Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of 802.11/MAC/Upper/MACHighFramework/TX_queue

Nov 26, 2013, 8:19:56 AM (11 years ago)



  • 802.11/MAC/Upper/MACHighFramework/TX_queue

    v4 v5  
    13131. A free queue element is checked out and, if available, filled in with a packet payload.
    14142. The upper-level MAC decides which outgoing queue, if any, the packet should be added to and notifies the framework to add it to the end of that particular queue.
    15 3. The upper-level MAC checks each of the outgoing queues when the lower-level MAC is ready for another packet. Depending on whatever emptying mechanism it chooses (e.g. round-robin), it notifies the MAC High Framework to send from a particular queue.
     153. The upper-level MAC checks each of the outgoing queues when the lower-level MAC is ready for another packet. At this point, the upper-level MAC can implement any number of queuing structures. In our implementation, we have used a round-robin scheme where the upper-level MAC cycles through the queues of associated devices. We intend for this design to be modified by users if a more complex queueing scheme is required. Once a packet is selected, the upper-level MAC notifies the MAC High Framework to send from a particular queue.
    16164. Once sent, the queue element is returned back to the free pool so it can be checked out and filled in with a new payload in the future.