The OFDM core includes a subsystem which can automatically transmit a packet in response to a received packet. This behavior is ideal for implementing MAC protocols which require responses at fast time scales (like RTS-CTS or DATA-ACK exchanges). Both the conditions for responding and contents of the response packet are programmable at run-time. The auto response hardware consists of three parts- match units, actors and the header translator. === Match Units === The auto response match units search for user-specified patterns in received headers. Each unit operates independently. === Actors === The actors are configured to trigger a transmission when a received packet meets programmed conditions, including any combination of match unit outputs. '''Important:''' user code must guarantee that the conditions applied to each actor are mutually exclusive. No more than one actor should be triggered by a single packet reception. This requirement is '''not''' enforced in hardware. Results will be unpredictable if multiple actors are triggered at once. Unused actors should be disabled. === Header Translator === The header translator is used to construct the header of an automatically transmitted packet using data from the header of the received packet which triggered the transmission. == Configuring the Auto Response System == C macros are provided in [source:/PlatformSupport/warpmac/warpphy.h warphphy.h] to help configure the match units, actors and header translator. '''Match unit configuration:''' * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_MATCH_CONFIG(''addr'', ''len'', ''val''): Configure the match unit to check whether ''len'' header bytes starting at ''addr'' match value ''val'' '''Actor configuration:''' [[BR]] Each actor is configured with a single register write; each actor is accessed with its own macro ({{{mimo_ofdmTxRx_setActionN(''config'')}}}), where N is in [0,5] and ''config'' is the value returned by one of these actor configuration macros: * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_TXACTION_CONFIG(''pktBuf'', ''options'', ''delay'', ''conditions''): Configure the actor to automatically transmit: * ''pktBuf'': index (in ![1,31]) of the packet buffer from which to automatically transmit the packet * ''options'': enable the header translator when this actor triggers a transmission 'PHY_AUTORESPONSE_ACT_TRANS_HDR: use the translator; 0: disable the translator) * ''delay'': number of 0.25µs increments to delay the automatic transmission. The time starts when the final byte of the incoming packet is decoded, even if the actor doesn't depend on the payload error status * ''conditions'': bitwise OR'd combination of actor condition flags; every condition must be met by a given reception to trigger the actor. * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_ACTION_SETFLAGA_CONFIG(''conditions''): Configure the actor to set Flag A; ''conditions'' is a bitwise OR'd combination of actor condition requirements * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_ACTION_SETFLAGB_CONFIG(''conditions''): Configure the actor to set Flag B; ''conditions'' is a bitwise OR'd combination of actor condition requirements '''Actor condition requirements:''' [[BR]] The following values are used to specify the conditions for each actor. These values should be bitwise OR'd together to form the ''conditions'' field in the {{PHY_AUTORESPONSE_TXACTION_CONFIG}} macro. * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_GOODHDR: Packet currently being received is decoded without header errors * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_BADPKT: Packet currently being received has errors in payload but not header * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_GOODPKT: Packet currently being received is decoded without errors in header and payload * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_FLAGA: Flag A is set (set during previous reception) * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_FLAGB: Flag B is set (set during previous reception) * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_MATCH0: Match unit 0 conditions are met by the current packet header * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_MATCH1: Match unit 1 conditions are met by the current packet header * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_MATCH2: Match unit 2 conditions are met by the current packet header * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_MATCH3: Match unit 3 conditions are met by the current packet header * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_MATCH4: Match unit 4 conditions are met by the current packet header * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_MATCH5: Match unit 5 conditions are met by the current packet header '''Actor options:''' [[BR]] The following values are used to specify the options for each actor. These values should be bitwise OR'd together to form the ''options'' field in the {{PHY_AUTORESPONSE_TXACTION_CONFIG}} macro. * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_ACT_TRANS_HDR: Use the header translator for the auto-triggered transmission '''Header translator:''' * PHY_HEADERTRANSLATE_SET(''actionBuf'', ''txByteNum'', ''srcBuf'', ''srcByteNum''): Configure the translator to send the byte at index ''srcByteNum'' from the packet buffer ''srcBuf'' as byte number ''txByteNum'' for packets automatically transmitted from packet buffer ''actionBuf'' == Sample Code == The examples below illustrate how to use the OFDM PHY's auto response subsystem. These examples include only the auto responder configuration code. Please refer to the latest [wiki:OFDMReferenceDesign OFDM Reference Design] for a full hardware-ready MAC/PHY example which uses this code. The examples below assume each packet has a 24-byte header, using the format of {{{phyHeader}}} from [source:/PlatformSupport/WARPMAC/warpphy.h warpphy.h]. Specifically, the examples assume the header has fields: {{{ #!C unsigned short int srcAddr; //Source MAC address unsigned short int destAddr; //Destination MAC address unsigned short int relAddr; //Relay MAC address unsigned char pktType; //Packet type }}} The examples assume some values are defined elsewhere in user code. These variables are used for convenience, and are borrowed from our full MAC implementations in the [wiki:OFDMReferenceDesign OFDM Reference Design]. * {{{PKTHEADER_INDX_TYPE}}}: is the byte index of the pktType field in the header * {{{PKTHEADER_INDX_RELADDR}}}: is the byte index of the relAddr field in the header * {{{PKTHEADER_INDX_SRCADDR}}}: is the byte index of the srcAddr field in the header * {{{PKTHEADER_INDX_DSTADDR}}}: is the byte index of the dstAddr field in the header * {{{ACKPACKET}}}: and DATAPACKET are (unsigned char) values specifying packet types * {{{MY_ADDR}}}: is the (unsigned short int) value of the local node's MAC address * {{{pktBuf_tx_ACK}}}: is the index (in [1,30]) of a PHY packet buffer used for transmitting ACKs * {{{pktBuf_rx}}}: is the index (in [1,30]) of the PHY packet buffer where received packets are written === Automatic ACKs === This example configures the PHY to automatically transmit an ACK packet whenever a DATA packet is received whose destination address matches the local node's address. This is the usual behavior of protocols like Aloha and CSMA. Notice that all other MAC behaviors, like random backoffs and re-transmissions, are handled by the MAC implementation in C (not included here). {{{ #!C //Configure match unit 0 to search for packets addressed to me // Looks for 2 bytes starting at index PKTHEADER_INDX_DSTADDR with value MY_ADDR mimo_ofdmTxRx_setMatch0( PHY_AUTORESPONSE_MATCH_CONFIG(PKTHEADER_INDX_DSTADDR, 2, MY_ADDR) ); //Configure match unit 1 to search for DATA packets // Looks for 1 byte starting at index PKTHEADER_INDX_TYPE with value DATAPACKET mimo_ofdmTxRx_setMatch1( PHY_AUTORESPONSE_MATCH_CONFIG(PKTHEADER_INDX_TYPE, 1, DATAPACKET) ); //Configure the header translator to replace the outgoing destination address with the received source address PHY_HEADERTRANSLATE_SET(pktBuf_tx_ACK, (PKTHEADER_INDX_DSTADDR+0), pktBuf_rx, (PKTHEADER_INDX_SRCADDR+0)); PHY_HEADERTRANSLATE_SET(pktBuf_tx_ACK, (PKTHEADER_INDX_DSTADDR+1), pktBuf_rx, (PKTHEADER_INDX_SRCADDR+1)); //Create a template ACK packet templatePkt.header.fullRate = pktFullRate; templatePkt.header.codeRate = pktCodeRate; templatePkt.header.length = 0; templatePkt.header.srcAddr = (unsigned short)(NODEID_TO_ADDR(myID)); templatePkt.header.pktType = ACKPACKET; //Copy the template ACK to the PHY packet buffer warpmac_prepPhyForXmit(&templatePkt, pktBuf_tx_ACK); //Configure actor 0 to send ACKs using the header translator after 5µs when the PHY receives a good data packet destined to this node mimo_ofdmTxRx_setAction0( PHY_AUTORESPONSE_TXACTION_CONFIG(pktBuf_tx_ACK, PHY_AUTORESPONSE_ACT_TRANS_HDR, 20, (PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_MATCH0 | PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_MATCH1 | PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_GOODHDR | PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_GOODPKT))); //Disable the unused actors mimo_ofdmTxRx_setAction1(0); mimo_ofdmTxRx_setAction2(0); mimo_ofdmTxRx_setAction3(0); mimo_ofdmTxRx_setAction4(0); mimo_ofdmTxRx_setAction5(0); }}} === Simple Multi-hop === This example configures the PHY to automatically re-transmit received DATA packets, overwriting the source MAC address with the node's own address. {{{ #!C //Configure match unit 0 to search for packets whose relay address matches this node's address // Looks for 2 bytes starting at index PKTHEADER_INDX_RELAYADDR with value MY_ADDR mimo_ofdmTxRx_setMatch0( PHY_AUTORESPONSE_MATCH_CONFIG(PKTHEADER_INDX_RELADDR, 2, MY_ADDR) ); //Configure match unit 1 to search for DATA packets // Looks for 1 byte starting at index PKTHEADER_INDX_TYPE with value DATAPACKET mimo_ofdmTxRx_setMatch1( PHY_AUTORESPONSE_MATCH_CONFIG(PKTHEADER_INDX_TYPE, 1, DATAPACKET) ); //Configure the header translator to replace the outgoing source address with the received relay address PHY_HEADERTRANSLATE_SET(pktBuf_rx, (PKTHEADER_INDX_SRCADDR+0), pktBuf_rx, (PKTHEADER_INDX_RELADDR+0)); PHY_HEADERTRANSLATE_SET(pktBuf_rx, (PKTHEADER_INDX_SRCADDR+1), pktBuf_rx, (PKTHEADER_INDX_RELADDR+1)); //Configure actor 0 to transit the received packet using the header translator // after 5µs when the PHY receives a good data packet using this node as a relay mimo_ofdmTxRx_setAction0( PHY_AUTORESPONSE_TXACTION_CONFIG(pktBuf_rx, PHY_AUTORESPONSE_ACT_TRANS_HDR, 20, (PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_MATCH0 | PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_MATCH1 | PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_GOODHDR | PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_GOODPKT))); //Disable the unused actors mimo_ofdmTxRx_setAction1(0); mimo_ofdmTxRx_setAction2(0); mimo_ofdmTxRx_setAction3(0); mimo_ofdmTxRx_setAction4(0); mimo_ofdmTxRx_setAction5(0); }}}