############################################################### # Copyright (c) 2004 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # You may copy and modify these files for your own internal use solely with # Xilinx programmable logic devices and Xilinx EDK system or create IP # modules solely for Xilinx programmable logic devices and Xilinx EDK system. # No rights are granted to distribute any files unless they are distributed in # Xilinx programmable logic devices. ############################################################### OPTION psf_version = 2.1.0 ; BEGIN LIBRARY WARPxilnet OPTION drc = net_drc ; OPTION copyfiles = all; OPTION desc = "WARP/Xilinx Networking TCP/IP stack library"; PARAM name = emac_instname, state = DEPRECATED, type = peripheral_instance, default = none, range = (none, xps_ethernetlite, xps_ll_temac, axi_ethernet), desc = "Name of Emac instance to be used with WARP/xilnet"; PARAM name = no_of_tcp_conns, state = DEPRECATED, type = int, default = 5, desc = "No. of Open TCP connections"; PARAM name = no_of_udp_conns, type = int, default = 5, desc = "Number of Open UDP connections"; PARAM name = fifo_buf_size, type = int, default = 1514, range = (none, 0, 1514, 4096, 9014), desc = "Ethernet FIFO Buffer size (ignored if no Ethernet FIFOs in design)"; PARAM name = dma_buf_size, type = int, default = 9014, range = (none, 0, 1514, 4096, 9014), desc = "Etherent DMA Buffer size (ignored if no Etherent DMAs in design)"; PARAM name = dma_rcvd_buf_cnt, type = int, default = 2, desc = "Number of DMA Receive Buffers (ignored if no Etherent DMAs in design)"; END LIBRARY