= Papers & Presentations = Here are some of the papers and presentations by members of the WARP community == Rice University == === Research Results === * [wiki:"MobiCom2008" Modulation Rate Adaptation in Urban and Vehicular Environments: Cross-layer Implementation and Experimental Evaluation - Camp, Knightly, 2008] * [wiki:"MobiSys2008_" Micro Power Management of Active 802.11 Interfaces - Jiayang, Zhong, 2008] * [wiki:"ACM_SIGMOBILE2008_WARP" A Flexible Platform for Clean-Slate Wireless Medium Access Protocol Design - Khattab, Camp, Hunter, Murphy, Sabharwal, Knightly, 2008] * [wiki:"Software Defined Radio Conference_2008" Flex-Sphere: An FPGA Configurable Sort-Free Sphere Detector For Multi-user MIMO Wireless Systems - Amiri, Dick, Rao, Cavallaro, 2008] * [wiki:"JSAC_CooperativeComm" Building a Cooperative Communications System - Murphy, Sabharwal, Aazhang, 2007] * [wiki:"Asilomar2007_MCMC" Architecture and Algorithm for a Stochastic Soft-output MIMO Detector - Amiri, Radosavljevic, Cavallaro, 2007] * [wiki:"Asilomar2006_DTSD" FPGA Implementation of Dynamic Threshold Sphere Detection for MIMO Systems - Amiri, Cavallaro, 2006] * [wiki:"Asilomar2006_MIMOBeamforming" A High Throughput Beamforming Architecture for MIMO Systems - Duarte, Sabharwal, Dick, Rao, 2006] === Platform Design & Development === * [wiki:"Infocom2007_WARP" Clean-slate Multi-hop Wireless Networks Using WARP - Murphy, Hunter, Camp, Khattab, Knighly, Sabharwal, 2007] * [wiki:"MSE2007_WARP" WARP, a Unified Wireless Network Testbed for Education and Research - Amiri, Sun, Murphy, Hunter, Cavallaro, Sabharwal, 2007] * [wiki:"SWRIF2007_WARP" WARP, a Modular Testbed for Configurable Wireless Network Research at Rice - Amiri, Sun, Murphy, Hunter, Cavallaro, Sabharwal, 2007] * [wiki:"Asilomar2006_WARPMAC" A Flexible Framework for Wireless Medium Access Protocols - Hunter, Camp, Murphy, Sabharwal, Dick, 2006] * [wiki:"EUSIPCO2006_DesignOfWARP" Design of WARP: a Wireless Open-Access Research Platform - Murphy, Sabharwal, Aazhang, 2006] == University of Oulu (Finland) == ([http://www.cwc.oulu.fi/home/ Center for Wireless Communications]) * [wiki:"WARP Master Thesis" University of Oulu Thesis: Implementation of Frequency Hopping Code Phase Synchronization Method for AD HOC Networks - Huovinen, Iinatti, 2008] == Polytechnic University == ([http://witestlab.poly.edu/ WiTest Lab]) * Implementation of a Cooperative MAC protocol using a Software Deļ¬ned Radio Platform - Sharma, Gelara, Singh, Korakis, Liu, Panwar, LANMAN 2008. * A Demonstration of Video over a Cooperative PHY layer Protocol - Singh, Siddiqui, Korakis, Liu, Panwar, Mobicom 2008.