= Installation and Setup = == Tools Installation == All design on WARP occurs in the Xilinx tool suite ([http://www.xilinx.com/ise/logic_design_prod/foundation.htm ISE], [http://www.xilinx.com/ise/embedded_design_prod/platform_studio.htm EDK] , [http://www.xilinx.com/ise/optional_prod/cspro.htm Chipscope], and [http://www.xilinx.com/ise/optional_prod/system_generator.htm System Generator]). System Generator also requires an installation of [http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab/ Matlab]. {{{ #!NewsFlash = Current WARP-compatible Versions (as of Aug 19, 2008) = ISE, EDK, Chipscope, SysGen - v10.1.02 Matlab - 2007a }}} === ISE, EDK, Chipscope === 1. Install the programs into directories without spaces (e.g. ''c:\Xilinx''). By default, the Xilinx installers will install everything to C:\Xilinx\. 1. Install any available service packs & IP updates for each program. This is critical- the latest service packs for ISE, EDK and Sysgen fix some bugs that break support for the OFDM reference design in earlier releases. === Matlab === 1. Install into directory without spaces (e.g. ''c:\Matlab\'') 1. None of our reference designs require any special MATLAB toolboxes. However, we regularly use the Communications and Signal Processing toolboxes/blocksets in our research and many of our posted examples. === System Generator === 1. Only install System Generator after installing Matlab. 1. The installer should find your existing installation of Matlab and integrate with it. == Platform Support Packages Installation == The best way to setup a local copy of our platform support files is via Subversion. 1. Install [http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/ TortoiseSVN]; an alternative SVN client will work, but the instructions below are tailored for TortoiseSVN 1. Create a folder ''c:\edk_user_Repository'' and open this folder in Windows Explorer 1. Right-click in the empty folder, and click "SVN Checkout." [[Image(GettingStarted/Images:userRepo_stage1.jpg, align=center)]] 1. Enter "http://warp.rice.edu/svn/WARP/edk_user_repository" into the field for the URL of the repository. [[Image(GettingStarted/Images:userRepo_stage2.jpg, align=center)]] 1. Click OK. This may take several minutes for all the files to transfer.[[BR]] [[BR]] == Hardware Setup == * [wiki:HardwareUsersGuides Hardware User Guides] - These user guides detail the various components and configuration options associated with the WARP hardware. == Exercises == * [wiki:Exercises/FPGABoardIntro Introduction to the WARP FPGA Board] - This exercise tests the configured boards and Xilinx tool chain * [wiki:Exercises/XPSIntro Introduction to the Xilinx Platform Studio] - This exercise further tests the Xilinx tool chain == Support == * [http://warp.rice.edu/forums WARP Forums]