Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of CoopEnergyCons

Nov 20, 2012, 3:17:03 PM (12 years ago)



  • CoopEnergyCons

    v1 v1  
     1= Leveraging Physical Layer Cooperation For Energy Conservation =
     2''IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology'' - November 2012 (submitted)
     4Authors: Christopher Hunter, Lin Zhong, Ashutosh Sabharwal
     6''This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible.''
     8== Abstract ==
     9Physical-layer (PHY) cooperation is a technique for achieving MIMO-like performance improvements on small devices that cannot support antenna arrays. Devices in a network transmit on behalf of their neighbors to act as "virtual MIMO" antennas. Since small devices are typically battery constrained, PHY cooperation immediately leads to the following question related to the energy efficiency (bits-per-joule) of devices -- is the performance improvement worth the extra energy costs of transmitting for others? Through an in-depth hardware testbed study, we find that PHY cooperation can improve energy efficiency by as much as 320% or it can reduce energy efficiency by as much as 25% depending upon topology. With this performance gap in mind, we propose the  Distributed Energy-Conserving Cooperation (DECC) protocol. DECC tunes the amount of effort each device dedicates to providing cooperative assistance for others so that the energy spent on cooperation is commensurate with the personal benefits from it. With DECC, users can tune their level of cooperation with completely node-localized decision making. Thus, DECC allows nodes to tap into a large energy efficiency benefit when available and a bounded, preset loss when not available.
     12== Links ==
     13 * Download [raw-attachment:chunter_TransVT_2012.pdf] (1.2MB PDF)
     15== Citation ==
     18  title={Leveraging Physical Layer Cooperation For Energy Conservation},
     19  author={Hunter, C. and Zhong, L. and Sabharwal, A.},
     20  journal={submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology},
     21  year={2012},
     22  month={November},