
Version 2 (modified by murphpo, 15 years ago) (diff)


WARP Clock Board Configuration

The AD9510 clock buffers have serial interfaces for configuring their internal register banks. We provide a custom hardware core which implements the necessary logic to drive these interfaces. The clock_board_config core automatically configures the clock board when included in an FPGA design. This core requires a clock input which does not come from the clock board; the FPGA board's 100 MHz oscillator works well. Most of the core's other ports must be tied to the clock board connector's data pins, according to the following table. This assignment is handled automatically if you build your project using Base System Builder and the WARP FPGA Board's XBD.

Clock Board
Header Pin
cfg_radio_dat_out 13 AN25
cfg_radio_csb_out 12 AK26
cfg_radio_en_out 11 AJ25
cfg_radio_clk_out 15 AL26
cfg_logic_dat_out 19 AT27
cfg_logic_csb_out 18 AR27
cfg_logic_en_out 16 AN27
cfg_logic_clk_out 20 AM27

By default, the clock_board_config core selects the on-board oscillators as the clock sources for both AD9510 buffers. This selection can be overridden using a top-level parameter when instantiating the core. In XPS, you can right-click the clk_board_configurator core, choose Configure IP, then select MMCX or Oscillator for both clock inputs. You will need to resynthesize your hardware design after changing this parameter.