{{{#!comment [[Include(wiki:802.11/beta-note)]] }}} [[TracNav(802.11/TOC)]] = 802.11 Reference Design for WARP v3 = The Mango Communications 802.11 Reference Design is a real-time FPGA implementation of the IEEE 802.11 OFDM PHY and DCF MAC for [http://mangocomm.com/products/kits/warp-v3-kit Mango WARP v3 hardware]. The base Reference Design can interact with commercial 802.11 devices, acting as an access point (AP), client (STA) or ad-hoc node (IBSS). Researchers can modify the design to explore extensions and improvements to the standard MAC and PHY and test their extensions in networks of real 802.11 devices. Refer to the [wiki:./Architecture architecture] page of this user guide for an overview of how the PHY, MAC and other code are integrated in the Reference Design. The [wiki:./PHY PHY] and [wiki:./MAC MAC] pages provide additional details on what features are implemented in the current design. The source code and models are available for use on Mango WARP v3 hardware under the [wiki:./License Mango Reference Design License]. For any questions about the license please contact [http://mangocomm.com/contact Mango Communications]. For any technical questions about the design please post to the [//forums forums]. [[span(''Release v1.5 Now Available! , style=color:red;font-size:100%)]] [wiki:./Download Download Now] / [wiki:./Changelog Release Notes]'' {{{#!comment == Demo Video == This video shows the 802.11 Reference Design running in real-time on WARP v3's FPGA and acting as an access point that allows a standard 802.11 device (here, a smartphone) associate and browse the Internet. {{{ #!html
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