//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (c) 2004 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Xilinx, Inc. // XILINX IS PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR INFORMATION "AS IS" AS A // COURTESY TO YOU. BY PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR INFORMATION AS // ONE POSSIBLE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS FEATURE, APPLICATION OR // STANDARD, XILINX IS MAKING NO REPRESENTATION THAT THIS IMPLEMENTATION // IS FREE FROM ANY CLAIMS OF INFRINGEMENT, AND YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE // FOR OBTAINING ANY RIGHTS YOU MAY REQUIRE FOR YOUR IMPLEMENTATION. // XILINX EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO // THE ADEQUACY OF THE IMPLEMENTATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO // ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS THAT THIS IMPLEMENTATION IS FREE // FROM CLAIMS OF INFRINGEMENT, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY // AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // File : eth.c // Date : 2002, March 20. // Author : Sathya Thammanur // Company: Xilinx // Group : Emerging Software Technologies // // Summary: // Ethernet layer specific functions // // $Id: eth.c,v 2005/11/15 23:41:10 salindac Exp $ // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // see copyright.txt for Rice University/Mango Communications modifications //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /***************************** Include Files *********************************/ #include #include #include #include "xio.h" #include "stdio.h" /*************************** Constant Definitions ****************************/ /*********************** Global Variable Definitions *************************/ /*************************** Variable Definitions ****************************/ // Xilnet HW Address Table // Note: There is only one address table to be shared among all the // Ethernet devices. This can be updated in the future. struct xilnet_hw_addr_table xilnet_hw_tbl[HW_ADDR_TBL_ENTRIES]; // Flags unsigned char ishwaddrinit = 0; static unsigned long long curr_age = 0; /*************************** Function Prototypes *****************************/ #ifdef _DEBUG_ void print_pkt(unsigned char *buf, int size); #if 0 void print_hw_tbl(); #endif #ifdef XILNET_AXI_DMA_INF_USED void print_XAxiDma_Bd( XAxiDma_Bd *BD_ptr ); void print_XAxiDma_BdRing( XAxiDma_BdRing *BD_RING_ptr ); void print_XAxiDma_Config( XAxiDma_Config * DMA_CFG_ptr ); #endif #ifdef XILNET_AXI_FIFO_INF_USED void print_XLlFifo( XLlFifo * FIFO_ptr ); #endif #endif /******************************** Functions **********************************/ int xilnet_eth_device_init( unsigned int eth_dev_num, unsigned int base_addr, unsigned char * node_ip_addr, unsigned char * node_hw_addr ) { int status; #ifdef XILNET_AXI_DMA_INF_USED XAxiDma_Bd BD_template; #endif // Check to see if we are initializing a valid interface if ( eth_dev_num >= XILNET_NUM_ETH_DEVICES ) { xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to initialize Ethernet device %d. Only %d configured in the HW. \n", (eth_dev_num+1), XILNET_NUM_ETH_DEVICES); return -1; } #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("xilnet_eth_device_init: Device %d \n", eth_dev_num); #endif // Initialize the Ethernet device structure xilnet_init_eth_device_struct(eth_dev_num); // Set up HW info xilnet_eth_set_inf_hw_info(eth_dev_num, node_ip_addr, node_hw_addr); // Depending on the interface type, set up the device switch( eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_type ) { case XILNET_AXI_FIFO_INF: #ifdef XILNET_AXI_FIFO_INF_USED xil_printf(" Configuring ETH %d for AXI FIFO mode with %d byte buffers (%d receive, 1 send)\n", eth_dev_num, eth_device[eth_dev_num].buf_size, eth_device[eth_dev_num].num_recvbuf ); XLlFifo_Initialize( eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref, base_addr); #ifdef _DEBUG_ print_XLlFifo( eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref ); #endif #else xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to initialize Ethernet device %d. Driver not configured to use AXI FIFO. \n", (eth_dev_num+1)); return -1; #endif break; case XILNET_AXI_DMA_INF: #ifdef XILNET_AXI_DMA_INF_USED xil_printf(" Configuring ETH %d for AXI DMA mode with %d byte buffers (%d receive, 1 send)\n", eth_dev_num, eth_device[eth_dev_num].buf_size, eth_device[eth_dev_num].num_recvbuf ); // Initialize DMA pointers eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_cfg_ref = (void *) XAxiDma_LookupConfig( eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_id ); eth_device[eth_dev_num].dma_rx_ring_ref = (void *) XAxiDma_GetRxRing( (XAxiDma *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref ); eth_device[eth_dev_num].dma_tx_ring_ref = (void *) XAxiDma_GetTxRing( (XAxiDma *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref ); #ifdef _DEBUG_ print_XAxiDma_Config( eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_cfg_ref ); #endif // Initialize AXIDMA engine. AXIDMA engine must be initialized before AxiEthernet. // During AXIDMA engine initialization, AXIDMA hardware is reset, and since AXIDMA // reset line is connected to AxiEthernet, this would ensure a reset of AxiEthernet. status = XAxiDma_CfgInitialize( (XAxiDma *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref, eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_cfg_ref); if(status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("*** Error initializing DMA\n"); } // Setup RX BD space: // - RX_BD_space is a properly aligned area of memory // - No MMU is being used so the physical and virtual addresses are the same. // - Setup a BD template for the channel. This template will be copied to every BD. #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("RX BD Space = 0x%x\n", eth_device[eth_dev_num].dma_rx_bd_ref); #endif // Create the RX BD ring status = XAxiDma_BdRingCreate( eth_device[eth_dev_num].dma_rx_ring_ref, (u32) eth_device[eth_dev_num].dma_rx_bd_ref, (u32) eth_device[eth_dev_num].dma_rx_bd_ref, XILNET_BD_ALIGNMENT, eth_device[eth_dev_num].dma_rx_bd_cnt); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("*** Error setting up RX BD space\n"); } XAxiDma_BdClear(&BD_template); status = XAxiDma_BdRingClone(eth_device[eth_dev_num].dma_rx_ring_ref, &BD_template); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("*** Error initializing RX BD space\n"); } // Setup TX BD space: // - TX_BD_space is a properly aligned area of memory // - No MMU is being used so the physical and virtual addresses are the same. // - Setup a BD template for the channel. This template will be copied to every BD. #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("TX BD Space = 0x%x\n", eth_device[eth_dev_num].dma_tx_bd_ref); #endif // Create the TX BD ring status = XAxiDma_BdRingCreate( eth_device[eth_dev_num].dma_tx_ring_ref, (u32) eth_device[eth_dev_num].dma_tx_bd_ref, (u32) eth_device[eth_dev_num].dma_tx_bd_ref, XILNET_BD_ALIGNMENT, eth_device[eth_dev_num].dma_tx_bd_cnt); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("*** Error setting up TX BD space\n"); } // We can re-use the BD_template from above status = XAxiDma_BdRingClone(eth_device[eth_dev_num].dma_tx_ring_ref, &BD_template); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("*** Error initializing TX BD space\n"); } #else xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to initialize Ethernet device %d. Driver not configured to use AXI DMA. \n", (eth_dev_num+1)); return -1; #endif break; case XILNET_TEMAC_INF: #ifdef XILNET_TEMAC_INF_USED xil_printf(" Configuring ETH %d for TEMAC mode with %d byte buffers (%d receive, 1 send)\n", eth_dev_num, eth_device[eth_dev_num].buf_size, eth_device[eth_dev_num].num_recvbuf ); // Initialize DMA pointers eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_dma_cfg_ref = (void *) XDmaCentral_LookupConfig( eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_dma_id ); //Initialize the config struct status = XDmaCentral_CfgInitialize((XDmaCentral *) eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_dma_ref, (XDmaCentral_Config *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_dma_cfg_ref, ((XDmaCentral_Config *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_dma_cfg_ref)->BaseAddress ); if(status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("*** Error initializing DMA\n"); } //Disable Interrupts XDmaCentral_InterruptEnableSet(eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_dma_ref, 0); #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("Initializing FIFO: %x %x \n", eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref, base_addr); #endif // Initialize the FIFO XLlFifo_Initialize( eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref, base_addr); #else xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to initialize Ethernet device %d. Driver not configured to use TEMAC. \n", (eth_dev_num+1)); return -1; #endif break; default: xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to initialize Ethernet device %d. Interface %d does not exist. \n", (eth_dev_num+1), eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_type); return -1; break; } #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("xilnet_eth_device_init done\n"); #endif return 0; } int xilnet_eth_set_inf_hw_info( unsigned int eth_dev_num, unsigned char * node_ip_addr, unsigned char * node_hw_addr ) { int i; // Check to see if we are initializing a valid interface if ( eth_dev_num >= XILNET_NUM_ETH_DEVICES ) { xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to start Ethernet device %d. Only %d configured in the HW. \n", (eth_dev_num+1), XILNET_NUM_ETH_DEVICES); return -1; } #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("Setting IP Address: %d.%d.%d.%d \n", node_ip_addr[0], node_ip_addr[1], node_ip_addr[2], node_ip_addr[3]); xil_printf("Setting HW Address: %2x-%2x-%2x-%2x-%2x-%2x \n", node_hw_addr[0], node_hw_addr[1], node_hw_addr[2], node_hw_addr[3], node_hw_addr[4], node_hw_addr[5]); #endif // Update the IP Address for ( i = 0; i < IP_VERSION; i++) { eth_device[eth_dev_num].node_ip_addr[i] = node_ip_addr[i]; } // Update the MAC Address for ( i = 0; i < ETH_ADDR_LEN; i++ ) { eth_device[eth_dev_num].node_hw_addr[i] = node_hw_addr[i]; } return 0; } int xilnet_eth_get_inf_ip_addr( unsigned int eth_dev_num, unsigned char * node_ip_addr ) { int i; // Check to see if we are initializing a valid interface if ( eth_dev_num >= XILNET_NUM_ETH_DEVICES ) { xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to start Ethernet device %d. Only %d configured in the HW. \n", (eth_dev_num+1), XILNET_NUM_ETH_DEVICES); return -1; } // Update the IP Address for ( i = 0; i < IP_VERSION; i++) { node_ip_addr[i] = eth_device[eth_dev_num].node_ip_addr[i]; } #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("Getting IP Address: %d.%d.%d.%d \n", node_ip_addr[0], node_ip_addr[1], node_ip_addr[2], node_ip_addr[3]); #endif return 0; } int xilnet_eth_get_inf_hw_addr( unsigned int eth_dev_num, unsigned char * node_hw_addr ) { int i; // Check to see if we are initializing a valid interface if ( eth_dev_num >= XILNET_NUM_ETH_DEVICES ) { xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to start Ethernet device %d. Only %d configured in the HW. \n", (eth_dev_num+1), XILNET_NUM_ETH_DEVICES); return -1; } // Update the MAC Address for ( i = 0; i < ETH_ADDR_LEN; i++ ) { node_hw_addr[i] = eth_device[eth_dev_num].node_hw_addr[i]; } #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("Getting HW Address: %2x-%2x-%2x-%2x-%2x-%2x \n", node_hw_addr[0], node_hw_addr[1], node_hw_addr[2], node_hw_addr[3], node_hw_addr[4], node_hw_addr[5]); #endif return 0; } int xilnet_eth_device_start( unsigned int eth_dev_num ) { int status; int i; int free_BD_count; #ifdef XILNET_AXI_DMA_INF_USED XAxiDma_BdRing *RX_RING_ptr; XAxiDma_Bd *BD_ptr; XAxiDma_Bd *BD_cur_ptr; #endif // Check to see if we are initializing a valid interface if ( eth_dev_num >= XILNET_NUM_ETH_DEVICES ) { xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to start Ethernet device %d. Only %d configured in the HW. \n", (eth_dev_num+1), XILNET_NUM_ETH_DEVICES); return -1; } // Depending on the interface type, set up the device switch( eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_type ) { case XILNET_AXI_FIFO_INF: #ifdef XILNET_AXI_FIFO_INF_USED // Do nothing, interface is already ready to go #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("Starting Ethernet Device %d with AXI FIFO\n", eth_dev_num); #endif #else xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to start Ethernet device %d. Driver not configured to use AXI FIFO. \n", (eth_dev_num+1)); return -1; #endif break; case XILNET_AXI_DMA_INF: #ifdef XILNET_AXI_DMA_INF_USED // Get the TX Buffer Descriptor Ring pointer RX_RING_ptr = (XAxiDma_BdRing *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].dma_rx_ring_ref; // Initialize RX BD space: // - Configure buffer descriptors free_BD_count = XAxiDma_BdRingGetFreeCnt(RX_RING_ptr); // Allocate receive buffers status = XAxiDma_BdRingAlloc(RX_RING_ptr, free_BD_count, &BD_ptr); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("*** Error allocating RxBD\n"); return -1; } #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("Recieve Buffer = 0x%x size= %d \n", eth_device[eth_dev_num].recvbuf, sizeof(eth_device[eth_dev_num].recvbuf)); print_XAxiDma_Bd( BD_ptr ); #endif if ( eth_device[eth_dev_num].num_recvbuf != free_BD_count ) { xil_printf("*** Error number of receive buffers %d not equal to number of buffer descriptors %d \n", eth_device[eth_dev_num].num_recvbuf, free_BD_count); return -1; } // Setup the Buffer descriptors BD_cur_ptr = BD_ptr; for ( i=0; iMaxTransferLen); XAxiDma_BdSetCtrl(BD_cur_ptr, 0); XAxiDma_BdSetId(BD_cur_ptr, (u32) (eth_device[eth_dev_num].recvbuf + (i * eth_device[eth_dev_num].buf_size))); BD_cur_ptr = XAxiDma_BdRingNext(RX_RING_ptr, BD_cur_ptr); } // Enqueue to HW status = XAxiDma_BdRingToHw(RX_RING_ptr, free_BD_count, BD_ptr); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("*** Error committing RxBD to HW\n"); return -1; } #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("ETH_B_DMA_RX_RING_ptr: \n"); print_XAxiDma_BdRing( RX_RING_ptr ); print_XAxiDma_Bd( BD_ptr ); #endif // Start DMA RX channel. Now it's ready to receive data. status = XAxiDma_BdRingStart( RX_RING_ptr ); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("*** Error starting RX channel\n"); return -1; } #else xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to start Ethernet device %d. Driver not configured to use AXI DMA. \n", (eth_dev_num+1)); return -1; #endif break; case XILNET_TEMAC_INF: #ifdef XILNET_TEMAC_INF_USED // Do nothing, interface is already ready to go #ifdef _DEBUG_ #if 0 xil_printf("Starting Ethernet Device %d with TEMAC\n", eth_dev_num); #endif #endif #else xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to initialize Ethernet device %d. Driver not configured to use TEMAC. \n", (eth_dev_num+1)); return -1; #endif break; default: xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to start Ethernet device %d. Interface %d does not exist. \n", (eth_dev_num+1), eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_type); return -1; break; } return 0; } /* * initialize xilnet hardware address */ void xilnet_eth_init_hw_addr(int eth_dev_num, unsigned char* addr) { int k = 0; int j; int sum = 0; int val = 0; for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { // parse input for colon separated hw address while(addr[k] != ':') { if (addr[k] >= 'a' && addr[k] <= 'f') val = addr[k] - 'a' + 10; else if (addr[k] >= 'A' && addr[k] <= 'F') val = addr[k] - 'A' + 10; else val = addr[k] - '0'; sum = sum * 16 + val; k++; } k++; // move over the colon eth_device[eth_dev_num].node_hw_addr[j] = (unsigned char) sum; sum = 0; } // read last byte of hw address while (addr[k] != '\0') { if (addr[k] >= 'a' && addr[k] <= 'f') val = addr[k] - 'a' + 10; else if (addr[k] >= 'A' && addr[k] <= 'F') val = addr[k] - 'A' + 10; else val = addr[k] - '0'; sum = sum * 16 + val; k++; } eth_device[eth_dev_num].node_hw_addr[5] = (unsigned char) sum; } #ifdef XILNET_TEMAC_INF_USED inline void waitForDMA( unsigned int eth_dev_num ) { int RegValue; // Wait until the DMA transfer is done by checking the Status register do {RegValue = XDmaCentral_GetStatus((XDmaCentral *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_dma_ref);} while ((RegValue & XDMC_DMASR_BUSY_MASK) == XDMC_DMASR_BUSY_MASK); return; } #endif /* * Receive frame * * Returns either -1 or a pointer to the buffer of the received frame * */ unsigned int xilnet_eth_recv_frame( unsigned int eth_dev_num ) { // TODO: FIX - NEEDS TO RETURN THE POINTER TO THE BUFFER int status = -1; int processed_BD_count = 0; int free_BD_count = 0; int size = -1; struct xilnet_eth_hdr *eth; void *pktBufPtr; #ifdef XILNET_AXI_DMA_INF_USED int dma_error = 0; XAxiDma_BdRing *RX_RING_ptr; XAxiDma_BdRing *TX_RING_ptr; XAxiDma_Bd *BD_ptr; #endif #ifdef _DEBUG_ unsigned char *tmp_ptr; #endif // Check to see if we are receiving on a valid interface if ( eth_dev_num >= XILNET_NUM_ETH_DEVICES ) { xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to receive on Ethernet device %d. Only %d configured in the HW. \n", (eth_dev_num+1), XILNET_NUM_ETH_DEVICES); return -1; } // Device specific routine for getting a frame switch( eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_type ) { case XILNET_AXI_FIFO_INF: #ifdef XILNET_AXI_FIFO_INF_USED #if 0 #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("AXI ETHERNET FIFO: \n"); xil_printf("FIFO_INST: 0x%x \n", eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref); xil_printf("Ethernet FIFO is empty: %d \n", XLlFifo_IsRxEmpty((XLlFifo *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref)); xil_printf("Base Addr : 0x%x \n", ((XLlFifo *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref)->BaseAddress ); xil_printf("RX Occupancy value : 0x%x \n", ((*(volatile u32 *)((((XLlFifo *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref)->BaseAddress) + (0x0000001c)))) ); #endif #endif pktBufPtr = eth_device[eth_dev_num].recvbuf; if(XLlFifo_IsRxEmpty((XLlFifo *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref)) { size=-1; } else { #ifdef _PERFORMANCE_MONITOR_ wl_setDebugGPIO(0x1); #endif if(XLlFifo_RxOccupancy((XLlFifo *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref)) { size = XLlFifo_RxGetLen((XLlFifo *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref); XLlFifo_Read((XLlFifo *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref, pktBufPtr, size); } } #else xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to receive on Ethernet device %d. Driver not configured to use AXI FIFO. \n", (eth_dev_num+1)); return -1; #endif break; case XILNET_AXI_DMA_INF: #ifdef XILNET_AXI_DMA_INF_USED #if 0 #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("AXI ETHERNET DMA: \n"); #endif #endif // Get the RX Buffer Descriptor Ring pointer RX_RING_ptr = (XAxiDma_BdRing *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].dma_rx_ring_ref; // Check to see that the HW is started (if it is not started, we must have gotten an error somewhere if ( !XAxiDma_BdRingHwIsStarted( RX_RING_ptr ) ) { // Get the TX Buffer Descriptor Ring pointer TX_RING_ptr = (XAxiDma_BdRing *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].dma_tx_ring_ref; // Check to see if we have a RX error if ( XAxiDma_BdRingGetError( RX_RING_ptr ) ) { #ifdef _DEBUG_ print_XAxiDma_BdRing( RX_RING_ptr ); #endif xil_printf("*** ERROR in RX DMA transfer: 0x%8x \n", XAxiDma_BdRingGetError( RX_RING_ptr )); dma_error = 1; } // Check to see if we have a TX error if ( XAxiDma_BdRingGetError( TX_RING_ptr ) ) { #ifdef _DEBUG_ print_XAxiDma_BdRing( TX_RING_ptr ); #endif xil_printf("*** ERROR in TX DMA transfer: 0x%8x \n", XAxiDma_BdRingGetError( TX_RING_ptr )); dma_error = 1; } // If there is an error, reset the DMA if ( dma_error ) { xil_printf("*** Resetting DMA \n"); XAxiDma_Reset( (XAxiDma *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref ); } // If not, then start DMA RX channel status = XAxiDma_BdRingStart( RX_RING_ptr ); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("*** Error starting RX channel\n"); return -1; } } // See if we have any data to process // NOTE: We will only process one buffer descriptor at a time in this function call processed_BD_count = XAxiDma_BdRingFromHw(RX_RING_ptr, 0x1, &BD_ptr); // If we have data, then we need process the buffer if ( processed_BD_count > 0 ) { #ifdef _PERFORMANCE_MONITOR_ wl_setDebugGPIO(0x1); #endif status = XAxiDma_BdGetSts(BD_ptr); if ((status & XAXIDMA_BD_STS_ALL_ERR_MASK) || (!(status & XAXIDMA_BD_STS_COMPLETE_MASK))) { xil_printf("*** Rx Error: 0x%8x\n", status); return -1; } else { size = (XAxiDma_BdRead(BD_ptr, XAXIDMA_BD_USR4_OFFSET)) & 0x0000FFFF; } pktBufPtr = (void *)XAxiDma_BdGetId(BD_ptr); // BD ID was set to the base address of the buffer } #else xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to receive on Ethernet device %d. Driver not configured to use AXI DMA. \n", (eth_dev_num+1)); return -1; #endif break; case XILNET_TEMAC_INF: #ifdef XILNET_TEMAC_INF_USED #if 0 #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("TEMAC FIFO: \n"); xil_printf("FIFO_INST: 0x%x \n", eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref); xil_printf("Ethernet FIFO is empty: %d \n", XLlFifo_IsRxEmpty((XLlFifo *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref)); xil_printf("Base Addr : 0x%x \n", ((XLlFifo *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref)->BaseAddress ); xil_printf("RX Occupancy value : 0x%x \n", ((*(volatile u32 *)((((XLlFifo *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref)->BaseAddress) + (0x0000001c)))) ); #endif #endif pktBufPtr = eth_device[eth_dev_num].recvbuf; if( XLlFifo_IsRxEmpty( (XLlFifo *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref ) ) { size=-1; } else { #ifdef _PERFORMANCE_MONITOR_ wl_setDebugGPIO(0x1); #endif if( XLlFifo_RxOccupancy( (XLlFifo *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref ) ) { waitForDMA(eth_dev_num); // Set DMA to non-increment source, increment dest addresses XDmaCentral_SetControl( (XDmaCentral *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_dma_ref, XDMC_DMACR_DEST_INCR_MASK ); size = XLlFifo_RxGetLen( (XLlFifo *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref ); XDmaCentral_Transfer((XDmaCentral *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_dma_ref, (u8 *)(((XLlFifo *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref)->BaseAddress+XLLF_RDFD_OFFSET), (u8 *)pktBufPtr, size); } } #else xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to receive on Ethernet device %d. Driver not configured to use TEMAC. \n", (eth_dev_num+1)); return -1; #endif break; default: xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Receiving packet on Ethernet device %d. Interface %d does not exist. \n", (eth_dev_num+1), eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_type); return -1; break; } #if 0 #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("Ethernet Recvd Frame of size %d...\n", size); tmp_ptr = (unsigned char *)pktBufPtr; xil_printf("src : %d%d%d%d%d%d...\n", tmp_ptr[0], tmp_ptr[1], tmp_ptr[2], tmp_ptr[3], tmp_ptr[4], tmp_ptr[5]); xil_printf("dst : %d%d%d%d%d%d...\n", tmp_ptr[6], tmp_ptr[7], tmp_ptr[8], tmp_ptr[9], tmp_ptr[10], tmp_ptr[11]); xil_printf("type : %d%d...\n", tmp_ptr[12], tmp_ptr[13]); #endif #endif // Strip off the FCS (or CRC) from the received frame size -= 4; // Process the packet if ( size > 0 ) { #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("BEGIN xilnet_eth_recv_frame() \n" ); xil_printf(" Received %d bytes\n", size); tmp_ptr = (unsigned char *)pktBufPtr; xil_printf(" src : %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x \n", tmp_ptr[0], tmp_ptr[1], tmp_ptr[2], tmp_ptr[3], tmp_ptr[4], tmp_ptr[5]); xil_printf(" dst : %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x \n", tmp_ptr[6], tmp_ptr[7], tmp_ptr[8], tmp_ptr[9], tmp_ptr[10], tmp_ptr[11]); xil_printf(" type : %2x %2x \n\n", tmp_ptr[12], tmp_ptr[13]); print_pkt((unsigned char *)pktBufPtr, size); #endif eth = (struct xilnet_eth_hdr*) pktBufPtr; switch (Xil_Ntohs(eth->type)) { case ETH_PROTO_IP: status = (xilnet_ip(pktBufPtr, size, eth_dev_num)); break; case ETH_PROTO_ARP: status = (xilnet_arp(pktBufPtr, size, eth_dev_num)); break; default: #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("Unknown protocol %x...\r\n", eth->type); #endif break; } #ifdef XILNET_AXI_DMA_INF_USED // Post process the DMA buffer descriptors now that we are done with them if (eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_type == XILNET_AXI_DMA_INF) { // Free all processed RX BDs for future transmission status = XAxiDma_BdRingFree(RX_RING_ptr, processed_BD_count, BD_ptr); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("*** Error freeing up %d RxBDs: 0x%8x\n", processed_BD_count, status); } // Return processed BDs to RX channel so we are ready to receive new packets: // - Allocate all free RX BDs // - Pass the BDs to RX channel free_BD_count = XAxiDma_BdRingGetFreeCnt(RX_RING_ptr); status = XAxiDma_BdRingAlloc(RX_RING_ptr, free_BD_count, &BD_ptr); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("*** Error allocating %d RxBDs: 0x%8x\n", free_BD_count, status); } status = XAxiDma_BdRingToHw(RX_RING_ptr, free_BD_count, BD_ptr); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("*** Error submiting %d rx BDs failed: 0x%8x\r\n", free_BD_count, status); } } #endif #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("END xilnet_eth_recv_frame() \n" ); #endif #ifdef _PERFORMANCE_MONITOR_ wl_clearDebugGPIO(0x1); #endif } return status; } /* * Send frame to peer ip addr, peer hw addr */ int xilnet_eth_send_frame(unsigned char *pkt, int len, unsigned char *dip_addr, void *dhw_addr, unsigned short type, unsigned int eth_dev_num) { int i; int hw_tbl_index = 0; int status; int size = 0; int transmit_flag = 0; unsigned char *hw_addr = (unsigned char *)dhw_addr; #ifdef XILNET_AXI_DMA_INF_USED int processed_BD_count = 0; int dma_status = 0; int dma_error = 0; int dma_hang_count = 1000; XAxiDma_BdRing *RX_RING_ptr; XAxiDma_BdRing *TX_RING_ptr; XAxiDma_Bd *BD_ptr; #endif // Check to see if we are sending on a valid interface if ( eth_dev_num >= XILNET_NUM_ETH_DEVICES ) { xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to send on Ethernet device %d. Only %d configured in the HW. \n", (eth_dev_num+1), XILNET_NUM_ETH_DEVICES); return -1; } #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf("BEGIN xilnet_eth_send_frame(): \n"); xil_printf(" pkt = %x \n", pkt); xil_printf(" len = %d \n", len); xil_printf(" dip_addr = %d.%d.%d.%d \n", dip_addr[0], dip_addr[1], dip_addr[2], dip_addr[3]); xil_printf(" dhw_addr = %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x \n", hw_addr[0], hw_addr[1], hw_addr[2], hw_addr[3], hw_addr[4], hw_addr[5]); xil_printf(" type = %x \n", type); xil_printf(" eth_dev = %d \n", eth_dev_num); #endif #ifdef _PERFORMANCE_MONITOR_ wl_setDebugGPIO(0x2); #endif // Set the source MAC address for (i = 0; i < ETH_ADDR_LEN; i++) { ((struct xilnet_eth_hdr*)pkt)->src_addr[i] = eth_device[eth_dev_num].node_hw_addr[i]; } // Set the destination MAC address if (dhw_addr) memcpy(((struct xilnet_eth_hdr*)pkt)->dest_addr, dhw_addr, ETH_ADDR_LEN); else { // find the hw tbl entry index corr to dip_addr hw_tbl_index = xilnet_eth_get_hw_addr(dip_addr, eth_dev_num); for (i = 0; i < ETH_ADDR_LEN; i++) { ((struct xilnet_eth_hdr*)pkt)->dest_addr[i] = xilnet_hw_tbl[hw_tbl_index].hw_addr[i]; } } // Convert Endianess of type ((struct xilnet_eth_hdr*)pkt)->type = Xil_Htons(type); // pad the ethernet frame if < 60 bytes if (len < 60) { for(i = len; i < ETH_MIN_FRAME_LEN; i++) { pkt[i] = 0; } len = ETH_MIN_FRAME_LEN; } // Device specific routine for sending a frame switch( eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_type ) { case XILNET_AXI_FIFO_INF: #ifdef XILNET_AXI_FIFO_INF_USED XLlFifo_Write((XLlFifo *) eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref, pkt, len); // Write the length to the LL_FIFO; this write initiates the TEMAC transmission XLlFifo_TxSetLen((XLlFifo *) eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref, len); #else xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to send on Ethernet device %d. Driver not configured to use AXI FIFO. \n", (eth_dev_num+1)); return -1; #endif break; case XILNET_AXI_DMA_INF: #ifdef XILNET_AXI_DMA_INF_USED // Get the TX Buffer Descriptor Ring pointer TX_RING_ptr = (XAxiDma_BdRing *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].dma_tx_ring_ref; // Get the RX Buffer Descriptor Ring pointer RX_RING_ptr = (XAxiDma_BdRing *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].dma_rx_ring_ref; // Check to see if we have a RX error if ( XAxiDma_BdRingGetError( RX_RING_ptr ) ) { #ifdef _DEBUG_ print_XAxiDma_BdRing( RX_RING_ptr ); #endif xil_printf("*** ERROR in RX DMA transfer: 0x%8x \n", XAxiDma_BdRingGetError( RX_RING_ptr )); dma_error = 1; } // Check to see if we have a TX error if ( XAxiDma_BdRingGetError( TX_RING_ptr ) ) { #ifdef _DEBUG_ print_XAxiDma_BdRing( TX_RING_ptr ); #endif xil_printf("*** ERROR in TX DMA transfer: 0x%8x \n", XAxiDma_BdRingGetError( TX_RING_ptr )); dma_error = 1; } // If there is an error, reset the DMA if ( dma_error ) { xil_printf("*** Resetting DMA \n"); XAxiDma_Reset( (XAxiDma *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref ); } // Allocate, setup and enqueue a TX BD for the Frame status = XAxiDma_BdRingAlloc(TX_RING_ptr, 1, &BD_ptr); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("*** Error allocating TX BDs: 0x%8x\n", status); } // Set the BD address to the start of the packet status = XAxiDma_BdSetBufAddr(BD_ptr, (u32) pkt); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("*** Error setting TX Address: status = 0x%8x; BD = 0x%x; addr = 0x%x\n", status, BD_ptr, (u32) pkt); } // Set the BD length to the length field status = XAxiDma_BdSetLength(BD_ptr, len, TX_RING_ptr->MaxTransferLen); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("*** Error setting TX Length: status = 0x%8x; BD = 0x%x; len = %d; max_len = %d\n", status, BD_ptr, len, TX_RING_ptr->MaxTransferLen); } // Since this is a single descriptor, set both SOF and EOF XAxiDma_BdSetCtrl(BD_ptr, XAXIDMA_BD_CTRL_TXSOF_MASK | XAXIDMA_BD_CTRL_TXEOF_MASK); // Set the Application specific words XAxiDma_BdSetAppWord( BD_ptr, 0, 0x00000000 ); XAxiDma_BdSetAppWord( BD_ptr, 1, 0x00000000 ); XAxiDma_BdSetAppWord( BD_ptr, 2, 0x00000000 ); XAxiDma_BdSetAppWord( BD_ptr, 3, 0x00000000 ); XAxiDma_BdSetAppWord( BD_ptr, 4, 0x00000000 ); #ifdef _DEBUG_ print_XAxiDma_BdRing( TX_RING_ptr ); print_XAxiDma_Bd( BD_ptr ); #endif // Enqueue to the HW status = XAxiDma_BdRingToHw(TX_RING_ptr, 1, BD_ptr); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { // Undo BD allocation and exit XAxiDma_BdRingUnAlloc(TX_RING_ptr, 1, BD_ptr); xil_printf("*** Error committing TX BD to HW: 0x%8x\n", status); } // Start DMA TX channel. Transmission starts at once. // If the channel is already started, then the XAxiDma_BdRingToHw() call will start the transmission if (TX_RING_ptr->RunState == AXIDMA_CHANNEL_HALTED) { status = XAxiDma_BdRingStart(TX_RING_ptr); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("*** Error starting TX BD: 0x%8x\n", status); } } // Poll to find when we are done transmitting the packet // TODO: We can change this to non-blocking by moving these checks above the allocate calls transmit_flag = 0; while ( transmit_flag == 0 ) { processed_BD_count = XAxiDma_BdRingFromHw(TX_RING_ptr, 1, &BD_ptr); if ( processed_BD_count > 0 ) { #ifdef _DEBUG_ print_XAxiDma_BdRing( TX_RING_ptr ); print_XAxiDma_Bd( BD_ptr ); #endif status = XAxiDma_BdGetSts(BD_ptr); if ((status & XAXIDMA_BD_STS_ALL_ERR_MASK) || (!(status & XAXIDMA_BD_STS_COMPLETE_MASK))) { xil_printf("*** TX Error: 0x%x\n", status); } else { size = (XAxiDma_BdRead(BD_ptr, XAXIDMA_BD_STS_OFFSET)) & 0x0000FFFF; } if ( size != len ) { xil_printf("*** Size of transmission (0x%x) does not match length of packet (0x%x)\n", size, len); } // Clear out all the control / status information before freeing the buffer descriptor XAxiDma_BdClear(BD_ptr); // Free all processed RX BDs for future transmission status = XAxiDma_BdRingFree(TX_RING_ptr, processed_BD_count, BD_ptr); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("*** Error freeing up %d RxBDs: 0x%8x\n", processed_BD_count, status); } #ifdef _DEBUG_ print_XAxiDma_BdRing( TX_RING_ptr ); print_XAxiDma_Bd( BD_ptr ); #endif transmit_flag = 1; } else { if ( XAxiDma_BdRingBusy( TX_RING_ptr ) ) { // HW is still busy with the transfer if ( dma_hang_count == 0 ) { xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to send on Ethernet device %d. Driver timed out while device was busy. Unknown ERROR. \n", (eth_dev_num+1)); return -1; } else { dma_hang_count--; } } else { // Check to see if we have an error dma_status = XAxiDma_BdRingGetError( TX_RING_ptr ); if ( dma_status != 0 ) { xil_printf("*** ERROR in DMA transfer: 0x%8x \n", dma_status); #ifdef _DEBUG_ print_XAxiDma_BdRing( TX_RING_ptr ); print_XAxiDma_Bd( TX_RING_ptr->HwHead ); #endif // Restart DMA TX channel. xil_printf("*** Restarting transfer \n"); XAxiDma_Reset( (XAxiDma *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref ); status = XAxiDma_BdRingStart(TX_RING_ptr); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("*** Error starting TX BD: 0x%8x\n", status); } } else { // In the case of large packets, we can encounter a situation where we finish the processing of the // packet between the XAxiDma_BdRingFromHw() function call and the XAxiDma_BdRingBusy() function call. // In this case, we now have a situation where the DMA is not busy and does not have an error, but we // just need to run through the loop one more time in order to finish the transaction. However, // to make sure we don't get stuck in this case (ie there is a packet to process, we are going to // enforce a timeout. if ( dma_hang_count == 0 ) { xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to send on Ethernet device %d. Driver timed out while device was idle. Unknown ERROR. \n", (eth_dev_num+1)); return -1; } else { dma_hang_count--; } } } } } #else xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to send on Ethernet device %d. Driver not configured to use AXI DMA. \n", (eth_dev_num+1)); return -1; #endif break; case XILNET_TEMAC_INF: #ifdef XILNET_TEMAC_INF_USED waitForDMA(eth_dev_num); // Set DMA to increment src, non-increment dest addresses XDmaCentral_SetControl((XDmaCentral *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_dma_ref, XDMC_DMACR_SOURCE_INCR_MASK); // Transfer the packet into the LLFIFO XDmaCentral_Transfer((XDmaCentral *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_dma_ref, (u8 *)(pkt), (u8 *)(((XLlFifo *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref)->BaseAddress + XLLF_TDFD_OFFSET), len); waitForDMA(eth_dev_num); // Write the length to the LL_FIFO; this write initiates the TEMAC transmission XLlFifo_TxSetLen((XLlFifo *)eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_ref, len); #else xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Trying to send on Ethernet device %d. Driver not configured to use TEMAC. \n", (eth_dev_num+1)); return -1; #endif break; default: xil_printf(" **** ERROR: Receiving packet on Ethernet device %d. Interface %d does not exist. \n", (eth_dev_num+1), eth_device[eth_dev_num].inf_type); return -1; break; } #ifdef _PERFORMANCE_MONITOR_ wl_clearDebugGPIO(0x2); #endif #ifdef _DEBUG_ xil_printf(" Sent %d bytes\n",len); xil_printf("END xilnet_eth_send_frame() \n\n"); #endif return len; } /* * Update Hardware Address Table */ void xilnet_eth_update_hw_tbl(unsigned char *buf, int proto, unsigned int eth_dev_num) { unsigned char ip[IP_VERSION]; unsigned char hw[ETH_ADDR_LEN]; int i, j; // Update the current age curr_age++; // get hw addr for (i = 0; i < ETH_ADDR_LEN; i++) { hw[i] = ((struct xilnet_eth_hdr*)buf)->src_addr[i]; } // get ip addr switch (proto) { case ETH_PROTO_ARP: for (i = 0; i < IP_VERSION; i++) { ip[i] = (buf+ETH_HDR_LEN)[ARP_SIP_OFFSET+i]; } break; case ETH_PROTO_IP: for (i = 0; i < IP_VERSION; i++) { ip[i] = (buf+ETH_HDR_LEN)[IP_SADDR_BASE+i]; } break; } // update the hw addr table for (i = 0; i < HW_ADDR_TBL_ENTRIES; i++) { if (xilnet_hw_tbl[i].flag) { if ( (hw[0] == xilnet_hw_tbl[i].hw_addr[0]) && (hw[1] == xilnet_hw_tbl[i].hw_addr[1]) && (hw[2] == xilnet_hw_tbl[i].hw_addr[2]) && (hw[3] == xilnet_hw_tbl[i].hw_addr[3]) && (hw[4] == xilnet_hw_tbl[i].hw_addr[4]) && (hw[5] == xilnet_hw_tbl[i].hw_addr[5]) ) { for (j = 0; j < IP_VERSION; j++) xilnet_hw_tbl[i].ip_addr[j] = ip[j];; xilnet_hw_tbl[i].flag = HW_ADDR_ENTRY_IS_TRUE; xilnet_hw_tbl[i].age = curr_age; return; } } } xilnet_eth_add_hw_tbl_entry(ip, hw, eth_dev_num); } /* * Add an entry into Hw Addr table */ void xilnet_eth_add_hw_tbl_entry(unsigned char *ip, unsigned char *hw, unsigned int eth_dev_num) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < HW_ADDR_TBL_ENTRIES; i++) { if (!xilnet_hw_tbl[i].flag) { for (j = 0; j < ETH_ADDR_LEN; j++) { xilnet_hw_tbl[i].hw_addr[j] = hw[j]; } for (j = 0; j < IP_VERSION; j++) { xilnet_hw_tbl[i].ip_addr[j] = ip[j]; } xilnet_hw_tbl[i].flag = HW_ADDR_ENTRY_IS_TRUE; xilnet_hw_tbl[i].age = curr_age; return; } } // Find an old entry to be eliminated from hw tbl i = xilnet_eth_find_old_entry(eth_dev_num); for (j = 0; j < ETH_ADDR_LEN; j++) { xilnet_hw_tbl[i].hw_addr[j] = hw[j]; } for (j = 0; j < IP_VERSION; j++) { xilnet_hw_tbl[i].ip_addr[j] = ip[j]; } xilnet_hw_tbl[i].flag = HW_ADDR_ENTRY_IS_TRUE; xilnet_hw_tbl[i].age = curr_age; #ifdef _DEBUG_ #if 0 xil_printf("xilnet_add_hw_tbl_entry: \n"); print_hw_tbl(); #endif #endif } /* * Get index into hw tbl for ip_addr */ int xilnet_eth_get_hw_addr(unsigned char *ip, unsigned int eth_dev_num) { int i; for (i = 0; i < HW_ADDR_TBL_ENTRIES; i++) { if (xilnet_hw_tbl[i].flag) if ( (ip[0] == xilnet_hw_tbl[i].ip_addr[0]) && (ip[1] == xilnet_hw_tbl[i].ip_addr[1]) && (ip[2] == xilnet_hw_tbl[i].ip_addr[2]) && (ip[3] == xilnet_hw_tbl[i].ip_addr[3]) ) { return i; } } xil_printf("Hw Addr Not found for IP \r\n"); return -1; } /* * Init the hw addr table */ void xilnet_eth_init_hw_addr_tbl(unsigned int eth_dev_num) { int i; for (i = 0; i < HW_ADDR_TBL_ENTRIES; i++) { xilnet_hw_tbl[i].flag = HW_ADDR_ENTRY_IS_FALSE; xilnet_hw_tbl[i].age = 0; } ishwaddrinit = 1; #ifdef _DEBUG_ #if 0 xil_printf("xilnet_eth_init_hw_addr_tbl: \n"); print_hw_tbl(); #endif #endif } /* * Find the oldest entry in the Hw Table and * return its index */ int xilnet_eth_find_old_entry(unsigned int eth_dev_num) { int i; int oldest_age = 0; int oldest = 0; for (i = 0; i < HW_ADDR_TBL_ENTRIES; i++) { if (curr_age - xilnet_hw_tbl[i].age > HW_ADDR_TBL_MAXAGE) { oldest = i; break; } else { if (( curr_age - xilnet_hw_tbl[i].age) > oldest_age) { oldest_age = curr_age - xilnet_hw_tbl[i].age; oldest = i; } } } return oldest; } // Debug printing functions for various structures #ifdef _DEBUG_ void print_pkt(unsigned char *buf, int size) { int i; xil_printf("Ethernet Packet: (0x%x bytes)\n", size); for (i=0; iChanBase); xil_printf(" IsRxChannel: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->IsRxChannel); xil_printf(" RunState: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->RunState); xil_printf(" HasStsCntrlStrm: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->HasStsCntrlStrm); xil_printf(" HasDRE: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->HasDRE); xil_printf(" DataWidth: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->DataWidth); xil_printf(" MaxTransferLen: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->MaxTransferLen); xil_printf(" FirstBdPhysAddr: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->FirstBdPhysAddr); xil_printf(" FirstBdAddr: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->FirstBdAddr); xil_printf(" LastBdAddr: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->LastBdAddr); xil_printf(" Length: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->Length); xil_printf(" Separation: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->Separation); xil_printf(" FreeHead: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->FreeHead); xil_printf(" PreHead: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->PreHead); xil_printf(" HwHead: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->HwHead); xil_printf(" HwTail: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->HwTail); xil_printf(" PostHead: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->PostHead); xil_printf(" BdaRestart: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->BdaRestart); xil_printf(" FreeCnt: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->FreeCnt); xil_printf(" PreCnt: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->PreCnt); xil_printf(" HwCnt: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->HwCnt); xil_printf(" PostCnt: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->PostCnt); xil_printf(" AllCnt: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->AllCnt); xil_printf(" RingIndex: 0x%x \n", BD_RING_ptr->RingIndex); xil_printf("\n"); } void print_XAxiDma_Config( XAxiDma_Config * DMA_CFG_ptr ) { xil_printf("DMA Config Pointer: \n"); xil_printf(" DeviceId: 0x%x \n", DMA_CFG_ptr->DeviceId); xil_printf(" BaseAddr: 0x%x \n", DMA_CFG_ptr->BaseAddr); xil_printf(" HasStsCntrlStrm: 0x%x \n", DMA_CFG_ptr->HasStsCntrlStrm); xil_printf(" HasMm2S: 0x%x \n", DMA_CFG_ptr->HasMm2S); xil_printf(" HasMm2SDRE: 0x%x \n", DMA_CFG_ptr->HasMm2SDRE); xil_printf(" Mm2SDataWidth: 0x%x \n", DMA_CFG_ptr->Mm2SDataWidth); xil_printf(" HasS2Mm: 0x%x \n", DMA_CFG_ptr->HasS2Mm); xil_printf(" HasS2MmDRE: 0x%x \n", DMA_CFG_ptr->HasS2MmDRE); xil_printf(" S2MmDataWidth: 0x%x \n", DMA_CFG_ptr->S2MmDataWidth); xil_printf(" HasSg: 0x%x \n", DMA_CFG_ptr->HasSg); xil_printf(" Mm2sNumChannels: 0x%x \n", DMA_CFG_ptr->Mm2sNumChannels); xil_printf(" S2MmNumChannels: 0x%x \n", DMA_CFG_ptr->S2MmNumChannels); xil_printf("\n"); } #endif #ifdef XILNET_AXI_FIFO_INF_USED void print_XLlFifo( XLlFifo * FIFO_ptr ) { xil_printf("FIFO Pointer: \n"); xil_printf(" BaseAddress: 0x%x \n", FIFO_ptr->BaseAddress); xil_printf(" IsReady: 0x%x \n", FIFO_ptr->IsReady); xil_printf(" RX instance: 0x%x \n", FIFO_ptr->RxStreamer.FifoInstance); xil_printf(" RX width: 0x%x \n", FIFO_ptr->RxStreamer.FifoWidth); xil_printf(" RX HeadIndex: 0x%x \n", FIFO_ptr->RxStreamer.HeadIndex); xil_printf(" RX FrmByteCnt: 0x%x \n", FIFO_ptr->RxStreamer.FrmByteCnt); xil_printf(" TX instance: 0x%x \n", FIFO_ptr->TxStreamer.FifoInstance); xil_printf(" TX width: 0x%x \n", FIFO_ptr->TxStreamer.FifoWidth); xil_printf(" TX HeadIndex: 0x%x \n", FIFO_ptr->TxStreamer.TailIndex); xil_printf("\n"); } #endif #endif