= OPB Export Tool = The OPB Export Tool is a System Generator compilation target. Once installed, this tool will enable the generation of a pcore, a self-contained peripheral core containing the HDL, netlists and data files necessary for its use in the EDK. This tool is part of the [wiki:sysgen2opb sysgen2opb] flow and must be installed before generating OPB peripherals in System Generator. == System Generator 7.1 == The OPB export tool for System Generator 7.1 is available directly from Xilinx. It is distrubted as part of an application note: [http://www.xilinx.com/bvdocs/appnotes/xapp264.pdf Xilinx XAPP264: Building OPB Slave Peripherals using System Generator]. You can read more about the tool in this app note, or download the files directly from [http://www.xilinx.com/bvdocs/appnotes/xapp264.zip Xilinx's site]. == System Generator 8.1 == Xilinx has created a similar tool for System Generator 8.1 but has not yet posted it. In the meantime, they've given us permission to distribute it. 1. Download and unzip [attachment:wiki:WARPFiles:OPB_Export_Tool_81.zip?format=raw OPB_Export_Tool_81.zip] 1. Read the Xilinx's terms of use in the enclosed README.pdf file. 1. Install the plugin by launching MATLAB, changing to the unzipped directory and running {{{ xlInstallPlugin('EDK_OPB_export_tool_sg81.zip') }}}