= WARP Papers & Presentations = WARP is being actively used for research in many areas like power management, architectures for wireless receivers, physical layer algorithms, access protocols, routing and cognitive radios. Some of the papers, presentations and theses by researchers using WARP are listed below. If you use WARP and would like to add something to the list, please contact us at warp-project[at]rice.edu. Your contribution adds to the community's understanding and is an integral part of furthering research. ---- == Rice University ([http://cmc.rice.edu/ Center for Multimedia Communication]) == #Rice === Research Results === * [wiki:"Asilomar2008_RandomAccessCooperative" Random Access Cooperative Communication] - Hunter, Sabharwal, 2008 * [wiki:"HunterMSThesis" Random Access Cooperative Systems] - Hunter, Masters Thesis, 2008 * [wiki:"MobiCom2008" Modulation Rate Adaptation in Urban and Vehicular Environments: Cross-layer Implementation and Experimental Evaluation] - Camp, Knightly, 2008 * [wiki:"MobiSys2008_" Micro Power Management of Active 802.11 Interfaces] - Jiayang, Zhong, 2008 * [wiki:"ACM_SIGMOBILE2008_WARP" A Flexible Platform for Clean-Slate Wireless Medium Access Protocol Design] - Khattab, Camp, Hunter, Murphy, Sabharwal, Knightly, 2008 * [wiki:"Software Defined Radio Conference_2008" Flex-Sphere: An FPGA Configurable Sort-Free Sphere Detector For Multi-user MIMO Wireless Systems] - Amiri, Dick, Rao, Cavallaro, 2008 * [wiki:"BuildingCooperativeComm" Building a Cooperative Communications System] - Murphy, Sabharwal, Aazhang, 2008 * [wiki:"Asilomar2007_MCMC" Architecture and Algorithm for a Stochastic Soft-output MIMO Detector] - Amiri, Radosavljevic, Cavallaro, 2007 * [wiki:"Asilomar2006_DTSD" FPGA Implementation of Dynamic Threshold Sphere Detection for MIMO Systems] - Amiri, Cavallaro, 2006 * [wiki:"Asilomar2006_MIMOBeamforming" A High Throughput Beamforming Architecture for MIMO Systems] - Duarte, Sabharwal, Dick, Rao, 2006 === Platform Design & Development === * [wiki:"Infocom2007_WARP" Clean-slate Multi-hop Wireless Networks Using WARP] - Murphy, Hunter, Camp, Khattab, Knighly, Sabharwal, 2007 * [wiki:"MSE2007_WARP" WARP, a Unified Wireless Network Testbed for Education and Research] - Amiri, Sun, Murphy, Hunter, Cavallaro, Sabharwal, 2007 * [wiki:"SWRIF2007_WARP" WARP, a Modular Testbed for Configurable Wireless Network Research at Rice] - Amiri, Sun, Murphy, Hunter, Cavallaro, Sabharwal, 2007 * [wiki:"Asilomar2006_WARPMAC" A Flexible Framework for Wireless Medium Access Protocols] - Hunter, Camp, Murphy, Sabharwal, Dick, 2006 * [wiki:"EUSIPCO2006_DesignOfWARP" Design of WARP: a Wireless Open-Access Research Platform] - Murphy, Sabharwal, Aazhang, 2006 ---- == Polytechnic University ([http://witestlab.poly.edu/ WiTest Lab]) == #Poly * [wiki:"IEEE_COMM_MAG" Cooperative Network Implementation Using Open Source Platforms] - Korakis, Knox Erkip, Panwar, 2009 * [wiki:"CoopMAC_WARP" Implementation of a Cooperative MAC protocol using a Software Defined Radio Platform] - Sharma, Gelara, Singh, Korakis, Liu, Panwar, 2008 * [wiki:"ACM_Mobicom2008" A Demonstration of Video over a Cooperative PHY layer Protocol] - Singh, Siddiqui, Korakis, Liu, Panwar, 2008 * [wiki:"EURASIP2009_Poly" Implementation of a Cooperative MAC Protocol: Performance and challenges in a real environment] - Korakis, Tao, Singh, Liu, Panwar, 2009 ---- == University of Oulu ([http://www.cwc.oulu.fi/home/ Center for Wireless Communications]) == #Oulu * [wiki:"WARP Master Thesis" Implementation of Frequency Hopping Code Phase Synchronization Method for AD HOC Networks] - Huovinen, Masters Thesis, 2008 ---- == University of Waterloo ([http://shannon2.uwaterloo.ca/ Coding and Signal Transmission Lab]) == #Waterloo * [http://uwspace.uwaterloo.ca/bitstream/10012/4459/1/thesis_jake_final_gso.pdf Simpliļ¬ed Channel Estimation Techniques for OFDM Systems with Realistic Indoor Fading Channels] - Jake Hwang, Masters Thesis, 2009 ---- == Xilinx == #Xilinx * [http://www.sdrforum.org/pages/sdr07/Proceedings/Papers/1.1/1.1-2.pdf Generic Partially Reconfigured Processor Systems Applied to Software Defined Radio] - Stephen Neuendorffer and Chad Epifanio, SDR Forum 2007.