The OFDM core includes a subsystem which can automatically transmit a packet in response to a received packet. This behavior is ideal for implementing MAC protocols which require responses at fast time scales (like RTS-CTS or DATA-ACK exchanges). Both the conditions for responding and contents of the response packet are programmable at run-time. The auto response hardware consists of three parts- match units, actors and the header translator. === Match Units === The auto response match units search for user-specified patterns in received headers. Each unit operates independently. === Actors === The actors are configured to trigger a transmission when a received packet meets programmed conditions, including any combination of match unit outputs. === Header Translator === The header translator is used to construct the header of an automatically transmitted packet using data from the header of the received packet which triggered the transmission. == Sample Code == C macros are provided in [src:/PlatformSupport/warpmac/warpphy.h warphphy.h] to help configure the match units, actors and header translator. Actor condition requirements: * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_GOODHDR: Packet currently being received is decoded without header errors * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_BADPKT: Packet currently being received has errors in payload but not header * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_GOODPKT: Packet currently being received is decoded without errors in header and payload * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_FLAGA : Flag A is set (set during previous reception) * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_FLAGB: Flag A is set (set during previous reception) * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_MATCH0: Match unit 0 conditions are met by the current packet header * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_MATCH1: Match unit 1 conditions are met by the current packet header * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_MATCH2: Match unit 2 conditions are met by the current packet header * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_MATCH3: Match unit 3 conditions are met by the current packet header * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_MATCH4: Match unit 4 conditions are met by the current packet header * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_REQ_MATCH5: Match unit 5 conditions are met by the current packet header Actor options: * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_ACT_TRANS_HDR: Use the header translator for the auto-triggered transmission Header translator: * PHY_HEADERTRANSLATE_SET(''actionBuf'', ''txByteNum'', ''srcBuf'', ''srcByteNum''): Configure the translator to send the byte at index ''srcByteNum'' from the packet buffer ''srcBuf'' as byte number ''txByteNum'' for packets transmitted from the packet buffer ''actionBuf'' Actor configuration: * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_TXACTION_CONFIG(''pktBuf'', ''translateHdr'', ''delay'', ''conditions''): Configure the actor to automatically transmit * ''pktBuf'': index (in ![1,31]) of the packet buffer from which to automatically transmit the packet * ''translateHdr'': enable the header translator when this actor triggers a transmission ('''1''': use the translator; '''0''': disable the translator) * ''delay'': number of 0.25µs increments to delay the automatic transmission. The time starts when the final byte of the incoming packet is decoded, even if the actor doesn't depend on the payload error status * ''conditions'': bitwise OR'd combination of actor condition flags; every condition must be met by a given reception to trigger the actor. * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_ACTION_SETFLAGA_CONFIG(''conditions''): Configure the actor to set Flag A; ''conditions'' is a bitwise OR'd combination of actor condition flags * PHY_AUTORESPONSE_ACTION_SETFLAGB_CONFIG(''conditions''): Configure the actor to set Flag B; ''conditions'' is a bitwise OR'd combination of actor condition flags