Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of 802.11/MAC/Upper

Nov 24, 2013, 2:42:03 PM (11 years ago)



  • 802.11/MAC/Upper

    v17 v18  
    99[[Image(wiki:802.11/files:upper_level.png, width=800)]]
    11 There is a considerable amount of shared code among different upper-level MAC implementations. The MAC High Framework is the collection of these shared operations.
     11There is a considerable amount of shared code among different upper-level MAC implementations. The MAC High Framework is the collection of these shared operations. The interaction between an upper-level MAC and this framework can be broken down into 4 broad categories:
     13== Wireless Receptions ==
     15The MAC High Framework notifies the upper-level MAC of a wireless reception via a callback that is registered at boot. Within the framework, wireless receptions are handled via an interrupt attached to the inter-processor mailbox that connects the high and low processors.
     17== Wireless Transmissions ==
     19When the upper-level MAC wants to transmit a packet wirelessly, there are a few steps:
     211. The upper-level MAC enqueues a packet into any of a number of outgoing wireless transmission queues. It performs this step by calling a function in the MAC High Framework.
     222. Because the process by which a transmit queue is emptied depends on the upper-level MAC, the upper-level MAC owns the code responsible for this. As such, the upper-level MAC calls its own function for processing any currently-filled transmit queues. In addition, the framework itself is capable of calling this function via a registered callback. It will call this function whenever the lower-level MAC has finished sending an MPDU.
     233. Finally, the upper-level MAC is notified whenever the lower-level MAC has finished sending an MPDU via a registered callback.
     25== Wired Receptions ==
     27Whenever the framework received a wired Ethernet frame, it [wiki:./MACHighFramework/EthEncap encapsulates]
     29== Wired Transmissions ==