LEN; header->dscp_ecn = (IP_DSCP_CS0 << 2) + IP_ECN_NON_ECT; header->fragment_offset = IP_NO_FRAGMENTATION; header->ttl = IP_DEFAULT_TTL; // Convert IP address to u32 (big endian) ip_addr = (src_ip_addr[3] << 24) + (src_ip_addr[2] << 16) + (src_ip_addr[1] << 8) + src_ip_addr[0]; header->src_ip_addr = ip_addr; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Update the IP Header * * @param header - Pointer to the IP header * @param dest_ip_addr - Destination IP address for IP packet (big-endian) * @param ip_length - Length of the IP packet (includes IP header) (little-endian) * @param protocol - Protocol of the IP packet * * @return None * *****************************************************************************/ void ipv4_update_header(ipv4_header * header, u32 dest_ip_addr, u16 ip_length, u8 protocol) { // Update the following fields: // - Length // - Identification // - Protocol // - Checksum // - Destination IP address // // NOTE: We do not need to update the following fields because they are static for the socket: // - Version / Internet Header Length // - DSCP / ECN // - TTL // - Source IP address // header->total_length = Xil_Htons(ip_length); header->identification = Xil_Htons(ipv4_id_counter++); header->protocol = protocol; header->header_checksum = 0; // Set to zero for checksum calculation header->dest_ip_addr = dest_ip_addr; // Update the checksum with 1's complement of 1's complement 16-bit sum header->header_checksum = Xil_Htons(ipv4_compute_checksum((u8 *)header, sizeof(ipv4_header))); } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Compute IP Checksum * * The ones' complement of the ones' complement sum of the data's 16-bit words * * @param data - Pointer to the data words * @param size - Size of the data to use * * @return u16 - Checksum value * * @note IP Checksum Algorithm: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4_header_checksum * *****************************************************************************/ u16 ipv4_compute_checksum(u8 * data, u32 size) { u32 i; u32 sum = 0; u16 word = 0; // Sum all 16-bit words in the header (big-endian) for (i = 0; i < size; i = i + 2) { word = ((data[i] << 8) & 0xFF00) + (data[i+1] & 0x00FF); sum = sum + ((u32) word); } // 1's complement 16-bit sum, formed by "end around carry" of 32-bit 2's complement sum sum = ((sum & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16) + (sum & 0x0000FFFF); // Return the 1's complement of 1's complement 16-bit sum return (~sum); } /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /** * @brief UDP Functions * **********************************************************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Process the UDP packet * * @param eth_dev_num - Ethernet device the message came in on * @param packet - WARP IP/UDP Buffer containing the UDP packet * * @return int - Number of bytes of data in the UDP packet; 0 if the packet could not be processed * * @note This function assumes that both Ethernet device and buffer are valid. * *****************************************************************************/ int udp_process_packet(u32 eth_dev_num, warp_ip_udp_buffer * packet) { udp_header * header = (udp_header *) packet->offset; u32 port_check = 0; u16 dest_port = Xil_Ntohs(header->dest_port); // See if there is a socket that corresponds to the UDP packet // - Check all open sockets to see if one matches the port / eth_dev_num // if (socket_find_index_by_eth(eth_dev_num, dest_port) != SOCKET_INVALID_SOCKET) { port_check = 1; } // // // !!! TBD !!! - Future consideration: Additional packet checks - Length & Checksum // u16 packet_length = packet->length; // u16 udp_length = Xil_Ntohs(header->length); // // if (port_check == 1) { // Update the offset within the buffer to after the UDP header packet->offset += UDP_HEADER_LEN; packet->length -= UDP_HEADER_LEN; // Return the length of the remaining data bytes return packet->length; } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Initialize the UDP Header * * @param header - Pointer to the UDP header * @param src_port - Source port for UDP packet * * @return None * *****************************************************************************/ void udp_init_header(udp_header * header, u16 src_port) { // Update the following fields that are static for the socket: // - Source port // header->src_port = Xil_Htons(src_port); } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Update the UDP Header * * @param header - Pointer to the UDP header * @param dest_port - Destination port for UDP packet (big endian) * @param udp_length - Length of the UDP packet (includes UDP header) * * @return None * *****************************************************************************/ void udp_update_header(udp_header * header, u16 dest_port, u16 udp_length) { // Update the following fields: // - Destination port // - Length // // NOTE: We do not need to update the following fields because they are static for the socket: // - Source port // header->dest_port = dest_port; header->length = Xil_Htons(udp_length); // Currently, the WARP IP/UDP Library does not use the UDP checksum capabilities. This is primarily // due to the amount of time required to compute the checksum. Also, given that communication // between hosts and WARP nodes is, in general, fairly localized, there is not as much of a need for // the data integrity check that the UDP checksum provides. // header->checksum = UDP_NO_CHECKSUM; } /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /** * @brief ARP Functions * **********************************************************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Process the ARP packet * * @param eth_dev_num - Ethernet device the message came in on * @param packet - WARP IP/UDP Buffer containing the ARP packet * * @return int - Always returns 0 since we don't want higher level transports * to process this packet * * @note This function assumes that both Ethernet device and buffer are valid. * *****************************************************************************/ int arp_process_packet(u32 eth_dev_num, warp_ip_udp_buffer * packet) { arp_ipv4_packet * arp = (arp_ipv4_packet *) packet->offset; u8 * my_ip_addr = eth_device[eth_dev_num].ip_addr; // Process the ARP packet // - If the ARP is a request to the node, then update the ARP table and send a reply // - If the ARP is a reply, then update the ARP table // // NOTE: The library does not currently process gratuitous ARPs since there are a limited number // of ARP table entries. However, this functionality would be easy to add in. // if ((Xil_Ntohs(arp->htype) == ARP_HTYPE_ETH) && // Hardware type is "Ethernet" (Xil_Ntohs(arp->ptype) == ETHERTYPE_IP_V4) && // Protocol type is "IP v4" (arp->hlen == ETH_ADDR_LEN) && // Hardware length is "Ethernet" (arp->plen == IP_ADDR_LEN) ) { // Protocol length is "IP v4" // // // !!! TBD !!! - Future addition: To process gratuitous ARPs, check: // - ARP Request and target_paddr == sender_paddr and target_haddr == {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} // - ARP Reply and target_paddr == sender_paddr and target_haddr == sender_haddr // // // Check the ARP is for the node // NOTE: For ARP requests, the target haddr is ignored. // if ((arp->target_paddr[0] == my_ip_addr[0]) && // IP address matches node IP address (arp->target_paddr[1] == my_ip_addr[1]) && (arp->target_paddr[2] == my_ip_addr[2]) && (arp->target_paddr[3] == my_ip_addr[3]) ) { // Update the ARP table regardless of whether this is a request or a reply arp_update_cache(eth_dev_num, arp->sender_haddr, arp->sender_paddr); // Process the ARP operation // NOTE: In the case of an ARP reply, we have already updated the ARP cache, so there is nothing // further to be done. Therefore, we are just using an if statement to check if this is // an ARP request. If needed, this can be changed to a case statement to process other ARP // operations. // if (Xil_Ntohs(arp->oper) == ARP_REQUEST) { // Send an ARP reply arp_reply(eth_dev_num, packet); } } } return 0; // Upper layer stacks should not process this packet so return zero bytes } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Send an ARP Reply * * @param eth_dev_num - Ethernet device the message came in on * @param arp_request - WARP IP/UDP Buffer containing the ARP packet * * @return None * * @note This function assumes that both Ethernet device and buffer are valid. * *****************************************************************************/ void arp_reply(u32 eth_dev_num, warp_ip_udp_buffer * arp_request) { u32 i; int status; arp_ipv4_packet * request = (arp_ipv4_packet *) arp_request->offset; u8 * eth_ip_addr = eth_device[eth_dev_num].ip_addr; u8 * eth_hw_addr = eth_device[eth_dev_num].hw_addr; u32 arp_size = ETH_HEADER_LEN + ARP_IPV4_PACKET_LEN; warp_ip_udp_buffer * send_buffer = NULL; arp_ipv4_packet * arp_reply; // Allocate a send buffer from the library send_buffer = socket_alloc_send_buffer(); // If the packet was successfully allocated if (send_buffer != NULL) { // Initialize the send buffer send_buffer->size = arp_size; send_buffer->length = arp_size; // Initialize the Ethernet header // NOTE: We will not use a UDP socket to send this packet, since this reply occurs at a // lower level in the protocol stack than a UDP socket. // eth_init_header((ethernet_header *)(send_buffer->data), eth_hw_addr); // Update the offset / length of the buffer send_buffer->offset += ETH_HEADER_LEN; send_buffer->length -= ETH_HEADER_LEN; // Get the pointer to the ARP reply packet arp_reply = (arp_ipv4_packet *) send_buffer->offset; // Populate the ARP reply arp_reply->htype = Xil_Htons(ARP_HTYPE_ETH); arp_reply->ptype = Xil_Htons(ETHERTYPE_IP_V4); arp_reply->hlen = ETH_ADDR_LEN; arp_reply->plen = IP_ADDR_LEN; arp_reply->oper = Xil_Htons(ARP_REPLY); for (i = 0; i < ETH_ADDR_LEN; i++) { arp_reply->sender_haddr[i] = eth_hw_addr[i]; arp_reply->target_haddr[i] = request->sender_haddr[i]; } for (i = 0; i < IP_ADDR_LEN ; i++) { arp_reply->sender_paddr[i] = eth_ip_addr[i]; arp_reply->target_paddr[i] = request->sender_paddr[i]; } // Update the Ethernet header // NOTE: dest_hw_addr must be big-endian; ethertype must be little-endian // eth_update_header((ethernet_header *)(send_buffer->data), request->sender_haddr, ETHERTYPE_ARP); // Send the packet not using a socket status = eth_send_frame(eth_dev_num, NULL, &send_buffer, 0x1, 0x0); if (status != ETH_MIN_FRAME_LEN) { xil_printf("ERROR: Issue sending ARP reply. %d bytes sent.\n", status); } // Free the send buffer socket_free_send_buffer(send_buffer); } else { xil_printf("ERROR: Could not allocate send buffer for ARP reply.\n"); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Send an ARP Request * * @param eth_dev_num - Ethernet device on which to send ARP request * @param target_haddr - Target HW address for ARP * @param target_paddr - Target Protocol (IP) address for ARP * * @return None * * @note This function assumes that both socket and buffer are valid. * *****************************************************************************/ void arp_request(u32 eth_dev_num, u8 * target_haddr, u8 * target_paddr) { u32 i; u8 * eth_ip_addr = eth_device[eth_dev_num].ip_addr; u8 * eth_hw_addr = eth_device[eth_dev_num].hw_addr; u32 arp_size = ETH_HEADER_LEN + ARP_IPV4_PACKET_LEN; warp_ip_udp_buffer * send_buffer = NULL; arp_ipv4_packet * arp_reply; ethernet_header * eth_header; // Allocate a send buffer send_buffer = socket_alloc_send_buffer(); // If the packet was successfully allocated if (send_buffer != NULL) { // Initialize the send buffer send_buffer->size = arp_size; send_buffer->length = arp_size; // Construct the Ethernet header eth_header = (ethernet_header *)(send_buffer->offset); for (i = 0; i < ETH_ADDR_LEN; i++) { eth_header->dest_mac_addr[i] = 0xFF; eth_header->src_mac_addr[i] = eth_hw_addr[i]; } eth_header->ethertype = Xil_Htons(ETHERTYPE_ARP); // Update the offset / length of the buffer send_buffer->offset += ETH_HEADER_LEN; send_buffer->length -= ETH_HEADER_LEN; // Get the pointer to the ARP reply packet arp_reply = (arp_ipv4_packet *) send_buffer->offset; // Populate the ARP request arp_reply->htype = Xil_Htons(ARP_HTYPE_ETH); arp_reply->ptype = Xil_Htons(ETHERTYPE_IP_V4); arp_reply->hlen = ETH_ADDR_LEN; arp_reply->plen = IP_ADDR_LEN; arp_reply->oper = Xil_Htons(ARP_REQUEST); for (i = 0; i < ETH_ADDR_LEN; i++) { arp_reply->sender_haddr[i] = eth_hw_addr[i]; arp_reply->target_haddr[i] = target_haddr[i]; } for (i = 0; i < IP_ADDR_LEN ; i++) { arp_reply->sender_paddr[i] = eth_ip_addr[i]; arp_reply->target_paddr[i] = target_paddr[i]; } // Send the packet not using a socket eth_send_frame(eth_dev_num, NULL, &send_buffer, 0x1, 0x0); // Free the send buffer socket_free_send_buffer(send_buffer); } else { xil_printf("ERROR: Could not allocate send buffer for ARP request.\n"); } } void arp_send_announcement(u32 eth_dev_num) { // See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Address_Resolution_Protocol#ARP_announcements // for information about ARP announcements. This implements the following ARP announcement: // - ARP Request and target_paddr == sender_paddr and target_haddr == {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} // // Hardware address should be set to all zeros u8 haddr[ETH_ADDR_LEN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // Protocol address should be the current IP address u8 * paddr = eth_device[eth_dev_num].ip_addr; arp_request(eth_dev_num, haddr, paddr); } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Get the Hardware address associated with the Ethernet device / IP address from * the ARP cache. * * @param eth_dev_num - Ethernet device to match in the cache * @param hw_addr - Hardware address (to be returned from the cache) * @param ip_addr - IP address to match in the cache * * @return int - Status of the command: * XST_SUCCESS - Command completed successfully * XST_FAILURE - There was an error in the command * * @note The reason for the "strange" order of the arguments is to maintain * consistency when specifying HW address and IP address (ie all functions * required HW address then IP address when both are part of the arguments). * Since both addresses are (u8 *), the compiler cannot tell them apart * which makes it easy to get them reversed. * *****************************************************************************/ int arp_get_hw_addr(u32 eth_dev_num, u8 * hw_addr, u8 * ip_addr) { int i, j; // Look through the ARP table for (i = 0; i < WARP_IP_UDP_NUM_ARP_ENTRIES; i++) { // If an entry is in use, then check the IP address if (ETH_arp_cache[i].state == ARP_TABLE_USED) { // If the IP address / eth_dev_num matches, then copy the hardware address if ((ETH_arp_cache[i].paddr[0] == ip_addr[0]) && (ETH_arp_cache[i].paddr[1] == ip_addr[1]) && (ETH_arp_cache[i].paddr[2] == ip_addr[2]) && (ETH_arp_cache[i].paddr[3] == ip_addr[3]) && (ETH_arp_cache[i].eth_dev_num == eth_dev_num)) { // Copy the hardware address for (j = 0; j < ETH_ADDR_LEN; j++) { hw_addr[j] = ETH_arp_cache[i].haddr[j]; } return XST_SUCCESS; } } } return XST_FAILURE; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Update the ARP cache * * This cache uses Ethernet device and IP address as keys to index hardware addresses. * * @param eth_dev_num - Ethernet device * @param hw_addr - Hardware address * @param ip_addr - IP address * * @return int - Status of the command: * XST_SUCCESS - Command completed successfully * XST_FAILURE - There was an error in the command * * @note This function assumes that both socket and buffer are valid. * *****************************************************************************/ int arp_update_cache(u32 eth_dev_num, u8 * hw_addr, u8 * ip_addr) { int i, j; int first_unused_entry = -1; int oldest_entry = -1; int entry_age = -1; int entry_to_use = -1; // Look through the ARP table: // - Check that current IP address to see if entry already exists for the Ethernet device; // - Update the hw address // - Set age to zero // - Update the age of all entries that are being used // - Record the first unused entry // - Record the oldest entry // for (i = 0; i < WARP_IP_UDP_NUM_ARP_ENTRIES; i++) { if (ETH_arp_cache[i].state == ARP_TABLE_USED) { // If this entry is older than the current oldest, then record it and update the age if (entry_age < ETH_arp_cache[i].age) { oldest_entry = i; entry_age = ETH_arp_cache[i].age; } // Update the age of the used entry ETH_arp_cache[i].age += 1; // If the IP address / eth_dev_num matches, then copy the hardware address if ((ETH_arp_cache[i].paddr[0] == ip_addr[0]) && (ETH_arp_cache[i].paddr[1] == ip_addr[1]) && (ETH_arp_cache[i].paddr[2] == ip_addr[2]) && (ETH_arp_cache[i].paddr[3] == ip_addr[3]) && (ETH_arp_cache[i].eth_dev_num == eth_dev_num)) { // Copy the hardware address for (j = 0; j < ETH_ADDR_LEN; j++) { ETH_arp_cache[i].haddr[j] = hw_addr[j]; } // Set age to zero ETH_arp_cache[i].age = 0; // We are done updating the table return XST_SUCCESS; } } else { // Record first unused entry if (first_unused_entry < 0) { first_unused_entry = i; } } } // If we reach, here we need to add the entry to the table // - If there is an unused entry, then we should use that // - If there are no unused entries, then we should use the oldest entry (LRU replacement policy) // if (first_unused_entry != -1) { entry_to_use = first_unused_entry; // Mark unused entry as used ETH_arp_cache[entry_to_use].state = ARP_TABLE_USED; } else { entry_to_use = oldest_entry; } // Copy the IP / HW addresses and eth_dev_num to entry if (entry_to_use != -1) { // Copy IP address for (i = 0; i < IP_ADDR_LEN; i++) { ETH_arp_cache[entry_to_use].paddr[i] = ip_addr[i]; } // Copy HW address for (i = 0; i < ETH_ADDR_LEN; i++) { ETH_arp_cache[entry_to_use].haddr[i] = hw_addr[i]; } // Copy Ethernet device ETH_arp_cache[entry_to_use].eth_dev_num = eth_dev_num; } else { return XST_FAILURE; } return XST_SUCCESS; } /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /** * @brief IMCP Functions * **********************************************************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Process the IMCP packet * * @param eth_dev_num - Ethernet device the message came in on * @param packet - WARP IP/UDP Buffer containing the IMCP packet * * @return int - Always returns 0 since we don't want higher level transports * to process this packet * * @note The library only support Echo Request IMCP packets * @note This function assumes that both Ethernet device and buffer are valid. * *****************************************************************************/ int imcp_process_packet(u32 eth_dev_num, warp_ip_udp_buffer * packet) { imcp_header * imcp = (imcp_header *) packet->offset; // Check if this is an IMCP Echo Request to the node if ((imcp->type == ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST_TYPE) && (imcp->code == ICMP_ECHO_CODE) ) { // Send an IMCP Echo Reply imcp_echo_reply(eth_dev_num, packet); } return 0; // Upper layer stacks should not process this packet so return zero bytes } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Send an IMCP Echo Reply * * @param eth_dev_num - Ethernet device the message came in on * @param echo_request - WARP IP/UDP Buffer containing the IMCP Echo Request * * @return None * * @note This function assumes that both socket and buffer are valid. * *****************************************************************************/ void imcp_echo_reply(u32 eth_dev_num, warp_ip_udp_buffer * echo_request) { u32 i; u8 * eth_ip_addr = eth_device[eth_dev_num].ip_addr; u8 * eth_hw_addr = eth_device[eth_dev_num].hw_addr; // De-construct the input Echo Request // NOTE: Function expects that the echo_request->offset is pointing to the IMCP header // and that the buffer contains the entire received packet // imcp_echo_header * recv_imcp_hdr = (imcp_echo_header *) echo_request->offset; u8 * recv_imcp_data = (u8 *)(echo_request->offset + IMCP_HEADER_LEN); u32 recv_imcp_data_len = echo_request->length - IMCP_HEADER_LEN; ipv4_header * recv_ip_hdr = (ipv4_header *)(echo_request->offset - IP_HEADER_LEN_BYTES); ethernet_header * recv_eth_hdr = (ethernet_header *)(echo_request->offset - IP_HEADER_LEN_BYTES - ETH_HEADER_LEN); warp_ip_udp_buffer * send_buffer = NULL; imcp_echo_header * send_imcp_hdr; // Allocate the send buffer send_buffer = socket_alloc_send_buffer(); // If the packet was successfully allocated if (send_buffer != NULL) { // Initialize the send buffer send_buffer->size = echo_request->size; // Size of reply is the same as the request send_buffer->length = echo_request->size; // Initialize the Ethernet header // NOTE: We will not use a UDP socket to send this packet, since this reply occurs at a // lower level in the protocol stack than a UDP socket. // eth_init_header((ethernet_header *)(send_buffer->offset), eth_hw_addr); // Update the offset / length of the buffer send_buffer->offset += ETH_HEADER_LEN; send_buffer->length -= ETH_HEADER_LEN; // Initialize the IP header ipv4_init_header((ipv4_header *)(send_buffer->offset), eth_ip_addr); // Update the offset / length of the buffer send_buffer->offset += IP_HEADER_LEN_BYTES; send_buffer->length -= IP_HEADER_LEN_BYTES; // Get the pointer to the IMCP reply header send_imcp_hdr = (imcp_echo_header *)(send_buffer->offset); // Populate the IMCP reply send_imcp_hdr->type = ICMP_ECHO_REPLY_TYPE; send_imcp_hdr->code = ICMP_ECHO_CODE; send_imcp_hdr->checksum = 0; send_imcp_hdr->identifier = recv_imcp_hdr->identifier; send_imcp_hdr->seq_num = recv_imcp_hdr->seq_num; // Update the offset / length of the buffer send_buffer->offset += IMCP_HEADER_LEN; send_buffer->length -= IMCP_HEADER_LEN; // Copy all the data from the request packet for (i = 0; i < recv_imcp_data_len; i++) { send_buffer->offset[i] = recv_imcp_data[i]; } // Update the buffer to include the IMCP header because checksum has to be // calculated over IMCP header and payload send_buffer->offset -= IMCP_HEADER_LEN; send_buffer->length += IMCP_HEADER_LEN; // Calculate the ICMP checksum send_imcp_hdr->checksum = Xil_Htons(ipv4_compute_checksum(send_buffer->offset, send_buffer->length)); // Update the buffer to include the IP header send_buffer->offset -= IP_HEADER_LEN_BYTES; send_buffer->length += IP_HEADER_LEN_BYTES; // Update the IP header // NOTE: Requires dest_ip_addr to be big-endian; ip_length to be little-endian // ipv4_update_header((ipv4_header *)send_buffer->offset, recv_ip_hdr->src_ip_addr, send_buffer->length, IP_PROTOCOL_IMCP); // Update the Ethernet header // NOTE: dest_hw_addr must be big-endian; ethertype must be little-endian // eth_update_header((ethernet_header *)send_buffer->data, recv_eth_hdr->src_mac_addr, ETHERTYPE_IP_V4); // Send the packet not using a socket eth_send_frame(eth_dev_num, NULL, &send_buffer, 0x1, 0x0); // Free the send buffer socket_free_send_buffer(send_buffer); } else { xil_printf("ERROR: Could not allocate send buffer for IMCP request.\n"); } }