Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of HardwareUsersGuides/WARPv3/UART

Jul 28, 2012, 7:16:00 PM (12 years ago)



  • HardwareUsersGuides/WARPv3/UART

    v1 v1  
     2= WARP v3 User Guide: USB UART =
     3The WARP v3 board includes a USB UART transceiver to ease interaction with embedded processors running in the FPGA. The transceiver is the FTDI FT230X. For the full specs refer to the
     4[ FT230X datasheet].
     6User designs must implement a UART in the FPGA to interface with the FT230X. Designs built in XPS can use the xps_uartlite pcore to implement STDIN/STDOUT for MicroBlaze designs. The FT230X supports all baud rates implemented by xps_uartlite. Ensure your terminal emulator configures the virtual COM port for the same baud rate specified in the xps_uartlite instance.
     8The USB UART transceiver is connected to two FPGA pins, listed in the UCF snippet below.
     12#USB UART
     13Net fpga_0_UART_USB_TX_pin LOC = H9 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS25; #FT230X RXD pin
     14Net fpga_0_UART_USB_RX_pin LOC = J9 | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS25; #FT230X TXD pin
     17=== Using the UART on a PC ===
     19Accessing the USB UART interface from a PC requires installation of the FTDI Virtual COM Port (VCP) driver. This driver is maintained by FTDI and is available free on their [ web site]. We have successfully tested the USB UART using the FTDI drivers under Windows 7 and OS X. Any platform supported by FTDI should also work.
     21Once the drivers are installed your PC will recognize a new COM port when you connect a micro USB cable to the WARP v3 board. Refer to the [wiki:howto/usb-uart USB UART HOWTO] for instructions on managing the COM port and recommendations on terminal emulators.