Changes between Version 50 and Version 51 of WARPLab/Changelog

Dec 18, 2015, 10:40:49 AM (9 years ago)



  • WARPLab/Changelog

    v50 v51  
    99 * None
     12== 7.7.0 Release: ==
     13'''Download: []'''
     15Release Details:
     16||= Hardware =||= Release =||= Date Posted =||= SVN Rev. =||= ISE Ver. =||= Arch =||=  MATLAB Ver.  =||=  RF Interface Support =||
     17||  WARP v3  ||  7.7.0  ||  18-Dec-2015  ||  [browser:ResearchApps/PHY/WARPLAB/WARPLab7?rev=4982 4982]  ||  14.4  ||  MB/AXI  ||  2011a or later  || 1-2: WARP v3 on-board interfaces [[BR]] 3-4: Requires [wiki:HardwareUsersGuides/FMC-RF-2X245 FMC-RF-2X245] ||
     19'''WARPLab 7.7.0 requires an SVN update to your [wiki:edk_user_repository edk_user_repository] before rebuilding the reference hardware project'''
     21'''WARPLab 7.7.0 requires [ '''WARP IP/UDP v1.00a'''] transport library and MEX 1.04.a.
     25Other changes:
     26 * Added SFO recovery to the [wiki:WARPLab/Examples/OFDM SISO OFDM Communication Example]
     27 * Updated AGC
     28   * Fixed issue in the IIR High Pass Filter where the handover between the two data streams was not temporally aligned
     29   * AGC defines were moved to [ baseband.h]
     30   * Added AGC commands (write only)
     31     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Interface/X245#rx_hpf_corn_freq agc_config]
     32     * agc_iir_hpf
     33     * agc_rf_gain_threshold
     34     * agc_timing
     35     * agc_dco_timing
     36 * Updated the trigger manager
     37   * Increased trigger output delay for all output triggers.  Delay maximum is now 409593.75 ns (ie. 65535 steps with a 6.25 ns step size).
     38   * Additional checking for input and output trigger IDs
     39   * Added trigger alignment capabilities for external triggers.  All external triggers have IDELAY and ODELAY blocks that allow for fine-grain trigger alignment
     40   * Added trigger manager commands:
     41     * input_config_idelay
     42     * output_config_odelay
     43 * Added new Node commands:
     44   * node_mem_write
     45   * node_mem_read
     46 * Updated buffers core
     47   * Fixed unexpected behavior in the TX state machine on a node when the node is triggered and none of the TX buffers are enabled and then a TX buffer is enabled and the node is triggered again before the node is re-initialized (i.e. initNodes() or wl_nodeCmd('initialize') is run).
     48 * Added transport check for "stale" IQ reads (ie IQ data does not change between consecutive read IQ commands).  This check will make it easier to see if a node was not triggered properly.
     49 * Deprecating the 'enable' / 'disable' magic strings for some commands: 
     50   * Trigger Manager - output_config_hold_mode, input_config_debounce_mode
     51   * Interface - rx_rxhp.