= Radio Board Control Library = The latest version of our C code for controlling the WARP radio board is available from the [source:"trunk/EDK/TAP_Libraries/@latest" repository]. The documentation for the library is included below. == [source:/trunk/EDK/TAP_Libraries/warpradio_max2829.c warpradio_max2829.c] == This file provides functions for controlling the WARP radio board's ADC and RF transceiver chips. ''[source:"/trunk/EDK/TAP_Libraries/warpradio_max2829.c@latest#L143" void WARPRadio_InitializeSPI(unsigned int* baseaddr)]'' [[BR]]Initializes the SPI controller. This function must be called before any radio setup functions can be used. ''baseaddr'' is the base address of the SPI controller on the SPI bus.